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Department of Electronics and Communication

राष्ट्रीय प्रोद्योगिकी संस्थान दर्गा

ु परु
National Institute of Technology Durgapur
Mahatma Gandhi Avenue, Durgapur-713209
West Bengal

Project on:

‘ S i m u l a ti o n o f v a r i o u s E l e c t r o n i c s C i r c u i t s i n
M u l ti s i m S o ft w a r ’

Submitted by Under Supervision of

Sourav Mahato, Roll Number: 16EC8076 Dr. Rowdra Ghatak
Divi Venkata Jagadeesh, Roll Number: 16EC8059 Professor,
Electronics and Communication Engineering Department,
National Institute of Technology Durgapur

• Abstract • Advantages and
• Introduction Disadvantages
• Features of Multisim • Future Scope
• Circuits designed for • Conclusion
analysis • References
• Approach for Analysis
• Thank You
• Few Results and
• For every new circuits, its necessary to observe, analyze
and verify its response to various inputs given to the
• Its very costly if every time a circuit is developed in
hardware for testing. Multisim Software provides an
opportunity for simulation with an interactive schematic
environment to instantly visualize and analyze electronic
circuit behavior and save development costs.

What is Multisim ?
• A virtual circuit simulator for both analog and digital

• Allows you to test circuits without having to physically

build them.
Multisim Interface
Placing Components
Placing Components onto the Workspace
• Filter the components you want to see by using the Group dropdown, selecting a
Family, and searching for the Component name
• Select your component, click OK, and click on the workspace to place it
Various features available under Analyses and Simulation
• To simulate the circuit, go to Simulate  Run, Hit F5,
or click the Play button
Circuits designed for Simulation
Simple Circuits Chaotic Oscillator( Chua’s
• Half Wave Rectifier Circuit)
• BJT Collector Characteristics
• MOSFET Drain characteristics
Communication circuits RF Mixers
• Amplitude Modulation • Single Balanced Mixer
• Frequency Modulation • Double Balanced Mixer
• ASK  Ring Modulator
• PSK Gilbert Cell
Approach for Analysis
• Go through the theory of the circuit.
• Draw the circuit in Multisim.
• Select the proper simulation option to obtain the output
result of the circuit.
• Save the output figure obtained after simulation.
• Compare the simulated results to those with the
theoretical results.
Some Results
obtained after Amplitude Modulation

MOSFET Drain characteristics

Some Results obtained after simulation
Chaotic Oscillator output

RF Mixer Output (Single balanced)

Advantages & Disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages
• Study the behaviour of a • Sometimes, a circuit is better
circuit without building it. understood in a physical
• Results are accurate in model.
general. • Simulation may not consider
• Easy to perform “What-if” the real parameters present
analysis. in nature that may not be in
ideal situations.
• Save Development cost.
Future Scope
• This platform of Multisim is very suitable for any
future work of circuit designing and analysis. We can
design any new circuits in Multisim for analysing its
behaviour in practical without making it in real
Multisim Software provided us the wonderful opportunity
and schematic environment to instantly simulate, visualize
and analyse various kinds of electronic circuits behaviour
for their better understanding.
• http://
• https://

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