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Pain Abdomen

Apurva Shrestha
Patient Particulars

• Name: Indra Gharti

• Age: 25 years/ Female

• Occupation: Homemaker

• Religion: Hindu

• Marital status: Married

• Address: Palungtar

• Chief Complain: Lower abdominal pain for 2 days

History Of Presenting Illness

• Bilateral back pain radiating towards lower abdomen region

• Max pain in the right lower abdomen region

• Pain: continuous, pricking in nature, aggravated by movement and

a/w nausea, frequency, nocturia for 3-4 nights.

• No history of fever, vomiting, headache, LOA, burning micturition,

loose stool or vaginal discharge

• No history of acid reflux, water brash or abdominal distention

Past Medical history
• She was diagnosed of cystitis 1week ago for which she was given

Tab. Ciprofloxacin 500mg bd

Tab. Pantoprazole 40 mg od

• She also had 2 episodes of similar presentation of abdominal pain in the iliac
region. Last episode being 1 month back for which she was diagnosed as non-
specific abdominal pain

• She has no history of Hypertension, DM, TB or thyroid disorders.

• No history of surgical interventions

Menstrual history

• LMP: 28th Bhadra 2076

• Regular, lasting for 3-4 days

• No history of passage of clots, dysmenorrhea, intermenstrual bleed

• OBS: P3L3A0
• Drug history: No history of any drug intake

• Family history: No history of Hypertension, DM, COPD, TB

• Personal History: She is a non-smoker and doesn’t consume alcohol

• General Physical Examination:
She was moderately built, lying in bed and well oriented to time,
place and person and had an IV canula in the dorsum of her right

• Vitals:
• Pulse: 63/min, regular, normal volume
• BP: 110/ 70 mmHg in left arm
• RR: 23/min
• Temp: afebrile
• P/A:

• Inspection: Normal in shape, all quadrants moving equally with respiration,

umbilicus centrally placed and inverted. No visible scar marks, dilated veins,
pigmentation or visible peristalsis. Hernia orifices were intact.

• Palpation: No superficial rise in temperature. Tenderness present all over

the lower quadrant. Max tenderness on the right side, Positive Rovsing sign.
Rebound tenderness present. Psoas and obturator sign absent. No palpable
• Percussion: Tympanic all over the abdomen, No shifting dullness, No renal angle

• Auscultation: Bowel sound present.

• M:0

• A:0

• N:1

• T:2

• R:1

• E:0

• L:2
• Chest: B/L equal air entry, NVBS, no added sound

• CVS: S1S2M0

• Appendicitis

• Pelvic inflammatory disease

• Pyelonephritis

• Ovarian cyst

• Fibroid

• Ureteric colic
• WBC: 12800
• P:79, L:14, M:04, E:03
• Urine RME:
• Sugar: -ve
• Albumin: Nil
• Leucocyte esterase: Neg
• Nitrate: Neg
• RBC: 1-2/hpf
• Pus cell: 2/hpf
• Epithelial cells: 3-5/ hpf
• UPT: negative
• USG: B/L ovarian cyst.

• Diagnosis: B/L ovarian cyst

• Management
• IV Fluids
• Tab. Buscopan 10mg
• Referral to Patan hospital
• The availability of USG helped differentiate the cause as presence of
ovarian cyst rather than the appendicitis as the history and
examination presented.
Socio-cultural factors

• Health insurance

• Accessibility

• We should always have a broader approach to any presentation even

in presence of typical features.

• Helped revise the approach of pain abdomen.


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