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Strategic Management
It is important to emphasize that culture,
value, and leadership significantly influence
the implementation of corporate strategies.

The culture of an organization is reflected in the way that

Aspects of people in the organization perform tasks, set objectives, and
administer resources to achieve them.

Behavioural Organisational values describe the core ethics or principles

which the company will abide by, no matter what. They

inspire employees' best efforts and also constrain their
actions. ... Over time, improve the organisation's ethical
character as expressed in its operations and culture.
A third element in the threesome is leadership. It is
universally recognized that the more successful organizations
are those that are well led rather than those that are only
well managed.
Corporate level managers

Strategic Business level managers

leadership Functional level managers

Operational level
Determining strategic direction

Effectively managing the organisational

resources portfolio
Task of
strategic Sustaining an effective organisational culture

leaders Emphasising ethical practices

Establishing balanced organisational controls

Kurt lewin – democratic,
The styles of
autocratic and laissez
strategic leaders
faire style.
Role of strategic
 Role of chief executive officer
 Role of senior managers
 Role of business-level executives
 Role of functional and operational
strategic leaders
Choice of future strategies
Career planning and development
Succession planning
Corporate Culture
and Strategic
Composition of
 Beliefs

 Values

 Norms
Beliefs are considered to be
assumptions about reality and are
derived and reinforced by
Values are considered to be
assumptions about ideals that are
desirable and worth striving for.

Norms are expected standards of

Impact of As a strength:
culture on • facilitates communication
corporate • decision making and control
life • create cooperation and
Founder or an influential leader
who established desired values.

Building of a
Sincere and dedicated
strong commitment.
Concern for stakeholders.
To ignore corporate culture

to create a To adapt strategy implementation to
suite corporate culture

To change the corporate culture to suit
supportive strategic requirements

To change the strategy to fit the
corporate cultures
Corporate Politics and
Understanding Politics and Use of Power

Reward Power

Coercive Power

Legitimate Power

Reference Power

Expert Power
Power and
Strategic use of
power and
 Accept the inevitability of politics being there
in the organization
Strategic use of  Understanding the power structure

power and  Lead strategy

 Be sensitive and alert to political signals
politics  Reward organizational commitment
 Use openness and honesty
Nature of Indian society

Higher level of enviousness

Pervasive enviousness

Corporate politics and power in

the Indian context
Personal values

 Personal values refers to a

conception of what an
individual or group regards as
It is the study of how personal
moral norms apply to activities and
goals of a commercial enterprise.
ethics It is concerned primarily with the
relationship of business goals and
techniques to specify human ends.
A major task of leadership is to
inculcate personal values and
impart a sense of business
Personal ethics to the organizational
values and members.
business Personal values and business
ethics ethics seek to prevent an
indiscriminate use of power
politics within organization.
Values : Principles or
standards of behavior.
Ethics : The rules of
conduct recognized in
respect to a particular
class of human actions or
a particular group,
Strategy : Strategists
take strategic
decisions on the basis
of values and ethics.
Advantage of business ethics and Values

Attraction of
investment and
human capital

Retention of
Transparency in Training and
the recruitment educational
and selection programs

values and Communication of
values and ethics
nurturing of values

Paying special
attention to
sensitive activities
Reconciling Divergent Values.

Modifying Values to Create

Corporate Social Responsibility began as a philanthropic
activity where organizations contributed to social causes. It
started gaining in importance and became an essential activity
for business. The increasing emphasis on CSR by the corporate
organizations and the recent business scandals reflect on the
urgent and essential need to pay attention to CSR. At the
global level, there are emerging trends in terms of increased
spending on CSR and search for new modes of imparting CSR
benefits by the corporate sector. More and more Indian
business organizations also are embracing the practice of CSR
under different names such as Corporate Philanthropy,
Corporate Sustainability, Social Responsibility and Corporate
Citizenship etc.
Corporate Social responsibility

Corporate Social responsibility is an organization's

obligation to benefit society in ways that transcend
the primary business objective of maximizing
• Responsibility towards owners
• Responsibility towards Investors
• Responsibility towards employees
• Responsibility towards customers
• Responsibility towards competitors
• Responsibility towards suppliers
• Responsibility towards Government
CSR Activities
The CSR activities that corporations undertake to
contribute to a social issue are most commonly in the
areas of health, community development, environment
etc. They include the following:
 Corporate cause promotion partnership
 Corporate cause related marketing partnership
 Corporate social marketing partnerships
 Corporate volunteering
 Corporate philanthropy
 Socially responsive business practices
Factors affecting CSR

 Organisation’s stage of
 Strategy
 Quality of leadership
 Profits
Social responsibility in Indian
Indian business organisations are embracing the practice of
CSR under different names such as Corporate Philanthropy,
Corporate Sustainability, Social Responsibility and Corporate
Citizenship etc. These are well reflected in the Annual Reports
and other corporate reports on their respective websites.
Reports of surveys and rankings of CSR conducted by
organisations such as Time Foundation and Karmayog etc. are
also available CSR refers to corporate activities demonstrating
the inclusion of social and environmental concerns in business
operations and in interactions with stakeholders also
according to the ambition levels of corporate sustainability
Profits Vs. Shared Values
Profits do matter. Good firms bring innovations to
the market, which in turn provide economic
growth, employment and enrich people’s lives.
Michael Porter has written about the concept of
“shared value” for companies, which involves
creating economic value in a way that also
creates value for society by addressing its needs
and challenges. Companies should take the lead
of bringing business and society back together.
Firms of Endearment
FoE are loved as they have ‘hearts’. These
companies do not fit into the norms that Wall Street
is comfortable with. They create value by aligning
stakeholders’ interests with a long-term
perspective of organic growth through endearment.
They take care of the interests of stakeholders
strategically. These firms meet the tangible and
intangible needs of the stakeholders through
affection and loyalty to the company. They adopt a
different kind of Stakeholder Relationship Model.
Conscious Capitalism
Until recently words like love, joy, authenticity,
empathy, soulfulness and other terms of
endearment did not have place in business. Today
a growing number of Firms of Endearment (FoE)
embrace such terms.
Conscious Capitation is another evolving paradigm
for business that simultaneously creates multiple
kinds of value and well being for all stakeholders:
financial, intellectual, physical, ecological, social,
cultural, emotional, ethical and even spiritual.
Gandhian model: voluntary
commitment to public
Models of welfare based on ethical
awareness of social needs.
Operating In Nehruvian model: state-
driven policies including
India state ownership and
extensive regulation and
Milton-friedman model:
corporate responsibility
primarily focused on owners
Freeman model: stakeholders
responsiveness which
recognizes direct and indirect
stakeholders interests.

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