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Our Mission:

Delivering a Tailor Made and customized Management Consultancy with Excellence Services

Our Vision:
To be a one Stop Shop for Knowhow localization According to International
Organization for Standardizations (ISO) principles and guidelines
We’re Experiences Economic Consulting (EEC)

EEC is a management consulting office established in 2019, with an

objective to contribute to the improvement of companies based in Oman
and worldwide through an excellence in management by focusing on
achieving better results through providing consultancy services in the
fields of the companies’ short, medium and long term strategies. Also,
assuring total quality management with continuous business
improvements system, building organizations risk management plan and
control to ensure over all company business integrity and compliance
process and finally accelerating the change management through
building digitized and automated systems.
A message from EEC Owner

My objective is to use my own personal expertise to improve my custoemrs organization bottom line
by putting into practice the best management methods and techniques available worldwide in order
to serve our clients so that my clients will be learning as they are producing better results by adding
values in order to exceed their customers satisfaction on the products and services they produce as
customers only pays for what which, in their perception have VALUE. This can be only achieved
through eliminate abnormalities by standardizing PROCESSES of work, Monitoring the RESULTS of
these processes and comparing them with the GOALS, CORRECTIVE ACTIONS to be taken after
detecting deviations when comparing the RESULTS with the GOALS.

Abdul Aziz Al Balushi

EEC Founder: Abdul Aziz Mohammed Al Balushi

Abdul Aziz Al Balushi graduated from Sultan Qaboos University in 2001 as a master
degree of science in Agricultural Economics and Rural studies and bachelor degree
holder in Economics, Financial and auditing specialization from Kuwait University in
1998. He has been working for 24 years in different government, semi government
and international institutions in the areas of investment portfolio management and
accounting for a military pension fund. He served in a government institution as
economic researcher. He worked as financial senior economist in international
mining company based in Brazil for 1.5 years bringing with him expertise in the
area of budgeting, commercial contracts sales and services contracts management.
He was in charge of Commercial (Sales, Tenders, Procurements, contracts and Legal
management in Majis Industrial Services SAOC a 100% government water utilities
companies in Sohar industrial Port for 7 years. Currently he is an owner and
executive Director of Experiences Economic Consultant (EEC).
EEC is 100% Omani SME With Professional
Certification from MOCIIP
What attributing of EEC is being a good model

•Easy to use
•Easy to understand
Leadership Dimension:
This dimension focuses on the leader’s role in shaping EEC
Clients organizational culture



Method EEC-Client

Method Dimension: Technical Dimension:

The Method dimension focuses on how This dimension focuses on how to ensure safe
processes and routines are structured to operations with sustainable results in EEC
ensure the results are achieved and improved Clients Organizations
Implement and deploy strategic planning

Chronic Problems
Deploy goals

3 4

Plan and implement

Achieve Priority Goals

Need to develop standards

Improvement Goals

Standardize, normalize and audit
Monitor results and treat processes and procedures

Standard Goals Standard Goals

  Evaluate effectiveness of management model
EEC Business Innovation Model

EEC Innovation Model Package is an integrated system

developed by EMC, that defines organizes and mobilize
People, Processes and technology for executing companies'
mission and reaching its vision with Excellence. The base of EEC represents the Module
& Risk
People, because it is the main productive
1 : 2018 sM resource of a company and the foundation for
500 ana
4 gem a evolution of the remaining dimensions and a
t y ISO 015 ent
f e : 2 Sys
& Sa 14001 t em production of excellence.
lt h O
a l Hea ent IS ISO
at i on ronm Auditing Management System ISO 19011:2018 00:2
c c up Envi 018 The pillars of EEC are the Projects and
Assets Management systems, because these
Quality Management System 9001:2015 are the functions that the Company’s engine
business growth .

These functions are harmonized by the

Module of Management, that promotes an
effective and disciplined coordination and
Project Management allocation of resources of the company
Assets Management
System ISO 21500:2020 through adequate methodologies and
System ISO 55001:2014
The Health, Safety & Environment
Management and Risks Management are
essential for obtaining lasting results and are
responsible for harmonic functioning of the
other dimensions or systems.

The expected results of the Auditing System is

People Management System ISO 30414:2018 to ensure the compliance with all regularities
in order to sustain the good results
How EEC Business Innovation Model it work?

Full Package of EMC

Business Innovation
More than
Models (4+4) 20 Management
Tools and Techniques
4 Basics & 4
Complementary adopted to build an
integrated Management
Management Systems

EMC-Innovation Model
adopting PDCA Approach and Qualifying
its implemented in 4 Organizations in
stages based on the 8 ISO’s Certification
Organization Size and
Complexity Degree
EEC Business Innovation Model Tools and Techniques
(Friendly, Simplified, Flexible and Adoptable)
Incident Management and Investigation Reporting

Cost-Benfits Analysis

Operaational Risks Analysis and Control

Plan-Do-Check -Act (PDCA)

Responsibility Matrix and Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)

Process Hazard Review (PHR)
RAIDPN Approach for Descion Making
5 Senses (5S) Programme
Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA)
Supplier-Input-Process-Output-Client (SIPOC) Approach

HAZOP Analysis
Assets Coding and Criticality Analysis

Root Cause Anslysis & 5 Whys+1How Define-Measure-Anlayize-Improve-Control (DMAIC), Six Sigma, Controling Charts

SWOT Analysis
Job Hazard Analysis
Plan-Execute-Control-Improve (PDCI)

Responsible-Accountable-Consult-Inform (RACI) Matrix

Adequecy and Implementation Evaluation Method Based on EMC-PS Method

Authority Matrix Design Stop and Correct Action
EEC step-by-
stepManagement System
Implementation Approach
•1- Business Model & Process Study (AS-IS) & Requirements Gathering.
•2- Gap Fit Analysis.
•3- (To-Be) Documentation and Sign Off.
•4- Development & Customization as per (To-Be) Document.
•5- Integrated Testing.
•6- Products Development.
•7- User or Client Training & Acceptance.
•8- Documents and Change Management.
•9- Handshake, Go Live & Off-site or On-Site Support Services.
EMC Models adopted to qualify Organizations in 8
International Recognized Certifications

Contact Us:

Abdul Aziz Mohammed Al Balushi

Owner & Executive Director
Experiences Economic Consultant –EEC
Mobil No: 99436823
Sohar – Sultanate of Oman

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