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Teacher Instructions

• The aim of this game is to see who can remember more facts – the students or
the teacher.
• The teacher starts by telling the students 30+ facts (favourite colour, pets you
have, where you were born, etc.) about themselves (it is better to have these
prepared before the lesson begins). Encourage the students to try to remember
as many facts about you as possible.
• Then, each student takes a turn to share two or three facts themselves. The
teacher needs to try to remember as many of these facts as possible.
• When all the facts have been shared, the competition begins!
• The teacher goes first to try to remember a fact and who said it. If it is correct,
the teacher gets a point.
• Then, one of the students takes a turn at trying to remember a fact about the
teacher. If they get it correct, the students get a point.
• Play continues to alternate between teacher and students until one side cannot
remember any more facts.
• The winning side is the one with more points!
Facts About Your Teacher
You need to listen very carefully as your teacher tells you lots of facts. You
need to try to remember as many facts about your teacher
as possible.

Later in the game, you will be battling against your teacher to see who can
remember more facts, the students or the teacher!

Now, listen
carefully to
the facts
about your
Facts About the Students
Now it is your turn to share some facts about yourself! You have one minute
to come up with three interesting facts about yourself.

When it is your turn, say:

“My name is ……… and these are some facts

about me.”

(Share your three facts)

Teacher, listen carefully and try to remember as

many as you can!
Competition Time
Now, it is time to see who can remember more facts. Take it in turns (teacher,
then students, then teacher again and so on) to name one fact you remembered
about the other side.

Keep going until one side cannot remember any more facts!

Good luck!
Keep the Score
One point for each fact!

Teacher Students
Count up the Score
Who won?


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