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NSD BCS, Powerful and

Customizable system

NSD (Network System Development)

Software Editor & Business Consulting

Right solutions and services

Right time, Right price

© 2017, NSD all rights reserved 1 www.mynsd.info

NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

NSD stands for Network, Systems, Development

NSD is one of the largest global professional services firms. Our international
resources enable us to deliver a consistent level of quality from one country to
another. All of our offices and people, wherever they are located, practice
under common professional, ethical and independence standards.
Throughout the world, we use the same sophisticated and innovative
approaches and state of the art technology.

NSD is Present or Represented in a Different Countries, in each Country NSD can have a different CR number
Member of the APP (Software Protection Agency) Europe – France
All of our software, logos and names are registered and property.

© 2017, NSD all rights reserved 2 www.mynsd.info

NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

NSD Point Of Sale (POS) System

NSD systems are developed based on one of the best business practice

Empowers growing small and medium sized-business companies, to

manage major function of their business more effectively.

NSD provides to its customers, customizable, friendly use, stable and

strong systems in addition to a wide range of services, from the system
implementation (Installation) to support and expertise and business
optimization (Enhancement).

NSD POS is a solution which provides an unmatched rapid return-on-


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NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

 NSD POS system is a full Fledge applications for Multi Points of sales, Multi
Currencies, Multi Stores, Multi Users

 NSD POS is Easy to use

 NSD provides to its customers best NSD POS and services, support,
and expertise which they require to increase efficiency and profitability

© 2017, NSD all rights reserved 4 www.mynsd.info

NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

Increase accuracy of all

Reducing spent time to complete
operations’ steps (Inventory
transactions, that allows managers
variations, overstaffing….etc), also
and store owners to focus more on
helping to support marketing
revenue-generating activities.


The POS screen is designed to be

Improves customer services by
fast and easy to use. Everything,
speeding sales transactions,
from suspending sales to creating
reducing errors, and minimizing
invoices , is available in this
out-of-stock-conditions. system

© 2017, NSD all rights reserved 5 www.mynsd.info

NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

All needed hardware will be integrated to your NSD POS :

Barcode Receipt
Scales Mobile
Scanners printers Application

© 2017, NSD all rights reserved 6 www.mynsd.info

NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

Materials management Purchasing and Stock Sales & Operations

Open and Close Sessions, Sales

We Manage Vendor Data, Purchasing invoices, Sales return, Employees Sign
We Manage Materials Data:
Invoices, Purchases return, Expiry Date In and Out, members Sales and
, Define barcode & Complex barcode ,
and Alerts, Stock Info, Receiving transfer Accounts, Define Bonus and Discount
Bundle Items, Stock Unit and Purchase
from Our warehouses, , Destroy Rules, Define Pricing Rules, manage
Unit, items Classes and groups…..etc
Items…..etc Coupons, Sales reports…etc

Vendor Accounts, Stock Accounts, Cost of sales, sales Income, Cash Sales and credit Sales, Payments Vouchers,
Receipt Vouchers, Statements…etc


Back Office – NSD BCS ( Business Controlling System)

© 2017, NSD all rights reserved 7 www.mynsd.info

NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

Which Industrial (Activities) that NSD POS System Supports :

Appliance Stores Parts & Service Consumers Furniture

Electronics Stores

And More …..

Foods and Fashion And Health and

Markets Shoes body care stores

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NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

management Purchasing
• Purchasing Invoices
• Materials Name
• Barcode NSD POS • Vendors
• Purchase return
• Prices Features • Purchase age
• Groups
• Vendor payments
• Bundle items
• Etc… • Materials
• Sales Transaction
Sales • Inventory &
Purchasing Reports
• Sales • Reports • Sales Income
• Sales return • Statements
• Bonus
Inventory • Sales Age
• Members • And More…
• Stock Info
• Transfer
• Destroy
• Expiry date

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NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

NSD Point Of Sale - Main Tree

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NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

This is the main NSD POS Screen (Main Tree)

Based on your privileges, you have access to
the functionalities.

© 2017, NSD all rights reserved 11 www.mynsd.info

NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

Messages Alert System

MAS is an effective
tool to monitor and
An automatic Alert Messages will
alert about events
Appear to the privileged user to
that you define
warn an event

Expiry Transfers
Min. Stock Dates
Message Alert System

Max. Post Employees

Stock Invoices Documents

© 2017, NSD all rights reserved 12 www.mynsd.info

NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

Short & Long Name

Or select from these
What is in Materials File ? Description options
Materials Unites With Expiry Date
NSD POS Allows you to scan
Cost And Sales prices Non Stock Item
Materials Photos
MIN & MAX Stock With Serial Number
Barcode Out Of Inventory
Complex Barcode
POS Assign
Bundle Assignment
Manual Code Etc

© 2017, NSD all rights reserved 13 www.mynsd.info

NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

© 2017, NSD all rights reserved 14 www.mynsd.info

NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

Bundle Items Define Discount & Bonus Define Matrix

© 2017, NSD all rights reserved 15 www.mynsd.info

NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

One of NSD-POS allows you to generates and prints Materials Barcodes.

