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Should euthanasia be legalized in my country

-Rajdip Shah
Good Death?
● Euthnsia translates to “Good Death” in greek.
● Euthanasia refers to deliberately ending someone’s life, usually to relieve suffering.
● It is considered a dignified way of dying because the patient’s last moments were
● Euthanasi is also done by vets in some countries for animals.
● The number of countries where it is permitted is growing.

1937 1960 2002

Physician-assisted suicide Advocacy for a right- Netherlands decriminalized
became legal in to-die approach to doctor-assisted suicide and
Switzerland, as long as the euthanasia grew. loosened some restrictions. As
doctor had nothing to gain. well as in Belgium.

1977 2008
A eusthanasia society was
In the U.S., formal ethics Voters in Washington
stablished in the U.S., to State chose in favor of
committees exist in hospitals,
lobby for assisted suicide. the Death with Dignity
nursing homes, and advance
health directives, or living wills, Act, and the act became
are common around the world. law in 2009.
Types of Euthanasia
1. Active Euthanasia and Passive Euthanasia
○ Purposely giving someone a lethal dose of a sedative is considered active
○ Passive euthanasia is sometimes described as withholding or limiting life-
sustaining treatments so that a person passes more quickly.
2. Voluntary and Non-Voluntry Euthanasia
○ Voluntary euthansia is when a person makes conscious decision to end their
○ Non-Voluntary euthanasia involves someone else making the decision to end
someone’s life.
3. Assisted euthanasia
○ Assisted euthanaasia is when a medical professional provides the patient with
a way to end their life.
4. The Euthansia coaster
○ In 2010, a man designed a roller coaster designed to kill a human.
The Morality of Euthanasia
● The 4 principles of medical ethics
○ Principle of nonmaleficence (not doing harm)
○ Principle of beneficence (doing good )
○ Principle of autonomy
○ Principle of justice
Why euthanesia is moral
● Let’s go through a scenario
● In my opinion, Euthanasia should be legalized not only in my country but every

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