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Unit 3 – The Green Movement

Lesson 8: Looking back and Project

Teacher: Nguyễn Thị Hà

Find out the words related to the topic The Green
dust talented will
clutter combustion
double recycle
romantic starving
urbanisation respectable
invader life style
learning pathway
waste pass
soot particle
The words related to the topic The Green Movement

disposal (N)
Depleted combustion (N)
(Adj) organic (Adj) recycle (V)
waste (N)
dust (N) emission (N)
clutter soot particle
(N) (N) pathway (N)
Unit 3 – The Green Movement
Lesson 8: Looking back and Project
Activity 1 - Vocabulary:Complete the sentences with the
correct form of the words/phrases in the box. 
disposal of
1. The focus of the seminar will be on ………………… hazardous waste.
2. Some people still think that our natural resources can never be ……………..
3. A good way of clearing ………….. from your home is to sort it into 'throw away, ‘put away',
and ‘give away' boxes.
4.  ………...... farming avoids the use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides.
5. Incomplete ………………….. often gives off toxic by-products.
Soot particles
6. …………... …………….. are so tiny that they can enter the bloodstream causing health problems.

7. Green technology has been part of the ……………….. to

pathwayeconomic progress.
Activity 2 – Pronunciation: Listen and underline
the sounds that are assimilated.

1. This is the best book on environmental issues.

2. We believe that both sides should focus more on energy-saving


3. We'll make the earth a green planet.

4. Wind power produces no greenhouse gas emissions during operation.

5. Bio-fuels are obtained from biodegradable plant material.

Activity 2 – Pronunciation
1. This is the best book on environmental issues.
2. We believe that both sides should focus more on energy-saving projects.
θ s
3. We'll make the earth a green planet.
n m
4. Wind power produces no greenhouse gas emissions during operation.
d b
5. Bio-fuels are obtained from biodegradable plant material.
t p
Simple? Compound? Or Complex?
• Example 1: Many young people take part in tree-planting events.
Simple sentence
• Example 2: Soot is called black carbon and it has a negative impact on climate change.
Compound sentence (coordinating conjunctions : and, or, for, either…or, but, so,
• Example 3: If we turn off our appliances when we do not use, we can save non-
renewable energy resources.
Complex sentence (subordinating conjunctions : when, while, because, although, if, so
• Example 4: They use corn to make bio-fuels, which may cause food shortages.
Complex sentence (which as a connector: Main clause, which + relative clause)
Activity 3 – Grammar: Combine the simple sentences into
compound sentences, using given conjunctions

1. We read food labels carefully. We want to buy only organic products.

2. The burning of fossil fuels is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions. The
burning of fossil fuels causes air pollution.

3. Shall we organize a tree-planting day? Shall we launch a recycling campaign at


4. Regular exercise is essential to longevity. It is not the only factor.

5. Noise pollution can cause stress and psychological problems. Try to spend some
peaceful, quiet time in nature.
2. The burning of fossil fuels is the largest

source of greenhouse gas emissions. The



burning of fossil fuels causes air pollution.


hi n


ờn ên 3. Shall we organize a tree-planting day?
C ư
U y
Shall we launch a recycling campaign at

! Tú
Hu Tra 4. Regular exercise is essential to
ệ n g

Ti longevity. It is not the only factor.





5. Noise pollution can cause stress and



psychological problems. Try to spend

some peaceful, quiet time in nature.
2. The burning of fossil fuels is the largest source of
greenhouse gas emissions. The burning of fossil fuels
causes air pollution.
 The burning of fossil fuels is the largest source of
greenhouse gas emissions and causes air pollution.

3. Shall we organize a tree-planting day? Shall we

launch a recycling campaign at school?
 Shall we organize a tree-planting day or launch a
recycling campaign at school?
4. Regular exercise is essential to longevity. It is not the only factor.
 Regular exercise is essential to longevity, but it is not the only

5. Noise pollution can cause stress and psychological

problems. Try to spend some peaceful, quiet time in nature.
 Noise pollution can cause stress and psychological
problems, so try to spend some peaceful, quiet time in
Activity 4 – Grammar: Combine the simple sentences into
complex sentences, using the word in bracket

1. We change our consumption habits. We can reduce our carbon footprint. (if)

2. We should use bicycles instead of cars. This will help to reduce exhaust
fumes and pollution. (because)

3. Fossil fuels are burned. They emit harmful gas into the environment at the
same time. (when)

4. Protect the environment. You live there. (where)

5. We reuse bags, old clothes and scrap paper at home. We can reduce waste.
(so that)
Activity 4 – Answer Keys
1. We change our consumption habits. We can reduce our carbon footprint. (if)
 If we change our consumption habits, we can reduce our carbon footprint.
2. We should use bicycles instead of cars. This will help to reduce exhaust fumes
and pollution. (because)
 We should use bicycles instead of cars because this will help to reduce exhaust
fumes and pollution.
3. Fossil fuels are burned. They emit harmful gas into the environment at the
same time. (when)
 When fossil fuels are burned, they emit harmful gas into the environment at
the same time.
4. Protect the environment. You live there. (where)
 Protect the environment where you live.
5. We reuse bags, old clothes and scrap paper at home. We can reduce waste. (so
 We reuse bags, old clothes and scrap paper at home so that we can reduce
Activity 5 – Grammar: Match the simple sentences. Then write complex sentences with “which”

1. The indoor air quality at school is better a. This has resulted in fewer asthma
now. attacks.

2. They have cleaned the mould from the b. This has brought them some financial
walls. and health benefits.

3. We keep our school environment clean c. This has had an impact on the entire
and green products. community.

4. They have started using more green d. This has helped students to improve
products. their concentration and test results.

5. School staff have shown parents different

e. This has made us very proud.
ways to go green.
Activity 5 – Grammar: Match the simple sentences. Then write complex sentences with “which”

1. The indoor air quality at school is better a. This has resulted in fewer asthma
now. attacks.

2. They have cleaned the mould from the b. This has brought them some financial
walls. and health benefits.

3. We keep our school environment clean c. This has had an impact on the entire
and green products. community.

4. They have started using more green d. This has helped students to improve
products. their concentration and test results.

5. School staff have shown parents different

e. This has made us very proud.
ways to go green.
Activity 4 – Grammar: Match the simple sentences. Then write complex sentences with “which”

1. The indoor air quality at school is better d. This has helped students to improve
now. their concentration and test results.

 The indoor air quality at school is better now , which has helped students to improve their
concentration and test results.

2. They have cleaned the mould from the a. This has resulted in fewer asthma
walls. attacks.

 They have cleaned the mould from the walls , which has resulted in fewer asthma attacks.
*** Compound sentences:
Using coordinating conjunctions : and, or, for,
either…or, but, so, neither…nor, because)


1. We read food labels carefully. We want to buy only organic products.

 We read food labels carefully because we want to buy only
organic products.


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