Class Officer Meeting

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1 ST

General Plan Of Action
Graphics of
List of Class
Wellness Activities of
the Students (Andree
& Rogelio)
Encourage the class officers to share any
helpful and simple wellness activities, mind
games or engaging quiz or trivia
b. Voluntary
Solidarity Fund
(in case someone from the class heavily
affected by the virus) Let the class officers
brainstorm this idea
c. Spiritual Life (Terence)
c. Spiritual Life (Terence)
To create prayer group (utilize the current groupings), the groupings will
To create prayer group (utilize the current groupings), the groupings will be used
be for
used for the
the Faith Faith
Sharing Sharing
during during vacant
vacant asynchronous asynchronous
sessions sessions or
or during Wednesday
during Wednesday
Afternoon, this initiativeAfternoon,
will be done bythis initiative
the class will be done by the class
d. c.Student Life (Ruthie)
Spiritual Life (Terence)
A thematic
To creategroup sharing
prayer group regarding
(utilize the currentthe Student
groupings), theLife, the current
groupings groupings
will be used
for the Faith Sharing during vacant asynchronous sessions or during Wednesday
will be utilized. The class officers will promote study tips, class calendar,
Afternoon, this initiative will be done by the class minister
Morning Assembly Notice or Outline
e. Promotion of
Homeroom Outputs
(Frances & Rey)
e. Promotion of Homeroom Outputs (Frances & Rey)
Outputs like Online Safe Environment, Etiquette in an Email,
Tips for online class, class identity and class branding.
Encourage the class officers on how to promote these
graphic materials (please see attached files the sample from
my class). If your class has these materials, encourage them
to promote it
4. During Homeroom period (Honey)
a. Let the class officers do the virtual icebreakers
b. The class minister will facilitate the prayer period
with your guidance
 c. On Sept. 9-10, during the Ignatian Leadership Part
2, it will be ideal to do the class meeting, the class
president will preside the class meeting and the class
officers will present their GPOA to the enter class with
your guidance
5. During Wednesday Afternoon or asynchronous period
(if they are vacant) (Alyssa & Christian)

● a. Encourage the class officers to do a

Kumustahan with your guidance and notification,
the session is recorded
● b. Mind Games, Virtual Trivia, virtual museum
6. Class Reminders
(Bianz and Richardo)
Encourage the class officers to remind fellow students
on School Policies like Online Etiquette, Proper
Channels and emailing, schedule of exams, submission
of academic outputs, attendance, excuse letter link,
Social Media behaviors
6. Class Reminders (Bianz and Richardo)
Encourage the class officers to remind fellow students on
School Policies like Online Etiquette, Proper Channels and
emailing, schedule of exams, submission of academic
outputs, attendance, excuse letter link, Social Media
Wednesdays with No Student Activities for First
Semester SY 2021-2022
August 25 (No Student Activities)
Sept. 1 (No Student Activities)
Sept. 2-3 First Quarter Midterm Exam
Sept. 29 (No Student Activities)
October 6-8 First Quarter Final Exam
November 3 (No Student Activities)
November 10-12 Second Quarter Midterm Exam
December 8 (National Holiday, Feast of the Immaculate
December 15-17 Second Quarter Final Exam

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