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1.0) About Us 2.0) Our Business Concept & Model 2.1) Model Diagram 3.0) Business Opportunity 3.1) The Market Size 3.2) Commission Structure 4.0) Job Requirement 4.0) Our Product 4.1) Features & Benefits 5.0) Build your Regular Passive Income Monthly 6.0) Our Customer 7.0) Introduce Your Friend 7.1) Commission Scheme

1.0 - About Hanventure

- We are a 100% local own company form since 2001 - We specialize in Web Business Development and Internet Marketing - We awarded MSC Status since 2009
Contact Details:

Hanventure Worldwide Sdn. Bhd.

A-2-01, SME Technopreneur Centre, 2270 Jalan Usahawan 2, Cyber 6, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor. Malaysia. Skype ID : hanchat . Tel no. : (6) 03-8318 2690 Fax no. : (6) 03-8318 2691 E-mail :

2.0 - Business Concept & Model

Slogan : Build e-Shop & Profit Online Business Concept 1)We design individual e-Shop Portal to people who wish to start online business. 2)We will train and guide them on how to manage sales and prospect online. 3)We will assist to promote and market the e-Shop Portal via internet to bring more prospect and create brand awareness by using below strategy. a) B2B Concept - We will introduce our existing merchant member group to you and visit your e-Shop. a) B2C Concept - We will offer promotion and invitation to merchants customer to visit your e-Shop a) C2C Concept - We will run online campaign and ads to attract more external prospect to visit your e-Shop

2.1 - Business Concept & Model

We accept any portable products to sell online


Home Based Retailer

Freelanc e

We welcome your different background We FREE you e-Shop portal to promote your products

We dedicate to promote your product and brand via different online channels to bring in more new prospect buyers.

Social Media

Search Engine

Pay Ads

Loyalty Program




Group of New Prospect Buyers

* Terms & Conditions apply

3.0 - Business Opportunity

The business opportunity we intent to offer you as below. List of Benefits 1)Up to 50% High Sales Commission and 15% monthly recurring commission 2)Work at your peace at anywhere, anytime. 3)No special computer knowledge require. 4)Ready support and education to guide you to close sale easily. 5)No age, religion and location to join. 6)No force Sales Target to hit monthly, but incentive given for high sales hit. 7)And many

3.1 - The Market Size: Total Websites in the World

Total 232,000,000 (232 million) websites are available over internet

3.2 - The Market Size World Internet Usage

1.5 Billion

World Total 1,802,330,457

1.8 Billion

Asia Only 764,435,900

(764 Million)

3.2 Commission Structure

We are offering the High Commission + Recurring Commission (50% + 15%). Example 1
Standard package Hanwebfusion e-Branding Hanwebfusion e-Shop 1st Year Sign-up Direct Sales Comm. % US Dollar 2nd Year Onward Renewal Onward Renewal Comm. % US Dollar
*If e-agency is success to get 1 sales every month.

Monthly Fee US $ 99.00 FREE

Yearly Per Sale US$ 99x12=US$ 1,188.00 FREE Total Comm. Receive US$ 49.50x12= US$ 594.00 Total Comm. Receive US$ 14.85x12= US $ 178.20

Comm. Receive 50% US $ 49.50

Comm. Receive 15% US $ 14.85

Commission Payout Structure - Every new sales closed entitle 50% sales commission monthly up to 12 months. -> 15% renewal sales commission monthly start from 13 month onward.

3.2 Commission Structure

Example 2 - First Year Sign-up
*If e-agency is achieved 10 sales per month. You will get

Month Jan Feb Mar

Target Sales 10 10 10

Total Comm. Receive US$ 49.5x12=US$ 495.00 US$ 990.00

Dec Total

10 120

US$ 5,940.00

3.2 Commission Structure

Example 3 - Second Year Onward Renewal
*If e-agency is achieved 10 renewal sales every month. You will get

Terms & Conditions * minimum 2 sales per month to enjoy 2nd year renewal commission

Job Requirement
You are require fulfill below requirements in order to join us. 1)Personal Facebook/ Twitter/ Blog/ Skype Accounts 2)Commit take part on our Online Workshop Training 3)Fill-in daily prospect list to our CRM system at 4)To understand our HanWebFusion product and business model 5) To introduce our Hanwebfusion to your friends and promote through online.

HanWebFusion: Benefits & Advantages

24 X 7 Non-Stop Online Biz Xperience

Easy to Start & Update at Anytime, Anywhere

Maximize the Efficiency & Effectiveness of Your Print Advertisement

Customer Tracking & Better Marketing Promotion

HanWebFusion: Benefits & Advantages

Total Solutions, Ready-to-use in just 24 Hours.

Worldwide Market

Variety of Products Displayed

Reduce Cost Operation, Human Resources and Time

HanWebFusion e-Shop Package

FREE Package include:
Personal e-Shop Portal Unlimited Product Storage Space 24 x 7 e-Shop e-mail account Corporate Email Accounts (e.g: Standard e-Shop Template Design

E-Shop Branding Package include:

B2B (Merchant Referral Programme) B2C (Merchants Cusomter Referral Programme) C2C (Loyalty Programme Campaign) e-Marketing Tools Promotion
- Search Engine Optimization - Social Media Connection (facebook, friendster, twitter) - Blog - Pay ads th Only!*

on t US$99/m

Terms & Conditions: exclude e-Shop Domain Registration US$9.95 per year, min. 12-month sign-up

Additional Benefits Online Advertising & Promotion

A&PB et S udg pend Chart for US /m $99 onth
PayS earch Ads , 8 % Others 9 % e-New letter s 8% B e-S 2B toreCros Ads s 15% Cus tom Loya er lty R ardProg ew ram 1 2%

S &K ords EO eyw 1 5% B B&B C 2 2 R eferral Prog ram 1 2% S ocial MediaAds 1 1% B BAffiliateProg 2 ram 1 0%

*We will spend US$99 to A&P. What else ?

Success Only Reserve for Full Confidence People

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