Commentary Artists Make A Difference: Task-4

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Commentary ART HAS THE

Artists Make a Difference THE WORLD
Final Works


“Uniformity in vision ”
“The Puzzled World”


“Detriment of Culture”
Peer Evaluation

Person 1: Person 2:

My second peer has helped me to evaluate the agendas of each artwork. He really liked my
My peer was thoroughly able to understand the message clearly through all the artworks as she
artworks and he has clearly mentioned that, “Through your artworks you can bring about a
mentions that, “All the artworks that you have created clearly convey the message of war,
change and I really appreciate your effort for your artworks as they seem very neat and
racism and impacts of war. Through your artworks I was able to derive that we should stop war
finished.” My peer could make out from my work “Resilience” that I am trying to convey the
and we should end all the inequalities in the society and inclusion of everyone is very
message of the impacts of the Pulwama attack on the children’s education. He also could
important.” This line clearly states that the audience is pacified about the message and they can
make out from the “uniformity in vision” work that I trying to convey the issue of racism and
derive the importance for bringing about a change in the world in order to live peacefully and
that everyone can see that same activities whether that person be of any race. Through my
more harmoniously. Overall, my peer liked my artworks and she thought that my art can
work and the names of my work, my peer was able to identify the message and the importance
impact the world and aim towards fairness and development.
to bring a change in the world.
I was
influenced by
Banksy and
Pablo Picasso
both as their
and “Bomb
Hugger” are
“Condolence” based on war.
“Resilience” “The Puzzled World”
“Uniformity in vision ” In my opinion, this artwork was one of This work is
For this artwork I have been the most challenging as the joining of This artwork has been influenced by “Detriment of culture” more inclined
This work is deeply influenced by
influenced by Pablo Picasso’s two slabs and making of the expression Pablo Picasso’s ”Guernica” which was towards “Guernica” as I have used some
Banksy as he works around with the
“Guernica”. This was done by took a lot of critical thinking and time. chosen to be studied. I have used the elements of it and the style of Pablo
social issues which impacts the
picking up the elements from his This work relates with both the artists elements of Guernica in my work to Picasso to make a visual connection
world in a negative manner like the
painting and using them in my chosen in task-1: Banksy and Pablo make a visual connection. I have added between the both. This can make the
“bomb Hugger”. This was done as I
work to make a visual connection Picasso. The artworks chosen- the elements above the eyebrow which people realize their civic responsibility
conveyed the message of racism
and hence, depict the deprivation “Guernica” and “The bomb Hugger”, shows the war all around and because as they will be able to understand the
through this work as the issues
of education through war. This both portray war and the hardships of that the people are puzzled in their effect on culture because of war. This is
around the world are the same to be
can impact the world as as the because of it. This has been used as I lives with a burst of emotions. This can conveyed as the kathakali dancer which
seen by everyone whether it be of
audience can derive from this that have tried to show the hardships to a make the society aware about the is an emblem for the Indian culture
any color. This can change the
because of war between India and soldier because of war and the pain to world and can make them emotionally representing the culture of Kerala has
perspective of the society and can
Pakistan many children are the humanity. This can impact the world respond to it which can bring a change been trapped between war and has war
give a rise to a fairer community in
deprived of education which is as they will be able to understand the and influence the society in a positive all around. This can make the people
symbolized through the sue of pain of humanity from this and way. understand the consequences of war on
I believe that this work could create
books as a medium. somehow the thought of war can be I could have made the lines darker of the various aspects of the community.
more impact if I would have added
I believe that this work could be eliminated. the elements above the eyebrow to In this work I think that I could have
some source of light in it which
better by adding some more I think that I could have shown the highlight more and to stand out. added more light shades for the war
would make it more attractive. This
elements to it in the empty blood dripping all over to create more However, the work still conveys the scenes on the acrylic sheets. This could
would further make the viewers
spaces. This would further make impact on the viewers and so that they message to the viewers of the puzzled add more contrast to my work and could
more involved with the message of
the viewers relate to it and to can give their condolence to the people minds of the people because of war all have created more impact on the
the work. But, I think that it is
sympathize for the children. who have suffered in war. But, this all around. This would make a difference audience However, the work still
impactful as it is and it shows the
However, I think that this work is together makes a difference to end war in the world as the people will highlights the consequences because of
expression of the society which can
powerful and meaningful to bring and to live with peace, harmony and empathize with it and will discontinue war on culture.
make the people realize to bring a
about a change in the world. brotherhood in the society. with fighting and war.
Challenges, solutions and improvements
Challenge 1: Challenge 2: Challenge 3: Challenge 4:

