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“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit”.

Part I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each statement

carefully and write the letter that corresponds to
the correct answer.
1. Which of the following BEST describes the concept of

A. Human person is essentially his/her body and

nothing more.
B. Human person is essentially his/her spirit and
nothing more.
C. Human person is essentially the unity of his/her body
and spirit.
D. Human person is essentially a separate entity of the
body and the spirit.
2. Which of the following experiences describe the concept
of embodiment?

A. Joy attaches a sentimental value to a pair of

rubber shoes which was given by her mother.
B. Kim associates love with hypothalamus, a part
of the brain that is responsible for feelings.
C. Ivy recalls a happy moment in her life and still
feel the same happiness he felt at that moment.
D. Trina received a pat in her shoulder from her
best friend and felt completely relieved at that
3. Vincent loses his arm and leg due to a car accident. He loses a part of hisphysical body
which makes up his physical identity. Which of the following statements is true about the
concept of embodiment?

A. Vincent can still be considered a human

person despite losing a part of his identity.
B. Vincent is not fully considered a human
person since he lacks one aspect of his
C. Neither a nor b
D. None of the above
4. A criminal who have committed a heinous offense can still be considered a human person despite of his
cruelty and inhumane act. The statement is

A. True, the dignity is still retained in spite of his

actions because it is his inherent right.
B. False, the dignity of humans are removed once
they don’t treat other people just and right.
C. Neither a nor b
D. None of the above
5. The following are parts of the soul EXCEPT one:

a. rational
b. spiritual
c. appetitive
d. psychological
Write TRUE if the sentence is correct, write FALSE

6. According to Plato reality

is made up of two worlds
namely, the world of Forms
and the world of Change.
7. Buddhism is a
8. Human beings is a body
and soul, according to
Plato, body is evil for it is
inclined to temporal things;
objected to temporal
satisfaction and happiness.
9. Transcendence is the
non-existence that is
present beyond normal
or physical level.
10. Four primary
values of Hindus:
wealth, pleasure,
duty and

11. part of the soul

that Plato consider
as the thinking part.
12. the part of the soul
that gets angry when it
perceives (for example)
an injustice being done
13. is a living being that contains a
real and existing to direct its own
development toward fulfillment
through perfect, unconditional, and
infinite Truth, Love, Goodness,
Beauty, and Unity, and will do so if
all the proper conditions are met.
14. discipline in philosophy
that studies the moral
relationship of human
beings with the environment
and its non-human
15. “We abuse land because we see
it as a commodity belonging to us.
When we see land as a community
to which we belong, we may begin to
use it with love and respect.”

- Give the name of the philosopher

16. Described the universe as
a living embodiment of
natures order, harmony and

- Give the name of the

17. Conceived an evolutionary
theory in which humans sprang
from “fish or fish-like creatures”.

- Give the name of the

18. According to him, we must
ignore any practical motives or
inclinations that we have and
instead contemplate the object
without being distracted by our

- Give the name of the philosopher

19. He said that
humanity had dominated
- Give the name of the
20. “We are not only
citizens of the
community but how we
react to this community.
PART IV: ESSAY: Explain in your own
words and discuss significance.
According to Buddha's
teaching why do people suffer?
What can we do to eliminate
one’s suffering?

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