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Aviation Security Management

Spring Semester 2022

Muhammad Salman Athar

Aviation Security
Muhammad Salman Athar 1
Brief History of Aviation Security
 Aviation provide opportunities to individuals and groups to achieve
their violent ends
 First commercial aviation violence occurred over Chesterton,
Indiana on Oct 10, 1933
 Judgment on the reasons focused on a bomb, possibly nitroglycerin
attached to a timing device
 First hijack occurred in Peru, 1931
 From 1931 to 1957 less than 20 hijackings recorded
 In 1968 first terrorist hijack of commercial airline to Cuba which
continued till 1970 for political gains
 In 1969 committee on unlawful interference established
 In 1971 ICAO Security Manual was issued and in 1975 Annex 17 was
Aviation Security
Muhammad Salman Athar 2
Brief History of Aviation Security
 Terrorist threat to international civil aviation has gone through
three phases
 1948 to 1968 involved people attempting to leave their home
country – asylum seekers of Eastern Europe – West was not
bothered as it was a general perception that hijacking would
 1968 to 1994 was political – PFLP hijacked El Al 426 from Rome
to Tel Aviv diverted to Algiers – lasted 5 weeks – longest
hijacking on record
 1995 onwards involve the use of aircraft as weapon
 1967 to 2004 there were 1000 hijackings and 85% were carried
for political purposes and remaining were conducted by terrorist
 X-ray machines were deployed but it could foil only 19% of
terrorist hijackings
Aviation Security
Muhammad Salman Athar 3
Brief History of Aviation Security
 Landside Incidents (Four)
 Japanese Red Army attack on Lod airport in July 1972
 Abu Nidal attack on Rome and Vienna airport in 1985
 Tamil Tigers attack on Colombo airport in 2001
 Glasgow airport attack in July 2007

 Criminal activity is more common on landside and increasing with

dependency on wireless. It includes
 Smuggling
 Theft
 Theft of travel documents
 Crime in airport based hotels
 The best way to protect aviation is to develop trained and
motivated human resource
Aviation Security
Muhammad Salman Athar 4

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