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About the Author

Ajala Abiodun
Content Strategist, ASIN5

I am a Growth Person. A, Medium, LinkedIn and WordPress. t

content strategist with over 15 years writing article, newsletter
and content. I have write on the different platform like The
Great Men Project, Medium, WordPress and LinkedIn

1 Introduction

2 Chapter One Goes Here

3 Chapter Two Goes Here

4 Chapter Three Goes Here

5 Chapter Four Goes Here

6 Chapter Five Goes Here

7 Chapter Six Goes Here

8 Chapter Seven Here

9 Chapter Eight Goes Here

10 Chapter Nine Goes Here

11 Chapter Ten Goes Here

12 Conclusion

13 Appendix

14 Resources


Finding the Writers Within

“The Pen is the nearest to the wig and gowns” -Gani Fawehinmi
In the process of finding himself. He has discarded written
materials, bulky materials, hard materials, things that could
distract his vein not to lift his pen and his books. He has also
discarded friends (bad associates) in other to move ahead and
likewise unwarranted relationship and status quo. He’d done
all these in other for him to be light.
You would be criticized. Your work would also be criticized.
But you just have to forge your dream of being a writer ahead.
You don’t need to look down, but to look ahead. You have to
have the mind set to succeed. 4
Who is a
Who is a Writer?
A writer is a man of skills. A man that
thinks and apply thinking to things
(work) professionally. He’s not an
ordinary man. He is an art man. He is a
pen man; he is a man or woman that
loves the job and in love with ABC’s. In
love with letters. Worrying is never an
option to him. A writer does much of
thinking than worrying. Thinking is in
a positive tense and lively up his spirit,
mind and soul. Much worrying could
be acclaimed to his critique, who sees
nothing good in the pen man’s job
some writers choose to worry when
pressure summoned them; that what
they have written is not good enough.
Why not allow your write up to cause
them worrying rather than causing

from it that we can’t even imagine
e.g. DVD, etc. so we are expecting you
to look newer like the ABC’s
Text Heavy Page

The First TimeWhy should we worry as a writer? We

don’t need it. worrying would never
change things because. what is done is
done. Worrying could only come into
play if we want to fake it. Especially to
those that doesn’t like us. Human
being like seeing our situation to be a
worrisome one. There is this
happiness that comes to them. But
people in a cruel world wouldn’t be
happy seeing you smiling every time
they see you (Psychology of writing).
Its good to pretend that you are
worrying especially when you are with
people that reduces your energy and
that doesn’t support your writing
In candid, it’s good to be alone. Law
of association count on this job. The
people you spend times with would
either take you up or drag you down
in your writing life. Its good to be with
the right people. Hatred, depression,
distraction, oppression and too much
confusion are things that could steal
the goals of a pen man.

to hold and pursue it with excellence.
Inspiration do come during quite
time…something may seem useful to
us e.g. the internet, T.V, friend,
A Successful
chocolate etc. but at times they could
lead to distraction and affect our

imagination and they could also lead
to damage. For instance, being on
social networking sites like Facebook
could take so much time for someone
who is currently working on a book
especially if the book is meant for a
contest or debate or project. To gain
attention and avoid distraction one
has to focus on something; one thing
at a time. My write up., my write up
and my write up. The distraction
element should be visit back when
you feel like having a break or
Music is one of the un-distractible
elements that occur to writer.
Without statistics majority would like
to listen to music at the background
of their work; cool or loud. music
varies…having a discman well-built
and a headset would help.
Travelling have been said about that it
educates the mind. Any pen man that
couldn’t write a note or a sentence
during the process is facing mal-
writers block.


There is a new course in writing. It is
called ideology. It is synonymous to
ideology. As a writer, you have to
make the right use of your idle time.
Idleness is good. Just as writing is
good. Inspiration do come in time of
separation or quiet time. Its not good
at times to be with people especially
when you are working on a project.
People sometime could be a source of
distraction to us and they may also be
a source of inspiration as well.


Writers Centric
I like pen. I love books. I so much
cherished the ABCs. The ABC is the
best thing that has ever happened to
my writing life. Without the ABCs my
ink would be futile. Everywhere I go, I
go with pen. I never passed the night
without my pen and paper by my side.
The Writers 10
The Writers 10 Commandments
1. Thou shall not send a common text
2. Though shall not wait for a perfect time to
3. Thou shall not steal other people’s work in
a dubious way
4. Thou shall not borrow people’s ideas or
knowledge without their consent
5. Thou needed more ink in your pen more
than the blood that runs in thy vein.
6. Thou shall not expose thy golden work in a
public flash drive, computer or open
7. Thou shall believe in thy gods of
Shakespeare, Wole Soyinka, Ola Rotimi,
8. Thou shall be criticized so welcome it
9. Thou shall have thy scripture, dictionary,
10. Thou shall not travel alone without thy
books or pen or thought or wordings

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