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Present Perfect
Prepared by: Keo Sith
I. Positive II. Interrogative
Form: Form:
Subject + has/ have + V3 (PP) Has/ Have + + subject + V3 (PP)?

Ex. She has boarded a plane at the Ex. Has he finished his work?
airport for two hours. Ex. Has she boarded a plane at the
Ex. He has finished his work for airport for two hours?
two days. Ex. Have you played football?
Ex. I have finished my study at
high school.
III. Negative Definition: Present Perfect may
Form: be said to be a sort of mixture of
Subject + has/ have + not + V3 (PP) present and past. It always implies
a strong connection with the
Ex. He has not finished his work. present and is chiefly used to
Ex. I have not played football. conservation, letters newspaper,
and television, radio reports.
Ex. We have not won this match.
IV. Some irregular verbs and regular verbs
V1 V2 V3
abide abided, *abode abided, *abode
arise arose risen
bear bore bore
become became become
forget forgot forgotten
begin began begun
break broke broken
build built built
burn burned, burnt burned, built
bring brought brought
V. Usages of present perfect B. Recent actions in the present perfect
5.1 The present perfect used for past often have results in present time
actions whose time is not definite Ex. Tom has had a bad car crash. (He is
probably still in hospital now.)
Ex. The lift has broken down. (We have to
A. Present perfect is used for a recent use the stairs.)
action when the time isn’t mentioned.
Ex. I have washed the car. (It looks lovely.)
Ex. I have read the instruction but I don’t
understand them. Ex. I have known her for a four nights.
(Now I still know her.)
Ex. Have you had breakfast? ---- No, I
haven’t had it yet. Ex. He hasn’t decorated his bedroom for
two weeks. (Now he still not decorates
Ex. I have met you at that restaurant. room.)
5.2. The present perfect used 5.3 Actions expressed by the
with “Just” for a recently present perfect + “yet” usually
completed action have result in the present
Ex. He has just gone out. = He Ex. He hasn’t come yet. (So we are
went out a few minutes ago. still waiting for him.)
Ex. The plane has just landed to Ex. She hasn’t had breakfast yet.
the airport. (So she not eats breakfast.)
5.4 “Lately/ recently” used with 5.5 The present perfect can be
present perfect also indicate an used for the habitual action
incomplete period of time Ex. They have always answered
Ex. There have been some my letter.
changes lately/ recently. Ex. I have never been late for
Ex. He has had a lot of bad luck work.
lately/ recently.
5.6 Time expressions include 5.7 Action finishes at the time of
“for, since, all day, night, week, speaking
all my life, all time, always, Ex. Ann (on meeting someone): I
lately, never, recently...etc.” have not seen you for ages.
Ex. I have lived in Phnom Penh (but now I see you.)
since 1999. Ex. This room hasn’t been cleaned
Ex. I have learned English for for months. (but we are cleaning
three months. now.)
Ex. It has been very cold lately. (but
it is just beginning to get warmer.)
5.8 Present Perfect is often used in newspaper
and broadcasts to introduce an action which
5.9 It describe an experience of
will then be described in the simple past tense. something
The time action is very often given in the
second sentence + It mostly used with “Have you

Ex. Thirty thousand pounds’ worth of jewelry
has been stolen from Jonathan Wild and Ex. Have you ever been to Thailand?
Company, the jewelry. The thieves broke into the Ex. I have ever spoken with foreigner?
flat above some during Sunday night and
entered the shop by cutting a hole in the ceiling. Ex. Have you ever killed a hen?
5.10 The Present Perfect used 5.11 An action happened before
with superlative degree now
Ex. It is the most interesting book Ex. When I arrived at the station,
that I have ever read before. the train has left.
Ex. This is the most expensive car Ex. I have studied my lesson before
that I have ever bought before. I go out.
Ex. After Bopha has cooked her
food, I kiss her.
Ex. My father is ill because he has
worked too much.
5.12 An action which was completed 5.13 Compare
in the past, but connecting with + Present Perfect uses with word
activities that extend to present or “today”
Ex. It has been windy today. (The
day is not over.)
Ex .Bopha has bought a new bike so
that she will have transportation to
work. + Past Simple uses with word
Ex. John has studied very hard all day “today”
so that he can go to dance with his Ex. It was windy today. (The day is
girlfriend. over.)
5.14 Present Perfect used with “since, + “Since” used is used with a point
+ “For” used with a period of time
in time and means “from that
Ex. for a week point to the time of speaking.”
Ex. for three days
Ex. She has been here since six
Ex. for ages
+ “For” used with present perfect o’clock. (and is still here.)
denotes a period of time extending into
Ex. We have been friends since our
the present
Ex. We have lived in Phnom Penh for ten schooldays.
years. (and still live there now.)
5.15 Not that there is a difference between “last” and “the last”.
a. I have been here since last week (month, year, etc.) and
b. I have been here for the last week.
“last week”, in (a), means a point in time about seven days ago.
“the last week”, in (b), means the point of seven days just completed.

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