LearningOrg&Knowledge Kangkoi

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Play + Learn Child centered Learning Organization


Knowledge Management

Knowhow Synergy Pool sources Show & Share / Forum / Proceeding 6 / Exchange Experience /

1 Topic sentence Idea ... Post It Show & share

38 (s) .... Google 21 47 Managerroom.com ...

? .. Anywhere anytime anything anyone anyway is learning 3 (

( 24 ) ... ... ... .. 4 5

Motivator Party Booper Culture bluff (Respect individual) choice Decision making & Risk analysis Movie

DeFragment ... Child Centered Education ... How to think How to ask Play & Learn

() () Do what U love Money (Success) will follow ... Select Knowledge ( ) Decision matrix ... Personal consultant Die

. Goolgle / Pantip.com Timing ... No gap ..... recruit . ( ) ..... Mental model .... .... ... ... .... (tacit >Explicit) ... Innovation

0 6 5 4 7 . . 9 8 3 2 1

1 leader / alone Ambitious 2 Friends 3 Wit 4 Sports / Engineer System / Organized

0 6 5 4 7 . . 9 8 3 2 1

5 communication / Foreign 6 Scholar / Familyman /love 7 Philosophy / Religious 8 Risk taker / Businessman 9 Talent / Gift / Master 0 Power / Angels

0 3 2 1 1 6 8 7

. . 20 10 76

Emotion /Heart

0 5 4

Home: 02 2596897

( ) 01 630 1163 Ariyachon@yahoo.com




World Class Company TPM TQM Knowledge QCC 5

Management Learning organization












Share Vision Team Learning ..


Personal Mastery

Systemic Thinking Archetype Mental Model Experience

Patter ...

Mental model Systemic Thinking -> Personal mastery


Systemic Thinking

Personal mas

(Team learn (Share vision)

Share vision

(Team lear (Master) ( ) Systemic Thinkin

Systemic Thinking

Mental mode


( ) ( ) () ( ) Learning Any where by Any time doing / by mistakes / Plan Do Check Any teacher Action / Define Measure Analysisnot any subject But improvement Control Learn how to learn (Knowledge) /

Learning Organization Peter Zenge

Systemic Thinking

Personal Mastery

Understanding of Mental Model Building a Share Vision Team Learning Trust


Systemic Thinking

Learn how to think Plan Do Check Action ( ) / / Butterfly Effect De Bono DMAIC / Six Sigma Logic ( ) / Technique ( ) / Discipline ( )

Personal Mastery

Self Motivation ( ) Commitment / /

Mental Model
( Entertainment : Respect Individual ( )

) Self-

Phoebia (mental Model) TPM 30 .... 1 ....


Share Vision
(Strategic Roadmap) (KPI : Outcome / Output ) / Balanced Scorecard Change Management ( )

Team Learning
Individual learning & Portfolio Group learning & Portfolio Company learning & Portfolio Inter-organization learning / Alliance



strategy roadmap core competency change management coaching leadership coaching computer KPI portfolio


KM CC Core competency LO



Learning by doing
Mental model


White box Grey box Black box ?

Wisdom World class

Know how



Nice to know / For your information (Data) / / My belief


/ / / / / / /


/ /

/ / /

Phase I : / / ( ) / / Phase II : ( ) Phase III : Phase IV : (Knowledge) / Learner centered education Phase V : (transfer) (Implement) Phase VI:

Justified true belief:



- -

Learning Process Skill Facilitator OL & KM Action Learning 5th Discipline 5Q

- Engagement : Building Trust - Presence - Communication : , Feedback , Show & Share , Reflection - Control - Assessment : Intervention - Consistency


- , Heart of Change


CLO : Chief Learning Officer CCO : Chief Change Officer

Fail-not Fail Factor 1. Top Manager - ? - ? 2. Uncontrollable Factor

Business Goal Business Goal 1. New Method

1. New Method 2. New Innovation Sustainable Growth 2. New Innovation 3. New Strategic 3. New Strategic 4. Happy Human Capital 4. Happy

One Point Lesson ne

Port Folio Facilitator

Knowledge Sources

to dS l Mi


Knowledge Knowledge Sharing Sharing

o St ld Mi

Key Subject 1. 2. Change Management * 3. Learn how to learn



Group Learning Learning by Doing (At nL an g) cio e r in

How to think

on St ld Mi

St ild M

e on

n ar Le

w ho

n ar Le to

PDCA Motivation

Leadership Idea Recognition Fun

Explicit I plicit


1) Identify 2) Capture 3) Select 4) Store 5) Apply 6) Create 7) Sell


(1) Identify

Vision / Mission / Policy / Strategy/BSC&KPI

Competency survey & analysis SWOT analysis KM Roadmap

2) Capture

Outside Knowledge sources -- > Inside Buying -- Black box / Grey box Digging - Child centered Education Tacit transform to Explicit

