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Nama Kelompok :

1. Fevi Annisa 21142027

2. Khairunnisa 2114

Graphic Organizer

A graphic organizer, also known as Kinds Of Graphic Organizer :

a knowledge map, concept map,
1. KWL Chart(“know”,”want”,”learn”)
story map, cognitive organizer,
advance organizer, or concept 2. Ven Diagram
diagram is a pedagogical tool that
uses visual symbols to express 3. Pie Chart
knowledge and concepts through
4. Frayer Chart
relationships between them.

KWL Chart
KWL Chart ("Know", "Want to Know",
"Learned")KWL chart can be given at the
beginning of the activity when discussing a
topic. It aims to invite students to think about
what they know about a topic, what they
would like to know about the topic, and what
they have learned about the topic at the end of
the learning session or unit.

Ven Diagram

✘ Venn DiagramVenn diagrams are

used to compare or write down the
similarities and differences
between 2 or more things. For
example, students write down the
similarities and differences
between traditional markets and
modern markets

Pie Chart

✘ Pie ChartTo write

down the main idea
and supporting

Frayer Charts

✘ Frayer ChartsFrayer
diagrams can be used to
list examples instead of
examples, features, and
definitions. However,
these diagrams can be
modified according to the
needs of individual

Advantages Of Using A Grphic Organizer

The use of graphic organizers in the classroom will

provide benefits for two parties involved in the teaching
and learning process, namely students and teachers. For
teachers:Help to see the ability level of students.Help to
assess students' thinking processes.Helping teachers to
get feedback on student learning processes.

For Student

 Help clarify the relationship between the

various concepts that have been
studiedAssist students in tidying up
various concepts, ideas, theories and
terms that have been and are being



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