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Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum
Toolbox presentation:
Heat Stress
Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum
• Thermoregulation
• Heat gain, storage and loss
• Heat strain and related illnesses
• Risk factors for heat strain
• Risk assessment and control

Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum

Normal body temperature

Optimal conditions for cellular

reactions in the human body
include a core body temperature
of approximately 37°C

Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum

• Heat sensors in the skin and body – transmit “information” to

hypothalamus in the brain, which directs an increase in heart
rate, vasodilatation and sweating

• Sweat loss may be as high as 1.5 litres per hour

• Evaporation of one litre of sweat can be equivalent of 670 watts

of energy – highly effective

Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum
Heat gain, storage and loss

Heat inputs
• Heat production – from metabolic activity or work intensity
• Heat storage – due to insulation of the “inner core”
• Heat gain – from external heat sources (radiation and

Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum
Heat gain, storage and loss

Physics of heat transfer

• Conduction – transfer of heat between two materials from high to
low heat energy areas
• Convection – bulk transfer of heated matter from warm low density
regions via a moving fluid (gas or liquid) to cooler more dense
• Radiation – process of heat transfer over distance between
surfaces (particularly at the infrared wavelength)
• Evaporation – warmer molecules gain sufficient energy to leave
the liquid surface and enter the gaseous phase. Remaining
molecules have less average kinetic energy, resulting in decrease
in temperature of liquid
Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum
Heat gain, storage and loss

Thermal balance
Body must balance the heat transferred into the body, heat
generated in the body and heat dissipated to the environment

Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum
Heat strain and heat related illness

Heat stress and heat strain

• Heat stress – sum of environmental influences (air temperature,
radiant heat, humidity, air velocity) that, when coupled with
metabolic heat generation and effects of clothing, may result in
heat strain
• Heat strain – physiological response to heat stress on the body

Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum
Heat strain and heat related illness

Heat illness
• Heat oedema – mild form of heat illness resulting in pooling of
fluid in legs brought about by transient peripheral vasodilation
• Heat rash – skin that has been persistently wetted by sweat may
develop a rash characterised by raised lumps that may be
intensely itchy. Bumps caused by blocked sweat glands, which
subsequently burst, causing a stinging sensation
• Heat fatigue – additional blood is diverted to skin as result of
peripheral vasodilatation, reducing output to the brain and internal
organs, and resulting in fatigue and reduction in strength

Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum
Heat strain and heat related illness

Heat illness (continued)

• Heat cramps – painful involuntary muscle spasms resulting
from electrolyte dilution arising from hard work in hot
environments, heavy sweating and excessive water intake
• Heat syncope – dizziness or fainting brought about by lowered
blood pressure arising from vasodilatation and pooling of body
fluids into legs and resultant lack of blood flow to brain
• Heat exhaustion – mild form of shock with symptoms including
extreme weakness or fatigue, uncoordinated action giddiness,
nausea, headache and a weak rapid pulse

Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum
Heat strain and heat related illness

Heat illness (continued)

• Heat stroke – body’s thermoregulatory system has failed to
prevent core body temperatures rising to critical levels above 40°C
Symptoms include:
– lack of sweating and hot dry skin
– confusion
– irrational behavior
– loss of consciousness
– convulsions
Heat stroke may result in permanent damage to the brain and other
vital organs; death may occur

Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum
Heat strain and heat related illness

Factors leading to heat strain

• Increase in core body temperature
• Lack of acclimatisation
• Lack of fitness and/or the presence of medical conditions
• Type and amount of clothing
• Dehydration

Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum
Heat strain and heat related illness

• Reduction in heat rate
• Reduction in core body temperature
• Increase in sweat rate
• Decrease in the electrolyte content of sweat
• Increase in blood plasma volume

Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum
Risk factors for heat strain

Environmental risk factors

• High temperature and/or humidity
• Reduced air movement
• Working near radiant heat sources
• Contact with conductive heat sources

Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum
Risk factors for heat strain
Individual risk factors
• Age (especially greater than 60 years old)
• Low level of physical fitness
• Medical conditions (diabetes, cardiovascular disease)
• Some medications
• Drug and alcohol use
• Lack of acclimatisation
• Dehydration

Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum
Risk factors for heat strain

Workplace risk factors

• High frequency, duration or intensity of physical activity
• Requirement for use of personal protective equipment and
clothing (may increase humidity levels and prevent air flow
across the skin)

Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum
Risk factors for heat strain

Indices of heat strain

• Wet Bulb Globe Temperature
• Thermal Work Limit

Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum
Risk assessment and control

Heat stress guidance

Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists
Heat stress standard & documentation for use in the
Australian environment

Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum
Risk assessment and control

Risk assessment
Heat stress risk assessments should consider:
• individual characteristics
• nature of the work
• environmental conditions
under which work is to be carried out

Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum
Risk assessment and control

Heat stress controls

• Managing the risk of heat stress should consider the
hierarchy of controls (elimination, substitution,
engineering, administration, personal protective clothing
and equipment)
• Controls can be directed toward:
– work environment
– the task being carried out
– individuals themselves

Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum
Risk assessment and control

Engineering controls
• Ventilation – fans, blowers, chillers
• Airconditioning – crib room, 4WD
• Insulation or shielding – tents, shade

Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum
Risk assessment and control

Administrative controls
• Training and education
• Employment assessment and monitoring
• Setting patterns of work
• Acclimatisation schedules
• Encouraging self pacing of work
• Maintenance of hydration

Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum
Risk assessment and control

• Ensure workers are fully aware of the underlying
mechanisms that allow heat strain to occur
• Recognize the symptoms of heat illness
• Understand and implement the correct responses to heat
stress conditions (including emergency first aid)

Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum
Risk assessment and control

Assessment and monitoring

• Medical surveillance may be required — determination of general
fitness, presence of medical conditions and use of medications
that may predispose employee to heat strain
• Persons at risk of heat stress can be monitored at workplace for
signs of heat illness and to ensure work-rest and hydration
regimes are followed
• Monitoring may also include assessment of:
– recovery heart rate times
– oral temperatures
– end-of-shift weight loss (to determine level of dehydration)
Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum
Risk assessment and control

Work patterns
• Shifts can be adjusted so that physical work occurs in
cooler periods of the day
• Self pacing
• Regular breaks and work-rest schedules
• Provision of cool rest or recovery areas
• Provision of relief workers

Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum
Risk assessment and control

Acclimatisation schedule
• Un-acclimatised: 50% exposure on day 1, increasing
by 10% per day (i.e. full work regime by day 6)
• Acclimatised but returning to work after more than 9
days off: 80% exposure on day 1; 90% on day 2 then
full return to work

Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum
Risk assessment and control

• Goal is to restrict fluid loss to < 3%
• Absorption rate through digestive tract about 1 litre/hour
(can lose up 1.5 litre/hour)
• Encourage drinking cool fluids 250 ml every 15 minutes
• Electrolyte replacement (especially non-acclimatised
• Avoid caffeine, alcohol, milk, carbonated drinks, fruit juices

Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum
Urine chart

Risk assessment and control

• PPE – cool vests

Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum
• Thermoregulation
• Heat gain, storage and loss
• Heat strain and related illnesses
• Risk factors for heat strain
• Risk assessment and control

Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum
Major points to consider
• Environment – temperature, humidity, wind speed

• Task – physical requirements, pace of work, clothing

• Acclimatisation – new to site or return to site

• Hydration – availability

• Individual – training, self regulation, buddy systems

Government of
Government of Western
Western Australia
Australia Department
Department of
of Mines
Mines and
and Petroleum

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