Telling The Time in English

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R. Yeni Dewi Cahyani, S.S., M.Pd.
In this section we will learn about telling the time in English. Time is very
important material for us, so step by step we will learn this material.
Ada dua cara untuk mengucapkan jam
dalam bahasa inggris, yaitu :
1) Say the hour first and then the minutes. (Hour + Minutes)
     Katakan jam terlebih dahulu kemudian menit. ( jam +menit)

•6:25 - It's six twenty-five

•8:05 - It's eight O-five (the O is said like the letter O)
•9:11 - It's nine eleven
•2:34 - It's two thirty-four
2) Say the minutes first and then the hour.  (Minutes + PAST / TO + Hour)
    Katakan menit terlebih dahulu kemudian jam ( Menit+ Past/TO + Jam)

For minutes 1-30 we use PAST after the minutes. (Untuk menit ke 1 s.d. ke 30

menggunakan kata PAST)
For minutes 31-59 we use TO after the minutes. (Untuk menit 31 s.d. 59 menggunakan kata

•2:35 - It's twenty-five to three

•11:20 - It's twenty past eleven
•4:18 - It's eighteen past four
•8:51 - It's nine to nine
•2:59 - It's one to three
When it is 15 minutes past the hour we normally say: (a) quarter past

•7:15 - It's (a) quarter past seven ( jam tujuh lebih seperempat)

When it is 15 minutes before the hour we normally say: a quarter to

•12:45 - It's (a) quarter to one (jam1 kurang seperempat)

When it is 30 minutes past the hour we normally say: half past

•3:30 - It's half past three (but we can also say three-thirty) / (jam setengah 4)

We use o'clock when there are NO minutes. (Ditulis o'clock apabila tidak ada menit
dibelakang jam)
•10:00 - It's ten o'clock
•5:00 - It's five o'clock
•1:00 - It's one o'clock
Sometimes it is written as 9 o'clock (the number + o'clock)


For 12:00 there are four expressions in English.

•twelve o'clock ( jam 12 )
•midday = noon (tengah hari)
•midnight (tengah malam)
Asking for the Time
Asking for the Time
The common question forms we use to ask for the time right now are:
What time is it? or What is the time?

The common question forms we use to ask at what time a specific event will
happen are:
What time...?
•What time does the flight to New York leave?
•When does the bus arrive from London?
•When does the concert begin?
Giving the Time
Giving the Time
We use It is or It's to respond to the questions that ask for the time right now.
•It is half past five (5:30).
•It's ten to twelve (11:50)

We use the structure AT + time when giving the time of a specific event.

•The bus arrives at midday (12:00).
•The flight leaves at a quarter to two (1:45).
•The concert begins at ten o'clock. (10:00)

We can also use subject pronouns in these responses.

•It arrives at midday (12:00).
•It leaves at a quarter to two (1:45).
•It begins at ten o'clock. (10:00)
AM vs. PM

AM vs. PM
We don't normally use the 24-hour clock in English.
We use a.m. (am) for the morning and p.m. (pm) for the afternoon and night.

3am = Three o'clock in the morning.

3pm = Three o'clock in the afternoon.

The most popular way to say 6 o’clock in the afternoon is….
• 18.00
• 6 pm
• Sunset
• 6 am
Another way to say 7.52 am is …..
• Eight past eight
• Eight from eight
• Eight for eight
• Eight to eight
The opposite of midday is
• Noon
• After
• Midnight
• Middle night
It is fifteen minutes after the hour. It is …. the hour.
• A quarter past
• Half past
• A quarter to
• A few minutes after
03.33 pm is the same as ……
• Thirty-three past three
• Twenty-seven before four
• Half past three plus three
• Twenty-seven to four
The time one minute after 9.59 am is ….
• ten
• Ten o’clock
• Ten in the morning
• 9.58 am
The class begin …. 11.00 am
• At
• On
• For
• In
The time 9.09 is written in words as …..
• Nine after nine
• Nine and nine
• Nine nine
• Nine o nine
Ten past five is the same as ……..
• 10.5
• 10.05
• 5.10
• 4.50
• If the bus leaves at five to four, it leaves at ….
• 5.04
• 3.55
• 4.55
• 4.05
• 2.30 is the same as …….
• Half past two
• Half to three
• Thirty to three
• Two and thirty
• When it is fifteen minutes before the hour, we normally say …
• A quarter for
• A quarter from
• A quarter to
• A quarter past
• Midday is the same as….
• Noon
• Lunch time
• Midnight
• Late morning
• 3.35 is written as ….
• Thirty-five three
• Thirty-three five
• Twenty-five a four
• Three thirty-five
• 2.45 pm is the same as …..
• A quarter two three
• A quarter too three
• A quarter to three
• A quarter for three

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