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Mobile Radio

The basic propagation mechanisms which impact
propagation in mobile communication are.
• Reflection

• Diffraction

• Scattering
Power Density

Power Density at
distance R from source
with transmitting power
Pt is given by
Flex Density
Flux density will be same if the source is isotropic,but
practically the transmitting antenna that is used is generally
Hence,flux density in the direction of antenna boresight will be

=the gain of transmitting antenna.

The product of is called as Effective Isotropically Radiated
Power [EIRP]
Free Space Transmission
𝐹 𝑃𝑟
• Power collected is
=F * A
Area in case of antenna is consider as effective area ,

The gain & area of antenna are related as


This equation is called as friss

transmission equation
• The term (42 is called path loss(Lp)
• PtGt =EIRP

Therefore watts

In above equation in dB is given as

[Pr]=[EIRP] + [Gr] – [Lp]

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