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Degree College Kokernag, Anantnag, J&K

Department of Education
PPT Cum Notes Prepared by
Dr. Arif Hussain Bhat
(B.Sc., B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A, M.Phil., Ph.D. NET & SET)

Education (Batch 2020)

Sem 4th Unit-1
Meaning of Early Childhood Care & Education
Aims & Objectives of Early Childhood Care & Education

Meaning of Early Childhood Care & Education:
Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) can be defined as the holistic development
of children including physical, cognitive, language, social and emotional development
from conception to age five.

Early Childhood
Early childhood is defined as the period of a child’s life from conception to age five
(internationally eight).

Care means something additional rather than education, such as children’s health and
nutrition and hygiene.
Different terms to describe ECCE are used by different countries, institutions and
stakeholders, such as early childhood development (ECD), early childhood education
and care (ECEC), early childhood care and development (ECCD), with early childhood
care and education (ECCE) as the UNESCO nomenclature.
Areas of Early Child development
1. Physical development
Physical development is the most recognized and observable change in the life of a child. This
development is largely dependent upon the child’s health and nutritional status.

2. Cognitive development
Cognitive development means to acquire the ability of understanding, recognizing, problem solving,
logical thinking and Cause & effect analysis and dealing with numbers.

3. Social and emotional development

Social development entails the acquisition of skills needed to play and work with peers, to communicate
with adults, and be aware of social customs within one's community.
Emotional development refers to the ability to recognize, express, and manage feelings at different
stages of life and to have empathy for the feelings of others.

4. Language development
Language development is the most universal human achievement, takes its way from the very beginning
of child life after birth. Language consists of several sub-systems that have to do with sound, meaning,
overall structure and everyday use.
Aims and Objectives of Early Childhood Care and Education:
According to Sargent Report 1944, the main objectives of education at the pre-primary stage should be to
give young children social experience rather than formal instruction:
 provide guidance / knowledge for working effectively with parents and communities for education of
pre-school children.
 to gain knowledge and develop skills and attitude required for working with young children.
 to appreciate the health and nutritional needs of young children and to be able to evaluate a diet as
regards nutritional adequacy.
To be able to identify common childhood illness, taking care of sick child and to take preventive

Secondary Education Commission (1952-53):

providing opportunities for developing proper habits of life, cleanness and healthy modes of living.
Cultivation of social habits which are necessary for a community life.
Indian Education Commission (1964-66):

o To develop in the child good health habits and to build up basic skills, necessary for
personal adjustment such as dressing, toilet habits, eating, washing, cleaning etc.
o To develop desirable social attitudes and manners and to encourage healthy group
participation, making the child sensitive to the rights and privileges of others.
o To develop emotional maturity by guiding the child to express, understand, accept and
control his feelings and emotions
o To encourage independence and creativity by providing the child with sufficient
opportunities for self expression.
o To develop in the child a good physique
General Aims and Objectives of ECCE:
 Development of good physique which includes

a) Development of motor skills

b) Development and coordination of muscles
Training in hygienic and healthy habits such as dressing, toilet habits, eating, washing, cleaning etc.
Learning to share things with others and wait for one’s turn.
Learn desirable social manners and etiquettes.
Learning to express, understand and control one’s feelings.
Stimulating the child’s curiosity about his environment and satisfying it.
Learning concepts related to numbers
Expanding knowledge for the solution of problems.
Developing concepts of right and wrong
Developing appreciation of beauty in the environment i.e. flowers, birds, butterflies, music, dance etc.
• Developing school readiness
• Creative expressions
• Developing self reliance
• Encouraging children to participate in conversational activities
• Developing healthy habits in the child and necessary skills for personal
adjustment like putting on clothes, eating on his own, observing
cleanliness etc.
• Developing good social attitudes among children so that they can
participate in games and other activities and be sensitive to the rights and
privileges of others
• To give opportunities for self expression which encourage them to be
independent and creative

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