Global Migrants TCW

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Learning Outcomes:
To be able to analyze the political, Economic, cultural and social factors
underlying the global movement of people.
What is global migration?
Global migration is a situation in which people go to live in foreign
countries, especially in order to find work. Most global migration is
from developing countries to developed.
What causes global migration?
1. Employment opportunities or economic opportunities
2. To join family
3. To study
4. Escape conflict, persecution
5. In response to adverse effects of climate change
6. Other environmental factors
Why is migration important?

Migration is important because it boosts the working age population

Migrants arrive with skills and contribute to human capital
development of receiving countries
Migrants – contribute to technological progress.
Advantages of Migration (for Host Country)
Job vacancies are filled
Increase economic growth
Can benefit locations where majority of the population is old.
Additional sources of tax for the host country
New innovations and ideas
Favourable economic and cultural impact
Disadvantages of Migration (Host Country)
>Depression of wages
>Companies may neglect employee benefit programs
Can lead to exploitation
Strain on public services
Displacement of jobs
Takes time to adapt to a new environment
Increase crime rates
Advantages of Migration (for country of Origin)
Developing countries benefit from remittance
Reduction of unemployment
Migrants bring back skills, contacts and other tools
Disadvantages of Migration (For country of Origin)
>Loss of financial and informational wealth
>Loss of skilled labour
> Negative effects on children
End! ! ! Thank You! ! !
Prepared by Mrs. Remedios A. Yolola
TCW – Teacher

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