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Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors

Sylvester's theorem:
Let P(A) = An + An-1 +………+ A+ I
and and adjoint matrix of [ =

Then according to Sylvester's theorem

Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
Q. If A = .
To find eigen values:
=0 =0


Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors

Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
By Sylvester's theorem
= +
= +
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
Q. If A = .
To find eigen values:
=0 =0


Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors


Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
By Sylvester's theorem
= +
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
Q. Show that the matrix A = satisfies the Cayley – Hamilton theorem.
Sol: Given, A =
Characteristic equation of A is
= 0.
Verification: To verify Cayley – Hamilton theorem we have to show that = 0.
We have
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
= A.A =

Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
= A
The matrix A satisfies its own characteristic equation.
Hence, Cayley- Hamilton theorem is verified.
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
Q. Express the matrix as a linear polynomial in A; where A=.
Given matrix, A =
The characteristic equation of the matrix A is |A-λI |= 0
|A-λI |= = 0
λ2 5 = 0
By Cayley- Hamilton theorem, Matrix A satisfies its own characteristic equation.
i.e., A2 5I = 0
A2 5I
A3 5
A4 5
A5 5
A6 5
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
Consider the matrix,

= 5)
= 3( 5 )
= - ( 5I)
=- 5I
=- 5I
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
Canonical form and Normal form:
1. Write the given matrix A as A = I A I.
2. Reduce the matrix A on L.H.S. to identity matrix by applying elementary row and column
3. Every row transformations that we apply on matrix A on L.H.S. will also be applied on pre-
factor I on R.H.S.
4. Apply identical column transformations that we apply on matrix A on L.H.S. will also be
applied on post-factor I on R.H.S.
5. Continue this procedure until we get the form,
Where, P is nonsingular matrix of order n.
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
Q. Diagonalize the matrix A = and interpret the result in terms of Quadratic forms.
Let A =
= A

= A
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors

= A

= A

= A
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
= A
Where, P = and D =
Here, |P| P is non singular matrix.
The Q.F. corresponding to A = is
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
The non singular linear transformation X = PY which transforms the given quadratic form to Canonical form

Canonical form:

= +
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
Rank of the Q.F. is 3.
Index: 3
Signature: 3
Nature: Positive definite.
Q. Find the rank, index and signature of the quadratic form by reducing it to normal form. Also write
the linear transformation.
Sol: Given, quadratic form

Matrix of the quadratic form is A =
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
= A

= A

= A
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
= A

= A
Where, P =and D =
Here, |P| P is non singular matrix.
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
The non singular linear transformation X = PY which transforms the given quadratic form to
Canonical form is:

Canonical form:

Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
Rank of the Q.F. is 3.
Index: 1
Signature: -1
Nature: Indefinite.
Q. Find the rank, index and signature of the quadratic form 4 by reducing it to normal form. Also
write the linear transformation.

07/31/2022 S. Satya Nagendra Rao 23

Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors

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