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Goal Management

Copyright © 2012 NTT DATA, Inc.

What is Goal Management?

• Goal Management (GM) facilitates and automates

the process of creating, cascading, publishing,
monitoring and measuring performance against goals
• GM is like an online worksheet that records and
tracks business goals in one central place without
requiring a review form

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Goal Management Navigation

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Goal Plan Header

• Goal Plan Header: The header area displays general goal plan information. On the left is the title of the
Goal Plan and the name of the owner of the Goal Plan. In the example above, the title is 2011
Objectives, and the owner is Marcus Hoff. When you go to another person's Goal Plan, the title and
name on display will change accordingly.

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• Activity Buttons: The buttons in this area allow you to work with goals on your Goal Plan. Your view
might not include all the buttons shown in the example above, but generally, you'll see Cascade
Selected, Delete Selected, Create a New Goal, Copy from My Other Goal

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Hierarchy View

• Hierarchy View: This area displays your team relationships. Generally, the name of the owner of the Goal Plan is shown next to the
green arrow. If you're viewing your own Goal Plan, you'll see your name here. Your manager is shown above your name, and your
direct reports are listed below your name. You can view the Goal Plans for any listed person. You can drill up or down your team
hierarchy and see different Goal Plans, by clicking the magnifying glass icon next to the name of the person.

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Display Options

• Display Options: This area lists all the information fields you can choose to view on the Goal
Plan. Select the checkboxes of the fields you want to see on the page and clear the checkboxes
of the fields you want to hide. In the example above, the Metric, Weight, Status, % Complete,
Start and Due Date fields are selected, so those columns show on the page. You only have to
make your selections once, and they'll be retained until you change them again.

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• Display Options: The display options for Aligned Up and Aligned Down will display the
alignment that has been established for each goal. Has it been cascaded to direct reports,
cascaded to this plan, aligned with a peer’s goals etc. The display option for Alerts
highlights if any changes have been made to one of the linked goals.

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Goal List

• Goal List: This area displays all the goals on your Goal Plan. Depending on your Goal
Plan design, your goals might be shown in one list or they might be organized into various
goal categories. You can click on the name of the goal to view more goal details and an
audit history

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Public or Private Goal

• Public or Private Goal: This area shows the share status of a goal, either
Private or Public. Private goals are accessible to you and sometimes to
your manager. Public goals are accessible to everyone with permission
to access your Goal Plan. You can change the share status at any time.

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Action Column

• Action Column: The icons in the Action column allow you to work with a single goal at
a time. Each goal has an associated Action column. From the Action column, you
can edit, link, and move a goal.

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Goal Elements & Configuration

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Goal Categories

• The balanced scorecard approach to goal planning improves organizational

alignment planning and measurement
• Standard configuration utilizes the following goal plan categories:

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Goal Categories on Dashboard

• When you click Create a New Goal button, you are

prompted to select a goal category to assign the goal
• The goal categories should be meaningful to the
organization for reporting. The following is an example of
how goal categories can be displayed in the manager

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Key Decision Points

•Are Goal plan categories meaningful to your organization?

What is your preferred terminology? Goal or Objective?

Customer Decision:

What is your preferred goal plan name?

Customer Decision:

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Goal Fields

• Goal fields are those elements that a user will use to create
an goal
• SF recommendation includes fields that encourage users to
create SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable,
Relevant and Timed)
• SF recommendation also includes fields that enable the
system to generate meaningful dashboard reports

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Goal Fields

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Key Decision Point – Goal Plan

•Are the following goal elements meaningful to your

•Which are required to be completed?
– Goal Name
Customer Decision:
– Metric
– Weight
– Start
– Due
– Complete %
– Status
– Tasks
– Milestones

Copyright © 2012 NTT DATA, Inc. 18

Public and Private

• When a new Goal is created the default setting can be

public or private

• Private Goals are unshared Goals and are typically

permissioned to employee/manager visibility

• Private Goals remain private until the employee chooses

to make them public by sharing them
• Private Goals are marked with the word ‘Private’ in the Visibility
column on the Goal Plan

• Public Goals are shared Goals, which means that they

have less restrictive visibility for others to view
• Public Goals are marked with the word ‘Public’ in the Visibility
column on the Goal Plan

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Public and Private – Goal Plans

 Standard configuration sets the default Goal status to

Public to encourage organizational visibility into Goal
planning and enable linking Goals
 Users can optionally make Goals Private
 Standard configuration sets the permission to limit visibility
to view Private Goals to the employee and his/her
manager only
 Standard configuration limits the ability to make a Goal
Private or to make a Private Goal Public to the employee

