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State Perspective in

The State Responsibility for the Support
of Education
 The welfare of the state depends largely upon the education of its
 Our leaders and framers of the Constitution who have realized the
importance of education see to it that the Magna Carta contains a
provision that the state should establish and maintain a complete
and adequate system of education and provide at least primary
education for all children of school age.
 Congress has consistently given approximately one-third of the
entire budget of the country to education.
Sources of School Revenues
 In the Philippines, there is no specific education
 3 Different levels of government

(1) National
(2) Provincial and Municipal Level
(3) Collect taxes and appropriate them according
to law
Sources of Government Income for
 1. Taxes imposed by law for the support of the government such as the real
property tax, specific tax and import and export taxes.
 2. Tuition fees imposed on students in public high schools, vocational schools,
regional normal schools and chartered colleges and universities such as the
University of the Philippines.
 3. Matriculation Fees
 4. Rental for lease of school sites and sales of school products
 5. Land grants and donations
 6. Voluntary contributions
 7. Special Fees
Support for Elementary Education
 Before the enactment of Commonwealth Act No. 586 (Education Act of 1940).
The elementary schools were jointly supported by the National and the local
 Educational Act of 1940
1. Support of all elementary schools in municipalities and municipal districts
saved the situation for the poor communities.
2. Abolished the share of municipalities and municipal districts in the internal
revenue collections, percentage taxes and income tax to the general fund which may
be drawn for school purposes.
3. The law forbids the collection of tuition fees in the intermediate grades
Support for Public Secondary Schools

 The financial support for the maintenance and operation of public ordinary
schools is provided for by the provincial and city governments.
 The source of the provincial income are the following
1. Internal Revenue allotment from the national government
2. Share from local taxes
3. Fees from services rendered
4. Income from miscellaneous receipts
The Education for All (EFA) 2015
An Initiative of the Government
 I. General Introduction
 1. Filipinos have deep regard to for education. Education occupies a central place
in Philippine political, economic social and cultural life. It has always been
strongly viewed as a pillar of national development and a primary avenue for social
and economic mobility.
 2. A clear evidence of the value placed on education is the proportion of the
national government budget going to the sector. The Department of Education
(DepEd), the country’s biggest bureaucracy 1 , is given the highest budget
allocation among government agencies each year as required by the 1987
Philippine Constitution.2
 3. The 1987 Constitution likewise guarantees the right to education of every Filipino. It
provided that, “The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality
education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make education accessible to all.” .

 4. The right of every Filipino to quality basic education is further emphasized in Republic
Act 9155 or the Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001. Along with Republic Act
6655 or the Free Secondary Education Act, these laws reaffirm the policy of the State to
protect and promote the rights of all Filipinos by providing children free and compulsory
education in the elementary and high school level. This pertains to six years of free tuition
fees for children aged 6 to 11, and free four years of secondary schooling for those aged 12
to 15.
 5. Along with “Education for All”, the Philippines is also committed to pursue eight timebound and
specific targets under the Millennium Declaration which it signed on September 2000. The Declaration,
in general, aims to reduce poverty by half in 2015 (22.65 percent proportion of the population below
poverty incidence and 12.15 percent below subsistence incidence by 2015). With the adoption of the
Declaration, the Philippines likewise affirmed its commitment to the Millennium Development Goals
(MDG) geared towards reducing poverty, hunger, diseases, illiteracy, environmental degradation and
discrimination against women. These goals have been mainstreamed in the country’s Medium Term
Philippine Development Plan (MTPDP) 2004-2010 including policies and plans related to children,
access to primary education and gender equality. Specifically, Part IV of the MTPDP focused on
“Education and Youth Opportunity.”

 6. However, despite the legal mechanisms, budget prioritization and increased access, Philippine
education has been dogged with issues. Among the issues that needs to be resolved but have improved
lately include the high dropout rates, high number of repeaters, low passing grades, lack of particular
language skills, failure to adequately respond and address the needs of people with special needs,
overcrowded classrooms and poor teacher performances. These problems in turn resulted to a
considerable number of illiterate Filipinos and out of school youths and graduates who are not prepared
for work.

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