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Meteorology &
Oceanography 2
Meteorology & Oceanography 2
• Prelim-Topics {Week01-Week05}
• Week 1:TOPIC 1 :Weather Maps Overview;
• Week 2:Topic 2: Weather Maps Use and Interpretation;
• Week 3:Topic 3 :Synoptic and Prognostic Charts and
Forecasts from any source;
•  Week 4:Topic 4:The Range of
• Information Available;
• Week 5:Topic 1 Types of Lows.
• Week06-Prelim examinations.
Week 3:Topic 3 :Synoptic and Prognostic
Charts and Forecasts from any source;
• LO1.3: Evaluate the use of synoptic and prognostic
charts and forecasts from any source.
• What is a synoptic chart?in meteorology, any chart or
map on which data and analyses are presented that
describe the state of the atmosphere over a large area
at a given moment in time.
• What is s surface prognostic chart?—are historical
surface prognostic (forecast) charts created by the
United States Weather Bureau. They include fronts,
isobars, cloud and precipitation areas.
• How are prognostic charts different from
synoptic weather maps?
• Surface weather prognostic charts for mariners
indicate the positions of a high and low
pressure areas, as well as frontal zones, up to
5-days into the future. Surface wind direction
and speed is also forecast on type of chart.
Wave prognostic charts show the expected sea
state at some future time.
Week 3:Topic 3 :Synoptic and Prognostic
Charts and Forecasts from any source
• LO1.4: Discuss the information given in shipping forecasts received
from internet, email and other sources.
• Shipping Forecast is a weather forecast covering the sea around
the UK and Ireland. It has been broadcast 4 times a day on BBC
radio since 1920s.
• Email services-Buoy Weather- Many of the Buoyeweather
forecasts formats can be set up for automatic email…who do not
have a direct connection to internet, but do have an email system;
• On the World Wide Web: The Metoffice web site contains the
shipping forecasts,satellite images and other information generally
available in the radio or newspaper. However this site does not
contain any proper weather charts.
• Work at sea is always weather-dependent. Even motor vessels as limited I
n their activities by wind speed and direction and these are the most
important parameters. It is therefore essential to be in possession of up-
to-date information on the weather for planning and carrying out work
at sea .Some Sources of Information are listed below.
• 1- BBC Radio 4, and other Radio Services- e.g. RTE 1, around
Ireland;North German Radio-North and Sea Baltic;
• 2-H.M. Coastguard broadcasts forecasts,VFH,MF,HF radio from away from
land, with special fax-weather frequencies-like Bracknell,Northwood,
• 3- NAVTEX systems (518KHZ);
• 4- Telephone Services.—Metoffice, UK , “ Weather Services” in the Yellow

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