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Enhancing Effectiveness of CSOs

in Local Development:
A Capacity Development Program
for CSOs in Local Special Bodies
[CSO Capdev Program]

Program Objectives
1. Equip CSOs with skills and knowledge that will make them more effective
members of the LSBs
2. Make CSOs understand and enable them to define their roles, responsibilities
and accountabilities as members of LSBs
3. Level the playing field for CSO participation in decision-making as a means of

• Will be implemented every time LSBs are re-constituted, similar to LGA’s NEO
• The CSO Capdev Program is included in the guidelines for CSO Accreditation (DILG
MC 2022-83)

At a Glance
Target Non-government members of LDC, LScB, LHB (CSOs, POs,
participants business, academe)
Content of Built on existing training and knowledge materials of
Training DILG on LSBs plus resources from non-government
Modules partners showcasing innovative practices on local
governance. Content of modules will provide basic
knowledge of the operations and functions of the LSBs,
focusing on roles of CSOs (appreciation rather than
Training Face-to-face (With option for online or blended learning)
Implementation Q4 2022
Milestone Activities
Accreditation Nationwide
Pilot Run in 8 Assessment National and
and roll-out of
regions and Regional TOTs
Reconstitu- Training
(Nov-Dec Enhancement (Apr-July tion of LSBs (Oct-Dec
2021) (Jan-Mar 2022)
(Aug-Sept 2022)

CSO Partners:

Projected number of CSOs to be trained
Region No. of LGUs* Total
(Ave=11)** (Ave=2)** (Ave=3)**
NCR 17 187 34 51 289
CAR 83 913 166 249 1,411
Region 1 129 1,419 258 387 2,193
Region 2 98 1,078 196 294 1,666
Region 3 137 1,507 274 411 2,329
Region 4A 147 1,617 294 441 2,499
Region 4B 78 858 156 234 1,326
Region 5 120 1,320 240 360 2,040
Region 6 139 1,529 278 417 2,363
Region 7 136 1,496 272 408 2,312
Region 8 149 1,639 298 447 2,533
Region 9 75 825 150 225 1,275
Region 10 98 1,078 196 294 1,666
Region 11 54 594 108 162 918
Region 12 54 594 108 162 918
Region 13 78 858 156 234 1,326
Subtotal 1,592 17,512 3,184 4,776 27,064
Plus 10%***
  19,263 3,502 5,254 28,019
(Grand Total)

* Based on Philippine Standard Geographic Code (PSGC), Philippine Statistics Authority, June 30, 2021
** From DILG Baseline study (2019)
*** Projected increase of 10% by 2022
Indicative number of Trainers per LSB Assumptions:
Region No. of LGUs LDC LHB LScB Total
NCR 17 1) LDC training will be done
34 4 6 44
CAR 83 per LGU
166 18 26 210
Region 1 129 2) LHB and LScB trainings will
258 26 40 324
Region 2 98 196 20 30 246 be done per cluster of
Region 3 137 274 28 42 344 LGUs (clusters TBD with
Region 4A 147 294 30 46 370 ROs)
Region 4B 78 156 16 24 196 3) At least 2 RPs needed to
Region 5 120 240 24 36 300 deliver each LSB module
Region 6 139 278 28 42 348
Region 7 136 272 28 42 342 Prospective Trainers:
Region 8 149 298 30 46 374 4) External - CSOs, Academic
Region 9 75 150 16 24 190 Institutions, LRIs (from
Region 10 98 196 20 30 246 network of CSO Partners)
Region 11 54 108 12 18 138 5) Internal
Region 12 54 108 12 18 138 LGU – LPDC, CSO Desk Officer,
Region 13 78 156 16 24 196 LHO, LSWDO
Total 1,592 3,184 328 494 4,006
* Based on Philippine Standard Geographic Code (PSGC), Philippine Statistics Authority, June 30, 2021
DILG – Regional/Prov’l
Officers, LGOOs

Roll out Plan
Post-training Assessment
Training preparation Training Proper
and Reporting
• SLGP to provide training • LGUs to lead in organizing • LGUs to submit training
modules and list of the trainings and shall reports
potential trainers (June) shoulder training • SLGP to provide training
• ROs to plan with LGUs on expenses, including travel report templates, lead in
schedule, training support to CSOs (Oct-Dec) consolidating reports, and
resources, clustering (for • Training duration: conduct of FGDs (Dec
LHB and LScB), trainers • LDC – 2.5 days 2022 to Q1 2023)
available, and number of • LHB – 2 days
CSO training pax (Aug- • LScB – 2 days
Sept) • Total – 6.5 days

LDC Modules
Module 1: Module 2: Module 3: Module 4:
Development Local Development LDC Operations Soft Skills

• 1.1. Meaning and • 2.1. Development • 3.1.Fundamentals • 4.1. Effective

Key Dimensions of in the LGU Context of Local Planning, Communication
Development Implementation,
• 2.2. Executive and Monitoring & • 4.2. Negotiation
• 1.2. Overview of Legislative powers Evaluation Skills
Philippine of the LGU
performance vis-à- • 3.2. The LDC
vis selected SDGs
• 3.3. CSO
Intervention Plan

LHB Modules
Module 1:
Expectations Check and
Module 2: Module 3:
Introduction to the
Uncovering Our Reality in CSO Engagement:
Capacity Development
Health Trends and Challenges
Program for CSOs in

Module 4A: Module 4B:

Module 5:
LHB: The LGU’s LHB: The CSOs
Sharing the Vision
Platform for Participatory Platform for Social
in Health
Health Governance Change

Module 6:
Module 7:
Action Planning
Collaboration and
Community Participation

LScB Modules
Module 1:
Education as an Module 2: Module 3:
Empowerer: Local School Boards as Learning from the Best:
The State of Catalysts of Education The Valenzuela City
Education in the Reforms LScB

Module 4: Module 5:
Module 6:
The Finance of The Role of CSOs in the
Integration and Action
Education and the SEF LScB: Optimizing my
Budget LScB Membership

Thank you!


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