Design and print the Barcode

from the printing tools
included in POS System

Print Barcode with

barcode printer

© 2017, NSD all rights reserved 16 www.mynsd.info

NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

© 2017, NSD all rights reserved 17 www.mynsd.info

NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

Vendors management
Define the Vendors with their complete information's, where these details will be use in the Purchasing


• Vendor Area • Vendor Name • Vendor Account
• Vendor Sub Area • Vendor Code • Payments terms
• Vendor Group • Contact Details
• Vendor Sub Group ( Phone, Fax, )

© 2017, NSD all rights reserved 18 www.mynsd.info

NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

Define all Customers

details, with membership
Group ( debit, Credit,
etc…) , Phone, Fax,
Mobile, Account, Credit

© 2017, NSD all rights reserved 19 www.mynsd.info

NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

Define Employees
details, Code,
Password, First and
Last Name, etc….

The Employee who

Managed data in the

© 2017, NSD all rights reserved 20 www.mynsd.info

NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

POS Actions and Effects in Finance

Sales Invoices Purchasing Inventory

Cash sales Credit Purchasing. Transfer
Credit Sales Direct Purchasing Destroy.

Sales Incoming Vendor Account Store Account

Cash & Credit Sales Payments Voucher Destroy Account
Receipt Vouchers Cost of Sales Account Statement
Customers statement Stock Account Finance report
Sales return Account Purchase return Account
Sales reports Purchasing reports

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NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

Purchase invoice Purchase Return Sales invoice Sales Return

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NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

Destroy Materials Payment Voucher Receipt Voucher Stock Information's

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NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

POS Sales screen is designed for easy use,

User uses and operate based on his defined privileges (Authorization)

© 2017, NSD all rights reserved 24 www.mynsd.info

NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

Open & Close session Barcode Reading

Sales Summaries Reports Discount for Item, Invoice

Cash in & Cash Out Pending Invoices

POS Sales Screen Features
Employee In-Out with
Direct sales return

Fast customer creation Direct payment

Item Stock Info Multi payments Types

Free Of Charge (FOC)

Exchange Function
Invoice or Item Line
And More…..
© 2017, NSD all rights reserved 25 www.mynsd.info
NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

Some of NSD – POS features

Payments methods

1- You can use payment with sales invoice print directly

with default cash payment

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NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

Some of NSD – POS features

Payments methods

2- Or you can use the Payment Preferences, to apply discount, Change the
Currency, Apply FOC, Change Payment Type,….

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NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

Some of NSD – POS features

Free Of Charge

This function allows you to set free item in sales invoice or the total sales invoice,
where the system will reset the sales price to 0.00

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NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

Some of NSD – POS features

News Toolbar
This toolbar useful to update the POS Sales Screen with any offers or advertizing,
it’s customizable news toolbar .

© 2017, NSD all rights reserved 29 www.mynsd.info

NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

Sales Return

For some cases, customer may Return sold items, in this case NSD system
gives you the ability to create sales return with reference to the same sales
invoice which has been issued to that customer or without reference as option



Store Stock

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NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

Daily Sales Graph Daily Summery Cash report Sales report Summery/Cashier
Transactions Sum. Cust. Statement Memb. Statement Employee IN/OUT Close Day Report

© 2017, NSD all rights reserved 31 www.mynsd.info

NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

NSD POS - System Architecture

E Synchronization
R Remote Users
E SQL Database
OR / AND SQL Server
Local Users

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NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

• No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any
purpose without the express permission of NSD. The information contained herein may
be changed without prior notice.
• All software market by NSD and its distributors contain proprietary software components
of NSD Company.
• NSD ERP SYSTEM, NSD Inventory System, NSD Monitor Management System (MOM
System), NSD Car Management System (CMS), NSD BCS, NSDCLM, are registered
and propriety of NSD Company.
• NSD and its logo are registered and propriety of NSD.

NSD - All rights reserved - 2017 ©


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NSD BCS, Powerful and
Customizable system

Thank you for you intention and time,

For any reason related to our activities (Suggestions, Information, Investments, To become our
Business Partner....) or for any other reason, please, do not hesitate to contact us.

www.mynsd.info / info@mynsd.info


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