3) Select 4) Store 5) Apply 6) Create 7) Sell

3) Select

4) Store 5) Apply 6) Create 7) Sell


TQM vs LO & KM
LO HRD HRD Capital
Strategic Management HRD Management Customer focus Business Results BSC & KPI LO & KM

Information Management Process & Quality Management


Why Learning Organization & Knowledge Management

Rapid change in Technology Capital Input ( )


CKO (chief knowledge officer) Global Knowledge Manager VP of Knowledge Transfer VP of Knowledge-Based transfer Intellectual Asset Management for New Business and Central Research Chief Learning Officer KM Champion Office of Best Practices Internal KM Consultant Director, Intellectual Asset Management Director , Intellectual Capital

Firms with KM Positions

Arthur Andersen HP Booz Allen & Hamilton Dow Chemical Ernst & Young GE IBM Consulting Monsanto Xerox Texas Instrument

Critical Key Knowledge to Success

Knowledge about External customer Best practices & effective processes (benchmark) Firm s competencies / capabilities Own products / services



Culture Signal Performance ( ? )

benchmark Thief of the Year / Copy & Development


/ Learner Centered Education (LCE) KUMON

Outcome Activities



HR Competency
Core competency Professional competency Technical competency
Awareness Skills Technology

Productivity Strategy

Long-Term Shareholder Value

Improve Asset Utilization Expand Revenue Opportunities

Growth Strategy

Improve Cost Structure

Enhance Customer Value

Partnership Brand Image

Price Quality Availability Functionality Selection Product / Services Attributes



Operation Mgt Processes

Customer Mgt Processes

Selection Acquisition Retention Growth

Innovation Mgt Processes

Opportunity ID R&D Portfolio Design / Development Launch

Supply Production Distribution Risk Mgt

Regulation & Social Mgt Processes

Environment Safety Health Employment Community

Human Capital


Information Capital Organization Capital Leadership Alignment Teamwork

Finance, Customer, Productivity, Knowledge

Portfolio (Organization / Department/ Individual)

Profitability & Growth

Success Picture Human Capital

RE - Imagine
Tom Peters

IT Network

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

200 TQM / Six Sigma


... . ... ...



... ...

Active Learning Passive Learning

Learn How to Learn


Auditory Kinesthetic

Learning Styles
Visual / Audio / Hand Teacher dependent ( ) Content dependent ( ) Independent ---- Group Step by step Learning by doing Literature review -- > action Context ( )

Context Field dependent (Experiment) Field independent (Read) Flexible Environment Structured Environment Independent (Stand alone) Dependent Relationship Driver Context Driver

Input Visual external Visual internal Audio External Audio Internal Kinesthetic tactile( L by Doing Kinesthetic Internal (How >What)

Response Filters Externally Referenced ( Internally Ref ( ) Matcher ( ) Mismatcher ( De Bono) Impulsive Experiment( ) AnalyticalReflective (

Process ) Contextual global ( Sequential / details Conceptual (abstract) Concrete ( )

1 a) imaginative b) investigative c) realistic d) analytical 2 a) organized b) adaptable c) critical d) inquisitive 3 a) imaginative b) investigative c) realistic d) analytical

4 a) personal b) practical c) academic d) adventurous 5 a) precise b) flexible c) systematic d) inventive 6 a) sharing b) orderly c) sensible d) independent

7 a) competitive b) perfectionist c) cooperative d) logical 8 a) intellectual b) sensitive c) hard-working d) logical 9 a) reader b) people person c) problem solver d) planner

10 a) memorize b) associate c) think-through d) originate 11 a) changer b) judger c) spontaneous d) wants directions 12 a) communicating b) discovering c) cautious d) reasoning

13 a) challenging b) practicing c) caring d) examining

14 a) completing work b) seeing possibilities c) gaining ideas d) interpreting 15 a) doing b) feeling c) thinking d) experimenting

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Concrete random Abstract sequential

c a b b a b b c

d c a c c c d a

a b d a b a c b

b d c d d d a d

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

d a d c b a a

a c b d d c c

b b c a c d b

c d a b a b d

Concrete sequential (Realistic & step by step) Abstract random (Unrealistic & experimental)