In the journey of making the 5 artworks

there were numerous challenges which I
faced and in making this work I faced
difficulties with the shading of the face of While making this wok I didn’t want any
the girl. The medium used was inks and gel With the painting of this artwork I faces unwanted lines to show so that it looks
pen and the pages of the books soaked the The initial idea for the installation was to use difficulty in painting the component of the finished and neat. But, as I wrapped the
stencils for making the eyes but when I made acrylic sheets of the work as the surface of it is plate in a tracing paper for making it safe
colors very quickly and the color dried very
fast and hence, it was tough to merge the eyes with the use if stencil the color very smooth and hence, I used acrylic paints from foreign objects causing scratches,
certain areas and specially the area near the merged because of the smooth surface of the which were not making the sheet opaque and the tracing paper left some impressions of
nose which was supposed to be dark and glass. This changed the idea of using stencils the paint got translucent. I had to apply 2-3 it which caused the background of the
because of the color drying up fast the color and I added a digital element instead. layers for making it opaque. This made the work not look neat which I could see in
did not merge and the nose and the shading Solution 2: color uneven and patched at some places the proof print.
was too dark. For making the artwork successful I used which did not give a good look. Solution 4:
digital medium for making the eyes. I edited Solution 3: For making the work look finished and
Solution 1:
The solution to it was to remake the the primary sources of eyes and I edited To overcome this problem I decided to let the neat I applied stopout which fills all the
elements on the particular book on another them. Further, I took a print for the same on texture of the color remain the same for the scratches in the plate. I applied stopout
an OHP sheet which I used to place in the background of the canvas to have an effect of before taking the proof print as well
page but it would take a lot of time so I
used white poster paint to make lines near glasses. I then filled the glass with colored it. Also, to overcome the problem of the where there were unwanted lines and then
the eye to settle down the shade and to add water and hence I was able to accomplish he uneven surface of the paint I decided to place I applied stopout for the final print as
a sense of contrast and this was suggested idea behind the artwork. This also connected the acrylics sheets with flipping it so that the well and hence, the scratches were filled
with the artist’s work as Banksy mainly uses backside which is smooth is seen. This and in the final print the scratches did not
to me by my art teacher. I also made sure
that I applied the inks quickly to make it social issues in his work and so I have also enriched the quality of my work and also gave show which made it finished and more
merge and settle down. used portraying racism. a smooth look to my work. neat.
Connection with GC and SOI
Through all the 5 artworks I have articulated the global context of “Fairness and Development” This is achieved by
picking the common consequences of the humanity and aiming to bring about a change in the society by reflecting
the problems in the artworks and making the people understand the negative impacts of them on the society and the
importance of resolving them to resolve conflicts and maintain peace and harmony amongst the communities. I
have picked up the issue of racism for promoting fairness in the world which is the idea of my work “Uniformity in
Vision”. The importance of fairness is also conveyed by the artwork “Condolence” as the work aims for the fair
treatment with the people of all the communities and the hardships to the people around the world because of war how
they are feared of everything. I have conveyed the idea of development through my work “Resilience” as I have made
the people realize the rights of the children which has been deprived because of war near the Indo-Pak border
because of the recent Pulwama attack and because of that security and freedom is important for the development of
“Resilience” the nation. I have intended to make the people realize that development is very important for the betterment of the
people and the cultural resources through my work “Detriment of Culture”. Also, through my work “The Puzzled
World” I wanted to make the audience realize the importance for the development of the mentality and the relations
“Uniformity in vision ”

between the communities for everyone to have access to equal opportunities and for the inclusion of all the people
in the society.
The Statement of Inquiry which is “Art has the power to change the world” accurately fits in my works as my art has
created the power which can change the world. This is because my work highlights the issues and the consequences
of the humanity which has negatively impacted the society and it makes the people realize their mistakes and how
they can stop this for a better future. The impact to change the world is created through my works as I have visually “Detriment of culture”
aided the understanding of the audience by clearly conveying the message of the hardships to the people around the
world because of the many issues going on like the Pulwama attack, racism, impact of war on culture, the fear of a
soldier and the people getting puzzled because of war all around. “Resilience” aims to make the people understand
the deprivation of the child rights of education near the indo-pak border because of the Pulwama attack and
because of that the development of those children has stopped and we all need to maintain peace and harmony
between all of us and hence, stop war. Through my work “uniformity in vision” I wanted to make the people realize
that it does not matter that if a person is of any color or race, he or she will still see all the activities which are
happening all around the world and will register them uniformly like everyone in their minds. My work has also made
an impact on the people of the society to preserve culture as because of war the culture is diminishing in some way
or the other and saving it is really important as conveyed in my work “Detriment of culture”. ”The puzzled world”,
my work makes the people sympathize with themselves that because of war how has the lives been so puzzled and
because of that there has been a lot of negative impacts in the thought process of the people. Additionally my work,
“Condolence” makes the people realize the fear of war on everyone and specially a soldier and hence, conveying the
importance of stopping war as soon as possible. This is how my art has the power to change the world. “Condolence”
“The puzzled World”
Development as an artist
In the journey of making these 5 artworks I have developed as an artist a lot in terms of skills and
knowledge. Faxing a lot of ups an downs in the making of the 5 artworks has made me think critically
about every situation as well as reasonably taking out conclusions which can help overcome all the
problems. To explore various mediums and to portray the issues thoroughly, I made 5 artworks instead of 3.
I considered a wide range of mediums like 3-D (sculpture), glasses for installation, books for installation,
printmaking (etching) and canvas with acrylic sheets. Instead of limiting myself to canvas or sketching I
stepped out of my comfort zone and I used various materials for making all the artworks. I was never very
confident to make human faces in any form whether 2D or 3D but I explored to make human faces with
learning to divide proportions and then make it which made it much easier to understand and learn. I was
always too afraid of making a sculpture as I always thought that I will end up spoiling it but this time I
enjoyed making the sculpture and I learnt various techniques for creating a relief artwork and to use the
various clay modelling tools which helps in shading and detailing of the work. Now I have become more
confident for creating the artworks and to explore the various materials and mediums which can be used to
create art and as a whole it helped me to grow not only as an artist but as an IB learner as well.

