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BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology

Assignment on
Worker compliance issues maintaining in RMG industry in Bangladesh
Course Code: HUM4100
Course Name: Sociology and Industrial Organizational Psychology
Batch: 191
Section: 5
Department of Textile Engineering

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Zillur Rahman Saykat (191-314-801)
Md. Abdur Rakib
Yeamin Rahman (191-326-801)
Assistant Professor & Head, Dept. of Social Sciences,
Muhtasim Habib Supto (191-341-801) BUFT
Md. Abdul Kader Nehal (191-343-801)
Aman Ullah (191-344-801)
Date: 23-07-22
 The readymade garment (RMG) industry of Bangladesh commenced its journey in the late 1970s and within a
short period of time emerged as an important player in the economy in terms of export earnings, employment
generation, poverty alleviation and empowering of women. RMG sector of Bangladesh needs to improve the
factory working environment and various social issues related to the industry.
 Bangladesh is today one of the world’s largest garment exporters, with the RMG sector accounting for 84 percent
of Bangladesh’s exports. This comes on the back of the sector’s rapid growth and modernization over the past
decade—as well as the strides it has made in improving conditions for the country’s approximately four million
garment workers.
 Bangladesh’s readymade garment (RMG) export for the July- April period of FY 2021-22 earned $35.36 billion,
according to recently released Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) data. During the first ten months of FY 2021-22,
RMG export recorded 35.98% growth compared to the same period of the previous year.

 In the first ten months of FY 2021-22, RMG’s two major segments knitwear and woven sector earned
$19.24 billion and $16.11 billion respectively. Registering a 37.49% and 34.23% year-over-year growth
 Compliance in the garments sector is now a hotly debated issue in the country. The western buyers are
increasingly becoming vocal about workers’ rights and safe working conditions and, at the same time,
demanding cheap products from the country. Local ready-made garment (RMG) manufacturers are
finding it very hard in meeting their additional spending on compliance issue under the existing level of
price margin. The compliance issue in RMG sector, the apparel sector is now undergoing major
reforms, following Rana Plaza collapse and Tazreen Fashions fire that together killed more than 1,200
people, mostly garment workers. It said compliance-related standards have changed particularly during
the post-Rana Plaza period. Most of the firms are moderately equipped with major physical compliance-
related indicators.
 The present study is based Quantitative formula data was collected from primary sources. Data was
collected from 6 factories as,
I. SEO WAN Bangladesh Ltd. (Street No. 02, Block-E, Mirpur -1, Dhaka)
II. JMC (Jeans Manufacturing Company). (Mollik Tower, Mirpur -1, Dhaka)
III. Rey TEX Fashion Wear Ltd. (Zoo Road, Mirpur-1, Dhaka)
IV. (প্রীয়ন্তি) Prionty Apparel Ltd. (Mirpur-2, Dhaka)
V. Aliff Sweater. (Hossan Market, Tongi, Gazipur)
VI. Anisha garments. (Middle Auchpara, Tongi West P.S, Gazipur City)
And from 15 Workers (8 Male & 7 Female). After collecting the data, there are used pie chart, bar diagram,
column. etc. to conduct the result fruitfully.
Scenario of worker Gender
Male & Female worker ratio



Male Female
Scenario of worker age




20 39 40
36 37
35 35
31 32 31
15 30 29 29
25 25 24

m n sh h n
as ssai ssai
n m in in m or am m m m m er
ega hatu Da D ego s sa s sa Isla hag
eg ega Isla Isla ega Akt
r o o o o ul
a B a K mo mon H l B ma
B H H . S ja B a B alad im na B ima
k ey lim O E fjal abu s vir g ir afik D
d e alm h am bi sl
n M Sh Sa Ta
Ro H
a A B A Ta Ala
m Sh ho S K

 Most of the case the worker age in between 20-40

Scenario of worker Experience
10 9
9 8 8
8 7 7 7 7
7 6
6 5 5
5 4 4 4
4 3 3
3 2


Rokeya Begam Halima Khatun Omor Dash Emon Dash Afjal Hossain Babul Bossain
Asma Begom Tanvir Hossain Alamgir Hossain Shafikul Islam MD. Shagor Khodeja Begam
Salma Begam Khalad Islam Shamim Islam Sabina Begam Taslima Akter

 After talk with the worker, we got that their experience level 2-10 years
Scenario of worker Factory Category
Garments Textile


 we didn't get any textile workers in our survey

Scenario of workers Job Satisfaction & meets
daily need
Is workers satisfied to their job? Are they fulfill their daily needs?




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Satisfied Moderately Satisfied Dissatisfied

Most of the workers have to borrow for fulfill their daily needs & after meet daily needs
they can’t save any money for their future generation
Scenario of worker working Comfort



Good Avarage Poor

We go mix answer from the side of different workers. But most of the worker told us they are moderately
comfortable and they want to increase their wages and expect good behavior for their management
Scenario of worker safety & health issue

Most of the worker told us they are satisfied their company safety and health issues step after covid-19.Now
company provide mask ,First aid, take hand wash facility before entry , fire safety some are give illness leave,
some company also have their own doctor facility etc.
Scenario of company promotion system




Experience Performance lobbying

Most of the worker told us the promotion system will be by the way of bobbing opposite scenario is also here some
company prefer performance and some are experience
Scenario of company training system



Yes No

Most of the company don’t provide any kind of training and few company provide training when a employee
couldn’t reach their task properly .
Scenario of company arranging covid vaccine



In this case we got positive result from the workers. Maximum company arrange covid-19 vaccine for their worker.
Scenario of co-operative colleague



Yes No

In this case we also got positive result from the workers. Maximum worker are co-operative each other when they
got any kind of problem. But opposite scenario is also there.
Reason for worker Absenteeism

Illness Traffic Jam Family Problem Company Policy

Most of the time workers are absent for illness and traffic jam. But sometimes companies less punishment policy
of absenteeism worker also take absent.
Company recruiting time per year

Only One Time Two times Three times When Need

Most of the worker told us when the company need worker then they will recruit new employees.
Worker turnover rate


High Moderate Less

Often of the worker told us their company turnover rate is high. For the reason they told us , when they get better
option then they are shifting another company
Picture with worker
Picture with worker
Picture with worker
Picture with worker
In Bangladesh RMG(Ready Made Garments) Sector Industries need to improve the factory working environment and
various social issues (Compliance Policy). Most of International buyers are very particular about compliance with
codes of conduct before placing any import order.
With visit some factory, most of the factory can not obey the compliance policy ,most of the industry can not obey
labor law, fire safety is not sufficient, health issues is also a concern for worker, company can not care about worker
physical and mental health .
Beside many problem a big number of industry try to follow labor rules and regulation .As a result their production is
high, worker productivity is high, get more order – said Md. Juwel Rana ( MD in Aliff sweater)
The garment industry is expected to maintain certain standards or compliance to operate. Some of the common
compliances required in garment industry include working hour policy, holiday compensation, and wage for leaves,
equal remuneration policy, anti-discrimination policy, no child labor, health, and safety policy, etc

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