Copyright © 2012 NTT DATA, Inc. 20

Key Decision Point – Goal Plan

 Do you want to allow users to designate goals as Public or


 Customer Decision:
 If yes, should the default visibility be set to Public?
 Customer Decision:
 Who should be able to modify the Public/Private status of a goal?
 Customer Decision:
 Should only the employee and manager be able to view Private goals?
 Customer Decision:

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Reporting Relationships Illustrated

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Reporting Relationships

• Permissions to view/act on goals are determined by reporting relationship

• Employee (E)
• Employee’s Manager (EM)
• Employee’s Manager’s Manager (EMM)
• Employee’s Manager’s Manager’s Manager (EMMM)
• All Managers directly up from the Employee (EM+)
• Employee’s Direct reports (ED)
• Employee’s Direct reports’ Direct reports (EDD)
• All subordinates who ultimately report up to the Employee (ED+)
• “Peers” = Employee’s Manager’s Direct reports (EMD)
• Everyone (*)
• Employee’s Matrix Manager (EX)
• Employee’s HR rep (EH)
• Employee’s HR rep’s Manager (EHM)
• Form Reviewer (F)

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Fundamental SuccessFactors Roles



EM Director Director
EDD Director

Employee Employee Employee Employee ED+
Employee ED+
Employee ED+
Employee ED+

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Goal Plan Permissions

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Goal Plan Field Permissions

•Within a Goal plan each field can be permissioned to a

specific role (e.g., manager only or employee only)

•The three types of permission include

– None
– Read Only
– Read & Write

Copyright © 2012 NTT DATA, Inc. 26

Goal Plan Field Permissions

 Standard configuration allows managers and employees to Read & Write to

all fields of a Goal
– Helps ensure they share ownership of the employee’s Goal plan
 Standard configuration allows all users above the manager in the hierarchy
up to Read all fields in the employee’s Goal plan
– Helps ensure visibility down the organization of Goals and Goal status
 Standard configuration allows all users in the organization to
Read all fields EXCEPT status and tasks
– Helps encourage organizational visibility while not exposing users who
may be falling behind in achieving their Goals

Copyright © 2012 NTT DATA, Inc. 27

Goal Plan Field Permissions – Goal Plan

Key Decision: For goal fields, who has Read/Write, Read Only, or NO permissions ?
Role Best Practice CUSTOMER Decision:
Everyone (*) Read Only all fields
except status and tasks
Employee (E) Read/Write

Employee’s Manager Read/Write

All Managers in line of Read Only
sight (EM+)
Employee’s Direct Read Only
reports (ED)
“Peers” = Employee’s Read Only
Manager’s Direct
reports (EMD)
Employee’s Matrix Read Only
Manager (EX)
Employee’s HR rep (EH) Read Only

Employee’s HR rep’s Read Only

Manager (EHM)
Copyright © 2012 NTT DATA, Inc. 28
Goal Action Permissions

•The Goal action buttons allow you to work on Goals in your

Goal plan
•The Goal action buttons include:
Allows you to create a new Goal and add it to the
Goal plan

Allow you to assign Goals

Allows you to remove a Goal from the Goal plan

Allows you to copy an existing goal from another goal

plan that you own

Copyright © 2012 NTT DATA, Inc. 29

Goal Activity Permissions

• Standard configuration sets the following permissions:

– Create a New Goal in the employee Goal plan is enabled for the
manager and employee only
– Helps ensure they share ownership for the employee’s Goal plan

– Delete a Goal in the employee Goal plan is enabled for the manager and
employee only
– Limits access to removing Goals from the employee’s plan

– Cascade a Goal is enabled for everyone above the employee in the

– Allows goals to be cascaded down the organization

– Copy from My Other Goal Plan is not enabled for the first performance
management cycle

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Goal Plan Action Permissions – Goal
Customer Decision: Which Roles can perform ACTIONS on employee’s goals?

Permission Best Practice Role –

Recommendation Employee, Manager, Matrix Manager,
Mgmt Hierarchy, Direct Reports, HR, HR
Employee, Manager
View Private Goals
Employee, Manager
Create Goals
Employee, Manager
Delete Goals
Employee, Manager
Move Goals
Employee, Manager
Share/Unshare Private Goals
Cascade Pull
Mgmt Hierarchy
Cascade Push
Align To
Unalign Parent
Unalign Child

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• Other considerations for configuration of your goal plan(s)?

• Are there additional goal plans to be developed?

• Special considerations for additional plans:

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