Chapter 7 Noli Me Tangere

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Life and Works of Rizal

Fig. I



Senilong, Tare, Villamor & Salarda
The contents are your answers to the following items:

Activity on the first page
(Box2) Doaril Sheen Senilong

Worksheet 1
Jaed Elaine Tare

Worksheet 2 Rya Sheen Salarda

Worksheet 3 Jan Daven Villamor & Jaed Elaine Tare

Worksheet 4 Doaril Sheen Senilong

A. If you are to draw a symbol that would best
represent one current problem of the
Philippines (be it political, social,
economic, etc.), what would it be?

Identify this problem and illustrate a symbol

for it in the box below. Then, write
a brief explanation about your symbol on the
space provided.
Reporter: Doaril Sheen Y. Senilong

Problem: Political
• White triangle stands for equality and
• Blue field for peace, truth and justice;
• Red field for patriotism and valor.
• Eight rays of the sun stand for the first
eight provinces that the colonizers have
put under martial law.
• Three stars symbolize Luzon, Visayas,
and Mindanao.
Fading or gone?
Where is freedom right now? There’s so
many people who are very toxic, aggressive,
brutal and unrespectful just to support their
presidential/political candidate (s)/bet.
The Philippine flag will help us be reminded
about equality, freedom, democracy & etc.
because again the sun symbolizes unity,
freedom, democracy, and sovereignty that
should always be respected and maintained.
Worksheets Fig. I

Encircle the letter of the
correct answer.

Reporter: Jaed Elaine Tare

Note: Answers in RED

1. The banning of the Noli Me Tangere was recommended by: 4. The literal meaning of Noli Me Tangere is _____.
A. Archbishop of Manila A. Leave Me Alone
C. Catholic Church of Madrid C. Touch Me Not
B. Permanent Commission on Censorship B. Save Me From Sin
D. Rector of UST D. Help Me
2. Which among the following is considered as the enemy of 5. _____ is the character that represents rich Filipinos
progress and reform according to Rizal? who chose to be allies of Spanish officials to preserve
A. Guardia Civil their wealth.
C. Spanish Governor-General A. Kapitan Inggo
B. Friars C. Kapitan Basilio
D. Filipinos B. Kapitan Elias
3. _____ was considered the savior of the Noli due to the D. Kapitan Tiago
financial assistance he gave Rizal for the printing of
the novel.
A. Felipe Buencamino
C. Felix Hidalgo
B. Maximo Viola
D. Valentin Ventura
Note: Answers in RED

6. Rizal’s Noli was influenced by the novel of Harriet Beecher 9. Maria Clara symbolizes ___.
Stowe entitled ____. A. Filipino womanhood
A. Uncle Tom’s Cabin C. Oppression
C. Count of Monte Cristo B. Filipino nation
B. Deception D. Martyrdom
D. A Tale of Two Cities
7. Rizal deleted this chapter in the Noli entitled ___ to economize 10. ____ is the character in Noli that represents the
its printing. small group of Filipinos who had a chance to
A. In the Woods study abroad.
C. Memories A. Elias
B. Elias and Salome C. Basilio
D. The Supper B. Isagani
8. Which among the following characters in the novel best D. Ibarra
describe a social climber?
A. Doña Patrocinio
C. Doña Victorina
B. Sisa
D. Maria Clara
Complete the table below to describe your own symbolism of
the characters used in the Noli Me Tangere.
It can be an object, a person in the present time, or any other
representation. Briefly explain your symbolism on the third

Reporter: Rya Sheen Salarda

Character Symbolism Explanation

Ibarra Pen He has a liberal psyche. Transparency and optimism. Extreme man and
patient. At the point when he incited, he turned out to be forceful and
incautious. As a portrayal of itself by Rizal, Ibarra. The optimism of the
privileged youth is represented.

Maria Clara Pearl She portrayed a committed special girl, faithful companion, and a girl who
was steadfast. She's been adolescently quick and gets anxious rapidly. Her
character is connected to Leonor Rivera, Rizal's wife. It represents a
sheltered native lady's innocence and honesty.

Kapitan Tiago Crocodile A decent Catholic, the Spanish government's companion, he is supposed to
be. The affluent Filipinos, who misuse their comrades, represented him. Like
the corrupt public authority, which served individuals yet conceivably
undermined the country.

