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Understanding FEA, the Basis of SolidWorks

Idris Traina, Ph.D. Director of Simulation Product Definition, SolidWorks Corporation

A Simple Example: Analytical and SolidWorks Simulation Solutions How Does SolidWorks Simulation Work? About Stress and Strain Error Estimation Dynamic Equations SolidWorks Simulation Study Types Analyzing Assemblies How Accurate are Simulation Results? Advantages of FEA Conclusion

A Simple Example Analytical Solution

Consider the Aluminum Alloy 1060 bar shown. Displacement = d = FL/AE =100*036/(1*10007603.9) = 0.003597 in Strain = (Change in length)/ (original length) = (FL/AE)/L = F/AE Hooks Law: Stress = E*Strain = E*F/AE= F/A Confirming what we know! Stress = 1000 psi Spring Analogy:

Spring: F = K.u Bar: F = (AE/L).u K == (AE/L)

A Simple Example SolidWorks Simulation Solution

Making it simple: You define the physics, SolidWorks Simulation does the rest:
Create a study Apply material (if not already defined) Define environment (fixtures, loads, contact,..)


Processing (Solving)


Postprocessing (Results)

View Results

A Simple Example Comparison and Discussion Fixed


Vertical displacement= 0.003593 in Vertical stress varies (max is 161 psi) Why?

Analytical solution: d = 0.003597 in Stress = 1000 psi


Vertical displacement= 0.003597 in (a little higher: Why?) Vertical stress is uniform = 1000 psi Why?

Fixed but Poissons Ratio = 0

Results same as Resting. Why?

Bar Treated as a Truss


d = 0.003597 in Stress = 1000 psi

How Did SolidWorks Simulation Get the Results?

SolidWorks Simulation used Finite Element Analysis (FEA). It divided the model as into small virtual interconnected small pieces (elements). Elements are connected by nodes and faces. Each node can move in X, Y, and Z (3 DOF). A set of equations is generated for each element. Element equations are assembled into a large system of equations. The equations are solved for displacements.

Most expensive operation

n = (# nodesx3)-known displacements

For each element, calculate:


Strains Stresses

Forming the System Stiffness

Consider a spring element Equilibrium at node I: fI = k(ui uj) Equilibrium at node J: fj = k(uj-ui) Consider the stepped bar shown. k1=(A1*E1)/(L1) and K2= =(A2*E2)/(L2)

Dividing the model into virtual pieces is called meshing. For solid bodies, the mesher:
1. 2.

Creates nodes on the boundaries. Connects nodes to define boundary faces (surface meshing). Creates nodes inside the body and fills volume with tet elements (volume filling). Mid-side nodes are created unless Draft Quality Mesh is selected.



Volume filling is skipped for surface models. SolidWorks Simulation uses a default element size based on the geometry. Use mesh control to specify smaller element sizes in important regions. Adaptive methods are also available.

Are Tetrahedral Always Efficient? - Shells

Consider a thin sheet metal.

Small element size elements Large element size down.

too many quality goes


One measure is aspect ratio. Shell elements are used for thin models (6 DOF per node) They can be very thin. They can have one or many layers.


Are Tetrahedral Always Efficient? - Beams

Consider meshing a structural member. Tetrahedrals Shells too many elements.

still too many DOF.

Beam elements are suitable. Beam theory offers accurate answers. A beam element has 2 nodes. Each node has 6 DOF (3 translations and 3 rotations). Structural member many beam elements. Constant or tapered section (can be curved) Proper solid bodies can be treated as beams. SolidWorks Simulation gets section properties automatically. You can also view bending moments and shear diagrams.

Are Tetrahedral Always Efficient? Truss

Beams can resist axial, bending, torsion, and shear loads. Trusses are used in many applications. They have 3 DOF per node (no rotations). What is the force in the highlighted members? A truss is a simplified beam element. Trusses can resist axial loads ONLY. A truss is equivalent to a spring with k=AE/L. This is why we got the right answer for our first example. Results: axial displacement and axial stress.

Are Tetrahedral Always Efficient? Planar Elements

Consider the shown axi-symmetric pressure vessel.

A section represents the full model. A shell like element is used. Each node has 2 DOF. The element looks like: Results are axi-symmetric.


