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Würth Angola Project

Exploring the opportunities of Angola’s diversification.

Laura Enette, Nicole Martinez Carrillo et Marie Sebastien.

IUT Robert Schuman Illkirch, Friday 12th of March 2021.
How to manage the risks linked to Angola's  nationalization system while taking advantage of the
opportunities offered by the development of the country's infrastructures and industries for a company
specializing in tools such as Würth ?

Würth’s strengths and weaknesses on the international scene.

The Angolan market : its specificities, risks and opportunities.

Internal and external factors to build our implementation strategy.

I. Who is Würth Company?

Strengths Weaknesses
• Innovative techniques. • Variety of products.
• High-quality products. • The training is focused on
• Multi-channel
A worldwide company presentsdistribution. Germany.
• A financial rating.
in 52 countries. • Low sales in Africa, Asia and
• Cultural involvement. Oceania.
• Engaged in the training of • Absence of a production
its employees. center in Africa.
II. The situation in Angola, between opportunities for public
market and a very closed sector for private companies.

Risks and accessibility of the country.

 The agricultural sector is Services
underdeveloped and unproductive but
employed 50% of the population.
 The An
country's economic
important risksystem
of was still based on a 47,9%
communist model with nationalized companies and oneFarming GPD
unique family ruling the country until the last elections. 43,2%
The oil industry represents GPD
90% of the exports. GPD

João Lourenço, the actual president of Angola

Angolan against Isabel Dos
Santos, heir of the clan Dos Santos, accused of corruption.
II. The situation in Angola, between opportunities for public
market and a very closed sector for private companies.

Relationships with other African countries.

• Angola is increasingly involved politically.

• Tensions with the Republic of Congo.

• Member of the African Continental Free Trade Area.

II. The situation in Angola, between opportunities for public
market and a very closed sector for private companies.

Historical, cultural and economical relationships between Angola and Brazil.

• Brazil depended on the importation of enslaved human beings

coming from Angola and Congo.

• A common language and culture.

• 2003 : Brazilian companies started to set up in Angola.

II. The situation in Angola, between opportunities for public
market and a very closed sector for private companies.

Historical, cultural and economical relationships between Angola and Brazil.

• Brazil depended on the importation of enslaved human beings

coming from Angola and Congo.

• A common language and culture.

• 2003 : Brazilian companies started to set up in Angola.

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