Lab School 5
Free learning: Great Ideas 1 ... 1 Family team learning : Standard learning


Human resource management (HRM) systems will begin to look more like customer relationship management (CRM) systems where we must know as much about our people (existing and future) as we do about our customers. Applications in the future will be much more personalizable. Every user will have a customized way of working with their information. There will be more of a selflearning and intuitive model than we have today.
Source: IHRIM Journal (12.2000)

The Age of the

Satisfied Customer

If there is nothing very special about your work, no matter how

hard you apply yourself, you won t get noticed, and that increasingly means you won t get paid much either.
Michael Goldhaber, Wired

2010 Demographics :

By 2010, full-time workers will be in the minority

Source: MIT study (28August2000)

New World of Work < 1 in 10 F500 #1: Manpower Inc. Freelancers/I.C.: 16M-25M Temps: 3M (incl. CEOs & lawyers) Microbusinesses: 12M-27M Total: 31M-55M
Source: Daniel Pink, Free Agent Nation .

You are the storyteller of your own life, and you can create your own legend or not.
Isabel Allende

Brand You, Big Time!


The average knowledge worker will outlive the average employing organization. This is the first time in history that s happened. So the center of gravity of higher education is shifting from the education of the young to the continuing education of adults.
Peter Drucker, Business 2.0 (08.22.00)

Knowledge becomes obsolete incredibly fast. The

continuing professional education of adults is the No. 1 industry in the next 30 years mostly on line.
Peter Drucker, Business 2.0 (22August2000)

Beware Lurking HR Types

One size NEVER fits all. One size fits one. Period.

48 Players = 48 Projects = 48 different success measures


Schools were designed by Horace Mann, E.L. Thorndike, and others to be instruments of the scientific management of a

Schools are intended to produce, through the application of formulas, formulaic human beings whose behavior can be predicted and controlled. To a very great extent, schools succeed in
mass population. doing this. But in a society that is increasingly fragmented, in which the only genuinely successful people are independent, self-reliant, and individualistic, the products of school and schooling are irrelevant. A Different Kind of Teacher, John Taylor Gatto

How many artists are there in the room? Would you please raise your hands. FIRST GRADE: En masse the children leapt from their seats, arms waving. Every child was an artist. SECOND GRADE: About half the kids raised their hands, shoulder high, no higher. The hands were still. THIRD GRADE: At best, 10 kids out of 30 would raise a hand, tentatively, selfconsciously. By the time I reached SIXTH GRADE, no more than one or two kids raised their hands, and then ever so slightly, betraying a fear of being identified by the group as a closet artist. The point is:

Every school I visited was participating in the suppression of creative genius.

Gordon MacKenzie, Orbiting the Giant Hairball: A Corporate Fool s Guide to Surviving with
. Grace

Our education system is a second-rate, factory-style organization, pumping out

obsolete information in obsolete ways. [Schools] are simply not connected to the future of the kids they re responsible for.
Alvin Toffler, Business 2.0 (09.00)

Every time I pass a jailhouse or school, I feel sorry for the people inside.
Jimmy Breslin, 07.11.2001, on summer school in NYC [ If they haven t learned in the winter,
what are they going to remember from days when they . should be swimming? ]

The best evidence that our schools are set up to school and not be usefully educationally lies in the look

Rooms with no clocks, no telephones, no fax machines, no stamps, no envelopes, no maps, no directories, no private space in which to think, no conference tables on which to confer. Rooms in which there isn t any real way to
of the rooms where we confine kids. contact the outside world where life is going on.
. A Different Kind of Teacher,John Taylor Gatto

It is an inescapable reality that students learn at different rates in different ways. That creates the need for a schedule of sensitivity that only teachers close to the particular student can devise not some theory-driven, centraloffice, computer-managed schedule.
Ted Sizer

But Are They Being Taught to

From MIT & JHU:


Students who receive honor grades in collegelevel physics are frequently unable to solve basic problems encountered in a form slightly different from the one in which they have been formally instructed and tested.

Howard Gardner, Unschooled Minds

Her approach to children in the classroom could be summed up by one word respect. She accorded
them the dignity, trust and patience that would be given to someone embarked on the most serious of endeavors and who was, at the same time, endowed with the potential and desire to achieve his goal. She was constantly in a listening state.