Likewise, in task-1 as I studied about the artists and their works- Pablo Picasso’s Guernica and Banksy’s
bomb hugger, I was able to record the idea and the style of both the artists pertaining war and more of
simplistic style for making the figures it gave me a direction for working on particular issues and to
incorporate the style in my works as well. The ideas influenced me to incorporate the issue of war and the
social issues like racism into my work which expressed my thoughts and aimed towards the fairness and
development of the world. Additionally I think that the conservative thoughts of the people are still
impacting the present and because of that there is exclusion of the various communities and there is rise to
issues like racism. Also, because if the ideological differences and the political beliefs there are wars here
and there which impacts the society a lot and everyone ignores them and continue with destroying the
peace and harmony of the world. By highlighting these issues I think that I became more principled to
understand the consequences of the humanity and to work against the odds with a strong sense of fairness.
Lastly, by exploring the various formal qualities like space, color and proportion in my work I have
enhanced the quality of my works. For instance, in “Detriment of culture” I have utilized the whole canvas
and the acrylic sheets for making the elements using space, the placing of the acrylic sheets make the face
of the kathakali artist to stand out as well which creates a sense of proportion and lastly the color contrast
created of bright to dull, gloomy and monochromatic shades. Through this I developed with as an artist by
adapting the knowledge about art and also adapting it in my works to showcase my expression.
Impact and Knowledge

Impact on the World:

I believe that through using the issues of the negative impact of war and racism I have
impacted the world by creating a sense of civic responsibility amongst the audience by
imagining a hopeful future. Through my work “Detriment of Culture” I have given a
symbolism to the Kathakali artist in sense of representing culture that how war creates a
negative impact on the culture and it forces the culture to deplete. Similarly, my work
“uniformity in vision” carries a symbolism of the various colors used in the water for
representing the different races of the people and the communities worldwide who view at
the activities all around the world like all other men and women, still there is discrimination
on the basis of race which gives rise to racism. Moreover, the communities living around
the world don’t share a bond of humanity and hence everyone does not have access to equal
opportunities which gives rise to injustice with negatively impacting the public sphere.
Through my works the audience will be able to realize the rights and responsibilities of
themselves which will lead to inequality and difference getting eliminated from the society
and the inclusion of every member with authority, security and freedom to live according to
their own caste, religion, race and gender.

Future Use of Knowledge:

The skills and the techniques which I have developed in the final unit of MYP 5, I will use them in future to create artworks and create a sense of
community. I wish to learn more about the social issues and the impacts on the society so that I can incorporate them in my future works for
bringing a change and to make the people realize that art ahs the power to change the world. Further, I will use the proportion technique for making
the human face to keep drawing and creating artworks in association with human faces and the figure.
An important aspect to this final portfolio was that I stepped out of my comfort zone and I explored various materials to make the artworks such as
books, acrylic sheets, glasses, clay and etching and now I have become comfortable with using these materials and making artworks with them. This
will help me in my future artworks as well and this will give me the courage to jump out of my comfort zone every time and explore new and unique
I will also use the concept of fairness and development in my work as according to me this global context has given an in-dept knowledge to me
about the current affairs as well as it has given more meaning to my work and making it more relevant to the current scenario of the world.
Additionally, I have developed a sense of adding contrast and symbolism to my work with the use of various colors and shades which was not
something that I applied in my previous works but as I have grown as an artist now I think that using different shades and textures enhances the
quality of my work and hence , I wish to continue exploring different color schemes and combinations in my future artworks.

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