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ways to represent data

Created by Siham Khalif

Basic Knowledge

To represent data you must know what type of data you’d

like to show
There are three types of data; i. Categorical data ii. Discrete
data and iii. Continuous data
Their basic concepts are simple.
Categorical Data
Categorical data is data that is collected in groups or topics; the number of
events in each group is counted numerically.
For example, if I wanted to understand the different types of reading interests
in my class, then I could collect categorical data to identify the genre of
books that each of my classmates like.
Discrete Data
Discrete data is information that we collect that can be counted and that
only has a certain number of values.
Examples of discrete data include the number of people in a class, test
questions answered correctly, and home runs hit.
Tables and graphs are two ways to show the discrete data that you collect.
Continuous Data
Continuous data is the data that can be of any value.
Over time, some continuous data can change.
It may take any numeric value, within a potential value range of finite or
The continuous data can be broken down into fractions and decimals, i.e.
according to measurement accuracy, it can be significantly subdivided
into smaller sections.
The Bar Chart
A bar chart compares different categories by using individual bars to
represent the tallies for each category.
This is a type of way to represent categorical data.
Pie Chart

A pie chart uses parts of a circle to represent tallies in each category

This is another way to represent categorical data.
Side-by-Side Bar Chart
This chart uses two (side-by-side) bars
to show joint responses from two categorical data.
Stem-and-Leaf tables allow you to see how data is distributed and determine
the mean, median, mode and range.
Frequency Table and Chart

This is a table used to show data in frequencies of something.

The other is a bar chart with no spaces.
It is also used to show frequency.
Line Graph
Sometimes referred to as a line plot or line chart, line graphs show the
connection between individual values or data points in order to chart
changes over time.
Scatter Plot

A scatter plot is a type of plot or that uses coordinates to display

values for typically two variables for a set of data.
Time Series
A time series plot is a graph where some measure of time is the unit on the
x -axis. In fact, we label the x -axis the time-axis.
The y-axis is another variable eg. distance.
These usually appear in Physics.
Everything; me
Other stuff; Me
Etc.: Me

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