Life Skill Activities: World Environmental Day

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Environmental Day
World Environmental day
Environmental Issue Awareness
 World Environment Day was established in 1972 by
the United Nations
 At the Stockholm Conference on the Human
Environment ( 5–16 June 1972)
 that had resulted from discussions on the integration of
human interactions and the environment.
 One year later, in 1973 the first WED was held with the
theme "Only One Earth"
Official name UN World Environment Day
Also called Eco Day, Environment Day, WED (world
environment day)
Type International
Significance Environmental issues awareness
Observances Environment Protection
Date 5 June
Significance Environmental issues awareness
Observances Environment Protection
 World Environment Day (WED) is celebrated annually on 5 June and is
the United Nation principal vehicle for encouraging awareness and action for
the protection of the environment.
 First held in 1973, it has been a platform for raising
awareness on environmental issues as marine pollution,
 overpopulation, global warming, sustainable development and wildlife crime
  World Environment Day is a global platform for public outreach, with
participation from over 143 countries annually.
 Each year, the program has provided a theme and forum for
businesses, non government organizations, communities, governments and
celebrities to advocate environmental causes.
Go Green Love your Environment
World Environment Day
2022, like previous
years, will be celebrated
by millions of people
across the world, both
online and through in-
person events.
Guide your neighbors how they
improve their cleanliness habits
Improvement of cleanliness
Firslty,I told them how important it is to keep the streets and surrounding
area free of garbage to have it look better and I also showed them how to
do it.
Important things that I guide to do are following.
Keeping Your Home Clean
 Add plants.
 One way to beautify their home is to plant trees or flowers around
your house to add to the landscape. They don’t need to go all-out with
an ornate display. A bed of brightly-colored flowers, or some small
bushes, can really enhance the natural beauty of their home.
 Mow your lawn.
Longer grass doesn’t look good on a lawn, so I helped out the
neighborhood by keeping them neat and trim. Use a lawnmower
regularly to keep their grass from getting too long, and trim the sides
with an edger
Maintain your sidewalks.
 In most towns, property owners are responsible for keeping the sidewalks
clean and clear. Make sure they clean up any debris so people can walk
easily in front of their home. During the winter, it is important to keep the
sidewalk in front of their home clear of snow.
Keep your storm drains clear. 
The point of storm drains is to gather run-off from rainwater to prevent
flooding and keep that water in local waterways. Make sure trash and
other debris doesn’t get caught in the drain. They don’t want those items
clogging the drain, preventing better flow, or flowing into local rivers and
Pick up litter.
 Litter, trash that people drop all around the ground, is an eyesore. Worse,
it can be harmful to children, animals, and the rest of the environment. If
they see some trash on the ground around their neighborhood, don’t
assume someone else will take care of it. Be proactive in taking care of
where their live.
Thank You

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