Consider a very long pipe with similar conditions along extrusion. (Plane strain)

The element looks like:

Consider a thin plate. (Plane stress)

The element looks like:

In these cases, 2D elements are big savers!

About Stress and Strain

Stress and strain are NOT vector quantities. Why not? They are tensor quantities. Unlike vectors, tensors require a reference plane. Stress has 9 components (3 normal and 6 shears) Txy First subscript defines the planes normal Second subscript defines direction Only 3 independent shear components (Txy=Tyx) Von Mises (equivalent ) stress combines all components in one number. VON = {0.5 [(SX -SY)2 + (SX-SZ)2 + (SY-SZ)2] + 3(TXY2 + TXZ2 + TYZ2)}(1/2) Principal stresses are normal stresses when shear stresses vanish. Remember Mohr circle? VON = {0.5 [(P1 - P2)2 + (P1 - P3)2 + (P2 - P3)2]}(1/2)

Error Estimation
SolidWorks Simulation calculates stresses at special points inside element. It extrapolates to get nodal stresses for each element. Stresses are different at the same node. Nodal stresses are averaged at a node. The diversion of these values from the average provides a measure of the accuracy. Error plots based on energy norm are available. Adaptive methods exploit this fact to refine mesh where needed.

Dynamic Equations

Static Solution

Dynamic Solution

 ?M A_a ?C A_  ?K A_ a! _f (t )a u ua u


Calculate Displacements Strains and Stresses

SolidWorks Simulation Studies


Linear material Elastic Loads applied slowly

Forces are function of time



Frequency Nonlinear (static or Drop Test Buckling

Dynamic Solution (linear or nonlinear)

Material is nonlinear dynamic) If object is dropped

Thin bodies in compression

If loading/unloading occur many times Fatigue Heating/cooling? Thermal

Example: Large Displacement Example

Theory: moment of certain value turns a cantilever into a perfect cylinder! Small displacement is fast but results are bad!. Why? You get a warning the displacements are large offering an option to switch to large displacements solution. Large displacements gets the answer.

Analysis of Assemblies
Each body can have a different material. For FEA, same systematic process as part analysis. Body interface (contact):

Bonded (glued) No Penetration (press snd slide against each other) Free (dont check interference caused by loads) Shrink fit (Press fit) if interference exists



What components to consider? Treat body as Fixed or Rigid Treat as remote mass, beam, shell, beam, truss, Connectors (bolts, pins, bearings, etc.) Symmetry can reduce the size of the problem.

Are SolidWorks SimulationResults Accurate?

Many verification problems are included with the software. Results agree with theory when available. Thousands of problems are used for testing. Results of many problems are verified with measurements. Many NAFEMS bench mark problems are included.

Hand Calc = 1,055 MPa ( = 0.5%

Hand Calc = 30,000 psi. ( = 0.4%

SolidWorks Simulation Products Study Types

SolidWorks Simulation
Simulation Premium SWPrem.

Frequency & Buckling Thermal Drop Test Nonlinear
(static & dynamic)

SW Flow Simulation


SW Motion Kinematics



Pressure Vessel


Random Vibration

Lets Go Simulate
Suggestions for Learning SolidWorks Simulation

Training class if you can. Read the Simulation Fundamentals & Analysis Background sections in the online help. Try as many tutorials as you can. Check validation and benchmark problems. Ask questions and try things out to gain confidence.



In these simple examples, default meshing resulted in great accuracy. Describe loads and fixtures accurately. Avoid applying concentrated forces. Otherwise, the software may be solving a different problem! In general, a smaller mesh size gives better answers. Displacement converges a lot faster than stresses. For Static, use adaptive methods. For other studies, try different mesh sizes and compare the results of interest until convergence is achieved. Validate results with field tests whenever possible. And remember: Always ask questions! An expert user is the one who asked many questions and got answers!

FEA is very general and systematic. Same approach for all problems. Very suitable for computers. Accuracy is verified with analytical solutions. Easy to study different scenarios. Results agree with field tests. Results are obtained throughout the model. Materials, loads and support conditions must be close to reality! Otherwise, the software will be solving a different problem!

and Finally

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