Basilio Kian Delos He's ten years of age. A helper needed to ringer the Angelus in the
Santos congregation He was the blameless one unjustly indicted for offenses he had
not submitted. Much as Kian was killed in light of the fact that he had been
blamed for something he had not done.
Character Symbolism Explanation

Don Rafael Ibarra Eagle Assist a little kid with experiencing harm a Spanish duty gatherer. A socially mindful
affluent property manager. He is the one that has the cash and furthermore focuses on and
helps a denied society. Much as an Eagle, who likewise screens the country at a high

Elias Bolo A solid, gutsy man. He questions the judgment of man and rather favors the discipline of
God. He leans towards unrest. He represents the normal Filipino people. It is professed to
be Andrés Bonifacio's character.

Fr Damaso Fake Jewelry Barbarous and talkative priest. He assaulted Doña Pia, the mother of Maria Clara. He
ceaselessly denounces and restricts Ibarra from marrying Maria Clara He represents Rizal's
Spanish Friars. It addresses the religious individuals yet with a rotten character.

Sisa The Philippines Basilio and Crispin's unhinged mother. Excellent and youthful, notwithstanding the way
that she cherishes her children so much, she can't guard her significant other, Pedro, against
the beatings. The homeland's agony exemplified.

Dona Victorina Rotten Egg A delusional Filipina. She addresses the individuals who have their very own twisted
personalities. An exemplification of the opportunist and colonialist outlook. She addresses
the individuals who will in general be alluring and eurocentric outwardly while being
decaying within.
Read and analyze each question. Answer
each item briefly but

Reporter: Jan Daven Villamor & Jaed Elaine Tare

1. Why do you think Rizal wrote the original Noli Me Tangere in Spanish,
considering that it is the language of the colonizers?

Noli Tangere was known to be originally written in Spanish. This

was done so that the Spanish authorities would read it. This was
the reason Rizal wanted it to happen that way so that the
likelihood that Spanish authorities would read it first would be
very high, which is what Rizal wanted to happen. Copies of books
were redirected to churches, many were destroyed, many anti-
Noli writers came into the picture.
2. Prove or Contradict: Noli Me Tangere is anti-clerical and anti-patriotic.

In my opinion, Noli Me Tangere is not a novel that is anti-clerical. It was just an exposing
of the Dominican and Augustinian friars' abuses. Also, it did not criticize all of the friars,
hence, the book cannot be considered anti-clerical. Rizal does not criticize the church or the
In his work, he targeted terrible Spanish authorities rather than Spain, and lousy and corrupt
friars rather than the church and If the novel was anti-clerical, why would the Jesuit friars
find it to be not anti-clerical but as merely an attack on abusive friars? The debate arose
from Dominicans' prejudices towards Rizal and a disagreement between Dominican and
Jesuit friars, as the Dominicans were aware that Rizal had been trained as a Jesuit man.
Rizal's main purpose of writing "Noli Me Tangere" was to expose the wrongdoings of some
friars and government officials at the time.
3. Between Elias and Ibarra, who do you prefer? Why?

Elias is probably the most unique personality in Rizal's novel, much

more than Ibarra. He personifies all the virtues of the villager,
gratitude, integrity, sacrifice and devotion to country.
He was created with the love and devotion of Rizal.
What is freedom? How is lack of freedom
portrayed in the Noli Me Tangere? How is the
situation in the novel similar or different from

Reporter: Doaril Sheen Y. Senilong

What is freedom? How is lack of freedom portrayed in the Noli Me Tangere? How is the
situation in the novel similar or different from today?

I agree how Archibald Maclesh defined the word freedom. He says, “Freedom is the right
to choose: the right to create for oneself the alternatives of choice...”
There were lack of freedom portrayed in Noli Me Tangere for the Spaniards controlled
and were dictators in our land, there was corruption in politics and church and etc. and
was proven that the Filipinos was once slaves by the Spaniards.

There’s still conflicts that have been dominant inside the novel like corruption, injustice,
poverty, and abuse remain the same trouble as much as this present day.

We have now the freedom to speak, act, think without restraint unlike before.

Doaril Sheen Senilong Jaed Elaine Tare Jan Daven Villamor Rya Sheen Salarda

Submitted to:
Euler Yoland B. Guerrero
Life and Works of Rizal



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