Paula Polk Lillard, Montessori: A Modern Approach

Learning is

never divorced
from feelings.
Frank Smith, Insult to Intelligence

Gatto s Lab School ONE. Independent Study. A day out of the school building, chasing ONE BIG IDEA. TWO. Apprenticeship. THREE. Community Service, a day a week. FOUR. Team up with parents, yours or someone else s, for Family Teamwork Curriculum. FIVE. Class work.
Jamal Watson, 13, from . sExpress Quarterly; from Children John Taylor Gatto, A Different Kind of Teacher

Richard Paul, Director, Center for Critical Thinking: We need to shift the focus of learning from simply teaching students to have the right answer, to teaching

them the process by which

educated people pursue right answers.

Frank Smith, Insult to Intelligence

Actual content may not be the issue at all, since we are really trying to impart the idea that one can deal with new areas of knowledge if one knows how to learn, how to find out about what is known, and how to abandon old ideas when they are worn out.

This means teaching ways of

developing good questions rather than memorizing known answers ,

an idea that traditional schools simply don t cotton to at all, and that traditional testing methods are unprepared to handle.

Education3M Learning is a normal state. Children are learnavores. Prodigious feats of learning are common as dirt.
[Watch an H.S. QB studying game film.]

We learn at different rates. We learn in different ways. Boys and girls learn [very] differently. In a class of 25, there are 25 different trajectories. Learning in 40-minutes blocks is bullshit. Learning for tests is utterly insane. There are numerous rigorous evaluation schemes, of which. testing is but one and abnormal, by real world standards.

Education3M We learn most/fastest/most completely when we are passionate about what we are learning and it matters to us. [Salience rules!] Think EBI/LBI: Education by Interest/Learning by Internship. Classrooms are abnormal places. We need changes of pace. [Japanese recesses after
each class.]

International test scores are not correlated with hours-per-year in class. Big classes are slightly problematic. Big schools . suck. Period.

Leaders Do Not

Transform People !

Instead leaders-mentors-teachers (1) provide a context which is marked by (2) access to a luxuriant portfolio of meaningful opportunities (projects) which (3) allow people to fully express their innate curiosity and (4) engage in a vigorous discovery voyage by which those people (5) go to-create places they (and their mentors-teachers-leaders) had never dreamed existed. And then the leaders-mentorsteachers (6) applaud like hell, stage photoops, and ring the church bells 100 times to commemorate the bravery of their followers . explorations!

Leaders Do Not

Transform People !

Instead leaders-mentors-teachers (1) provide a context which is marked by (2) access to a luxuriant portfolio of meaningful opportunities (projects) which (3) allow people to fully express their innate curiosity and (4) engage in a vigorous discovery voyage by which those people (5) go to-create places they (and their mentors-teachers-leaders) had never dreamed existed. And then the leaders-mentorsteachers (6) applaud like hell, stage photoops, and ring the church bells 100 times to commemorate the bravery of their followers . explorations!

1. Leaders Cede

I don t know.

2. Leadership Is a Mutual Discovery Process.


3. Leaders

The Kotler Doctrine:

1965-1980: R.A.F.

1980-1995: R.F.A.

1995-????: F.F.F.

4. Leaders


Leaders Have to Deliver, So They Worry About Throwing the Baby Out with the Bathwater.

5. BUT

Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don t, Just Plain Damned

Subtitle in the chapter, Own Up to the Great Paradox: Success Is the Product of Deep Grooves/ Deep Grooves . Destroy Adaptivity, Liberation Management (1992)

6. Leaders HANG

Are there

enough weird people in the lab

these days?
V. Chmn., pharmaceutical house, a lab director (06.01) . to

7. Leaders Make
[Lotsa] Mistakes and

8. Leaders Make BIG MISTAKES!


Reward excellent failures. Punish

mediocre successes.
Phil Daniels, Sydney exec (and, de facto, Jack) .

9. Leaders Out Their


Message: Leadership is all about love: Passion,

Enthusiasms, Appetite for Life, Engagement, Commitment, Great Causes & Determination to Make a Damn Difference, Shared Adventures, Bizarre Failures, Growth, Insatiable Appetite for Change. [Otherwise, why bother? Just read Dilbert.
. TP s final words: CYNICISM SUCKS.]

10. But

Leaders Also

Break a Lot of China


If you re not pissing people off, you re not making a difference!


Characteristics of the Also rans *

Minimize risk Respect the chain of command Support the boss Make budget
*Fortune, article on . Most Admired Global Corporations

The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.

Learn not to be careful.

Photographer Diane Arbus, to her students

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