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What is Leadership?
• Is the art of motivating group of people to act toward achieving a
common goal. In a business setting , this can mean directing
worker and colleagues with a strategy to meet the company’s
Jurgan klopp
Difference between a leader and
a manager
Subject Leader Manager
essence change Stability
focus Leading people Managing work
have followers Subordinates
horizon Long-term Short-term
seeks vision objectives
approach Set direction Plans detail
power Personal charisma Formal authority
dynamic proactive reactive
credit gives takes
Leadership Style
A leadership style refers to a leader’s characteristic
behaviors when directing, motivating, guiding, and
managing groups of people. Great leaders can inspire
political movements and social change. They can also
motivate others to perform, create, and innovate.
Visionary Coaching
Democratic Pacesetting Commanding
What are the top 10 leadership
• Inspiring motivation
• Communication
• Positivity
• Delegation
• Creativity
• Trustworthiness
• Responsibility
• Time management
• Influence
• decisiveness
Verbal communications for leaders

• The best leaders don’t merely tell their team what to do and
expect them to listen. Instead, they employ
active listening skills to understand employee needs and
perspectives, engage in verbal negotiation to address and
defuse issues, and capitalize upon opportunities to praise
individual and team achievement.
Goals of verbal communication in
• * Inspire the team
• * Persuade the team to get the best results
• * Resolve problems and face challenges
How to achieve the goals of verbal
communication :

• The key here is to the right method of
communication .
• A good leader knows when to chose from different types of
communication in different situation .
• *When to have a speech inspire the team and
set new goals .
• *when to write an email direct for a task or give
feedback .
• *when to talk face to face with team member
to listen to problems or discuses an action .
• * whatsapp messages for feedback , and
updates .
Effective non-verbal communication in leadership

• Speaking is not the only way to communicate. In fact, various

types of nonverbal communication play a significant role in
how people interact. Your facial expressions, gestures, and
even your posture can impact the way people perceive your
Leadership and the Use of Effective Non-verbal Communication

• Use effective body language. Present a welcoming posture

when speaking. Use appropriate body position. Allow people
to feel comfortable speaking and sharing insights in your
Leadership and the Use of
Effective Non-verbal

• Gestures are woven into the fabric of our daily lives. You may
wave, point, beckon, or use your hands when arguing or
speaking animatedly, often expressing yourself with gestures
without thinking.
Leadership and the Use of
Effective Non-verbal

• Eye contact is made through a series of glances – by the

speaker, to make sure the other person has understood or to
gage reactions, and by the listener to indicate interest in
either the other person or what’s being said
Barriers of communication in leadership

• While communicating in a group, although all good leaders

try to keep in mind the listener’s point of view, but still it
becomes difficult to make everyone to understand, what
exactly a leader wants to deliver. The problem in
communication arises from the disturbances or barriers in
the transmission, either by the leader or by the receiver. The
some of the barriers are as which affects good and effective
communication are :
Eight barriers to
communications are

• 1-Work environment.
• 2-People’s attitudes and emotional state.
• 3-Time zone and geography.
• 4-Distractions and other priorities.
• 5-Cultures and languages.
• 6-Ignoring the feedback .
• 7-Inability to adapt to changes.
• 8-Lack of planning and purpose before communicating .
How to avoid barriers?
• 1. Acknowledge you’re stuck. Progress is a function of
• 2. Name barriers. What’s preventing progress? Don’t assume
you know.
• 3. Connect with people who share your frustrations.
Common frustrations reflect common enemies. Frustration is
more powerful than contentment.
• 4. Focus on people. The horses in the barn determine where
you can go. Foolish leaders set short-term goals that teams
can’t achieve.
How to avoid barriers?
• 5. Embrace small, simple wins. A small win today is worth
two tomorrow. A series of small wins lengthens leadership’s
• 6. Make plans by exploring the past. What repeated patterns
emerge that must be leveraged or addressed? What are
common points of failure or success in your past?
• 7. Do more of what works. Breaking barriers is necessary but
focus on what’s working. Or…
• 8. Stop doing what’s working. When barriers persist, what
you think is working isn’t.
How to avoid barriers?
• 9. Bring the outside in. Find and integrate people who think
• 10. Identify and follow champions. Every barrier needs a
champion whose working to break it. Competent champions
galvanize teams that produce success.
• 11. Forget the barrier. Choose a new path.
• 12. Change the team. Identify the person who is the barrier
and convert or remove them.

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