CAE Reading Parts 1&2: Examenes Internacionales 2022

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CAE Reading

Parts 1&2
Examenes Internacionales
CAE Reading Part 1 &2
 As you can see the main goal of CAE Reading Part 1 is to draw on lexico-grammatical
knowledge and understanding of the text. In order to reach that goal you need to gain
knowledge on Vocabulary, e.g. idioms, collocations, fixed phrases, complementation, phrasal
verbs, and semantic precision.
 Concerning CAE Reading Part 2, the main goal is to draw on knowledge of the structure
of the language and understanding of the text so for that you need awareness and control of
grammar with some focus on vocabulary.
 When studying vocabulary in preparation for the paper, you should pay attention to
collocations, the different shades of meaning within sets of similar words, and
complementation (e.g. whether words are followed by a certain preposition, or by a gerund or
an infinitive, etc.). Consider all the options carefully before deciding on an answer. Some of
the options may be very tempting, but only one will be semantically and grammatically
correct in that particular context.
 Work on your grammatical accuracy, especially those which focus on verb forms and the use
of auxiliary and modal verbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, modifiers and
Group work read and look for idioms, collocations, fixed phrases, complementation.

 Use the vocabulary you have found in a brief
summary to share with the class.
Group Work
 Gather in groups and brainstorm vocabulary
(verbs, nouns, adjectives, fixed phrases, idioms,
collocations) related to:
 Money and Finance
 Write a semantic map organizing the information.
 5 minutes
 Be ready to share with the class.
1. C 2. A 3. D 4.
B 5. A

6. C 7. B 8. D 9.
B 10. D

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