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Artificial + Intelligence

Artificial mean non natural

Intelligence mean mind


 Crated by John McCarthy, released in 1956.

 An American computer scientist pioneer and inventor, was called the “Father of Artificial
 In his 1955 proposal for the 1956 Dartmouth Conference, the first artificial intelligence
conference, the cognitive scientist coined the term.
 The intention was to see if there was a way to create a machine that could think abstractly,
solve problems, and develop itself like a human.
 “Every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can, in principle, be
described so precisely that a machine can be made to simulate it,” he claimed.
WABOT-1, the first
humanoid robot, was
built in Japan in
AI Examples in Daily Life

 Travel & Navigation.

 Smartphone Apps.
 Social Media Feeds.
 Advertisements.
 Smart Cars.
 Music and Video Streaming.
 Smart Home.
 Smart Input.
 Artificial intelligence against Covid-19.
Introduction to Types of Artificial Intelligence

 The main aim of Artificial Intelligence aim is to enable machines to perform a

human-like function.
 Thus the primary way of classification of AI is based on how well it is able to
replicate human-like actions.
 AI can, by and large, be classified based on two types, both of which are based on
its ability to replicate the human brain. One type of classification, which is “Based
on Functionality”, classify AI on the basis of their likeness to the human mind
and their ability to think and feel like humans.
 The second way of classification is more prominent in the tech industry, which is”
Based on Capabilities” of AI vis-à-vis Human Intelligence.
Different Types of Artificial Intelligence

There are mainly two types of AI which are based on Functionality & Capabilities:
Type 1 – Based on Functionality
1.Reactive Machine

 They are the most basic and oldest type of Artificial Intelligence.
They replicate a human’s ability to react to different kinds of stimuli.
 This type of AI has no memory power, so they lack the capability to
use previously gained information/experience to obtain better results.
 Therefore, these kinds of AI don’t have the ability to train themselves
like the ones we come across nowadays.
2.Limited Theory

 This type of AI, along with the ability of Reactive Machines, have
memory capabilities so they can use past
information/experience to make better future decisions.
 Most of the common applications existing around us fall under this
 These AI applications can be trained by a large volume of training
data they store in their memory in a reference model.
3. Theory of Mind

 Theory of Mind is the next level of AI, which has very limited to no presence in our day-
to-day lives.
 These kind of AI are mostly in the “Work in Progress” stage and are usually confined to
research labs.
 These kinds of AI, once developed, will have a very deep understating of human minds
ranging from their needs, likes, emotions, thought process, etc.
 Basis their understanding of Human minds and their whims, the AI will be able to alter its
own response.
4. Self-Aware AI

 This is the final stage of AI. Its current existence is only hypothetical and can be found
only in Science fiction movies.
 These kinds of AI can understand and evoke human emotions and have emotions of their
own. These kind of AI are decades, if not centuries, away from materializing.
 It is this kind of AI which AI skeptics like Elon Musk are wary of. This is because once it
is self-aware, the AI can get into Self-Preservation mode; it might consider humanity as a
potential threat and may directly or indirectly pursue endeavor to end humanity.
Type 2 – Based on Capabilities
1. Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)

 which has a narrow range of abilities.

 Narrow AI also know as Weak AI.
 Narrow artificial intelligence (narrow AI) is a specific type of artificial intelligence in
which a learning algorithm is designed to perform a single task.
 any knowledge gained from performing that task will not automatically be applied to
other tasks.
 Narrow AI does one thing really well. Apple’s Siri, IBM’s Watson, and Google’s
AlphaGo are all examples of Narrow AI. Narrow AI is fairly common in the world today.
2. Artificial General Intelligence (ANI)

 which is on par with human capabilities.

 General AI also know as Strong AI and Deep AI.
 General AI is a theoretical form of AI that performs most intellectual tasks on par with a
 Examples from popular movies might include HAL from “2001: A Space Odyssey” or
J.A.R.V.I.S. from “Iron Man.”
 Many researchers are currently working on developing general AI.
 AI software used in everyday life include voice assistants, image recognition for face
unlock in mobile phones, and ML-based financial fraud detection.
3. Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)

 which is more capable than a human.

 Super AI, which is also still theoretical, has intellectual capacities that far outstrip those of
 Super AI is where machines become self-aware and surpass the capacity of human
intelligence and ability.
 Examples MIKO3 robot
EMO AI robot

Emo is a cool desktop AI robot pet with

characters that can self-explore the world
and react to you with 1000+ faces and
movements. Like a loyal companion, Emo
cheers you up with music, dance
movements, and online games
Advantages of AI

 It defines a more powerful and more useful computers.

 It introduces a new and improved interface for human interaction.
 It introduces a new technique to solve new problems.
 It handles the information better than humans.
 It is very helpful for the conversion of information into knowledge.
 It improves work efficiency so reduce the duration of time to accomplish a task in
comparison to humans.
Disadvantages of AI

 The implementation cost of AI is very high.

 The difficulties with software development for AI implementation are that the
development of software is slow and expensive.
 Few efficient programmers are available to develop software to implement artificial
 A robot is one of the implementations of Artificial intelligence with them replacing jobs
and lead to serve unemployment.
 Machines can easily lead to destruction if the implementation of machine put in the
wrong hands the results are hazardous for human beings.
Best Programming Languages for AI Development

 Python
 Java
 R
 Julia
 Haskell
 Prolog
Branches Of Artificial Intelligence

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