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Astrological Analysis of a Political Career

A Political Career in Astrology

Planetary Combinations for a Political Career
• Politics makes the title in every day news
• Politicians just want to grab the attention of a common man
watching the TV news or reading the newspaper.
• No doubt Rahu (Attention seeker) is playing a major role.
• Those people who made their political career a success, had the
most combinations different skills
Qualities Required for Political Career &
• Who is a Politician?
• holds a position in government
• supports, proposes, and creates the laws
of the government
• Communicate well with masses
• leadership qualities,
• intelligence, negotiation, and brave. 
• The connection of these qualities with
planets and houses in Astrology make
a person a real politician
Main Planets for Political Career
Planets that make a person a great politician: Sun, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter,
& Mars. 
• Sun represents Government, power, position, and leadership.
• it is considered the King and Father in Astrology.
• The position of the Sun decides the purpose of one’s soul. 
• The relation of Sun with 6th house, 10th house, and 11th house make a
required combination to become a politician.
• Moon make a stable which takes thoughtful decisions. 
• A peaceful mind is a result of calm senses, that make thoughtful decisions.
• Strong Moon the karaka of the 4th house is really important to rule over
the masses and get allied with their heart and comfort
Main Planets for Political Career
• Jupiter signifies the intellect of a person, thought pattern, both at a spiritual and
intellectual level. 
• A strong Jupiter governs the philosophies, education, and principles of a person. 
• A weak Jupiter will make a person Hypocrite, selfish, and give a corrupt mindset.  
• Mars enables one with courage, will power, the fighting spirit, and to move ahead
without hesitation.
• A person with strong Mars never gets won over with temporary pleasures and gains. 
• Mars symbolizes the Fire element in the human body. So fire motivates and makes
one passionate to attain your goals and ambitions. 
Main Planets for Political Career
• Saturn represents justice, hard work, limitations, boundaries, and discipline. 
• Saturn karakas for judgment, legislation, and regulations, plays important role in politician.
• Rahu represents obsession, manipulation, and deception.
• Rahu is the planet that has no body, no heart and has only head, so it means only cleverness and
brains for benefits and no emotions, no ethics, no mercy as all these come from the heart.
• A politician needs to make powerful decisions for the benefit of the masses that is true but since
there is a lot of competition he has to be very manipulative and should have a strategical mind.
• Also, he should have the art of drawing public attention with strong and convincing speech.
• Hence all these things only a strong Rahu is capable of giving.
Barack Obama’s Political Career
• Lagna bhava is in Capricorn (Makara)
• Ketu  deposited in lagna bhava
• Saturn, Jupiter in 12th bhava but aspects on Mercury,
Sun and 7th bhava.
• Sun and Mercury aspects on lagna, Saturn and Jupiter
• Moon is deposited in 4th Bhava
• Venus deposited in 5th bhava
• Mercury and Sun are deposited in 6th Bhava
• Rahu and Mars are deposited in 7th Bhava
• Obama had supreme knowledge (Jupiter) and the
most beneficial skill (Saturn) in making Strategy
and laying Structure for the Self Actualization &
Spirit. Therefore he made an Identity with self-
• Jupiter owns 2nd bhava (high income, authoritative
voice and strong family values)
• Jupiter also owns 12th bhava (investments, Donations,
Charity, and Associations with Philanthropic
Barack Obama’s Political
• Rahu is sub-lord of lagna (1), bhava 2,3,7,9
• Mercury is sub-lord of 4,5,10,12
• Ketu Sub-lord of 6 & 11
• Jupiter sub lord of 8

• Rahu Signify 1,7

• Rahu is in the star of Ketu and Ketu signify 1,3,7,10
• Lastly, I will highlight the position of Rahu with Mars in the 8th house
in the Rashi chart. This is called Angarak Yoga which signifies the fire
element in a person. The sign lord of Rahu is Sun and being in the
7th house of opposition, with the 6th lord of competition and
services. The position of the Sun gave him recognition.
• In the Navamsha chart, Rahu is in the 10th house of fame, name, and
status and in the Taurus sign. This signifies consistency and
• This way you can see how all-powerful raj yogas if connected,
can undoubtedly give a triumphant political career.
Mr. Narendra Modi is the existing Prime
Minister of India. 
• The Scorpio sign with Moon and Mars placed in Lagna. This magnificent Rajyoga of the 9th lord of higher
learnings, Moon (your subconscious mind), and Mars the action-oriented and the 6th lord of competition in Lagna.
• This combination gave Mr. Modi such a vision of a prosperous and developed country moreover he started
building patterns for the manifestations of his Dreams for the welfare of the masses.
• Jupiter 2nd lord of speech in the 4th house of masses, and popularity so when he speaks his voice reaches the heart of
the masses, now that is the most essential yoga for success in a political career.
• The third lord of presentation is Saturn (skills, potential and focus) placed in 10th house, Leo Sign, that signifies
Royal, Lineage, implementation of authority orders for Growth, Government, and Politics. Therefore his
presentations are highly praiseworthy.
• The Cancer Lagna in Navamsha chart is the 9th lord of Rashi chart, this signifies higher learnings Standard
Procedure, Laws, Dharma, and Management will be the main focus of this person.
• Rahu in the 2nd house of speech with the 4th lord again signifies powerful, and attention-seeking (Rahu) with
discriminative skills (Venus) in Leo sign of giving authoritative orders.
• Jupiter lord of 6th (Sewa) and 9th lord (dharma) in 5th house (giving solutions).
• All these combinations have made the chart so strong, and this is the reason that Mr. Modi after serving as chief
minister, became PM of India for the second time
Prime minister – Narendra Modi Ji
Prime minister – Narendra Modi Ji

This way I have shared Planetary Combinations for a Political Career.

And I would further imply that it is not essential that one will have all
the important combinations to get into politics. Every chart is unique in
itself, this is just like the Hierarchy in politics. and more the
combination, the greater will be the rank in the government office.

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