Acts and Key Events

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Act 1 Key

Othello’s character?
Attitudes to Othello and
Desdemona’s marriage?
Iago's character?
Iago’s plotting and
Turkish Invasion of Cyprus?
Character Analysis?
 What does the character say/ do?
 What do others say about the character?
 Relationships with other characters?
 Themes linked to characters?
Act 2 Key Events/ Ideas/
Act 2 Scene 1:
 How is the storm described? (nature imagery)
 How is Othello depicted? By who? Is this significant?
 How is Cassio depicted? How does he refer to Othello
and Desdemona? Is he a ladies’ man?
 Iago’s views on and treatment of women? Misogynist?
(His relationship with his wife, Emilia.)
 How is the appearance Vs reality theme presented in this
scene? (Desdemona & Iago’s conversation)
 How does Iago use rhetoric to influence Roderigo?
(Lines: 214-240)
 Iago is formulating his plan of revenge. What are the
key aspects?
Act 2 Scene 2

How is Othello presented?

Act 2 Scene 3
 Compare & contrast Iago and Cassio’s
references to Desdemona.
 What is Iago’s plan to show Cassio in a bad
light? Does it work? What image does he create?
 How is Montano manipulated by Iago? What
are his views on Cassio?
 How is the brawl interpreted/discussed by:
Othello, Iago & Montano?
 How does Cassio rely on Iago’s help?
 How is Desdemona and Othello’s relationship
presented by Iago?
 How does Iago take control of the situation? How
does this advance his plotting/revenge?
Act 3 Scene 1
 Why does Cassio want to speak to Emilia?
 What does Cassio think of Iago?
 Emilia reassures Cassio. What does she

 Do you think Emilia is being sincere or is
she complying with her husband’s wishes?

(Act 3 Scene 2:Othello sends letters to Venice.)

Key themes & contexts

Machiavellian plotting

Act 3 Scene 3
What are Cassio’s fears?
How does Desdemona reassure
What do you think of
Desdemona’s tactics?
Why is Iago’s statement, “Ha! I
like not that.” significant?
How does Desdemona approach
Othello about Cassio?
Act 3 scene 3 continued..
 Line 90. Othello says, “Excellent
wretch! Perdition catch my soul/ But I
do love thee; and when I love thee
not,/ Chaos is come again.” Explain
the significance of his words.
 How does Iago continue to sow the
seeds of doubt? Line 96.
 How does Othello react to Iago’s
questions? Line 97 onwards.
Act 3 Scene 3 continued…
 There are several examples of
dramatic irony in the conversation
between Iago and Othello. Can you
spot some examples and explain the
 Do you think Iago is gifted in the art
of rhetoric? What techniques does
he use to manipulate Othello?
 How are Othello’s emotions changing
under Iago’s influence?
Act 3 Scene 3 continued…
 How is theme of JEALOUSY presented in
this scene?
 Othello lines 179-194 attempts to shake
off his doubts about Desdemona. How
does Iago continue to plant the idea of
 Line 246, Iago sets a key part of his plot in
motion. What does he advise Othello to
do? Is Othello naïve to follow Iago’s
Act 3 Scene 3 continued…
 Line 260 onwards: What is Othello’s
opinion of Iago? What does this tell
you about Iago’s
character/behaviour? What does
Othello think of Desdemona?
 Line 282: How is Othello’s character
changed since his conversation with
 What is a cuckold?
 What is the significance of the
Act 3 Scene 3 continued…
 How does Iago treat his wife, Emilia?
 Line 336: Othello says, “Thou hast
set me on the rack./ I swear ‘tis
better to be much abus’d/ Than but
to know a little.” How is Othello’s
character depicted?
 What does Othello think he knows
and how does this affect him? How
would you describe his state of
Act 3 Scene 3 continued…
 What is Othello’s opinion of his wife?
 What vile images does Iago suggest to
 What job does Othello give Iago? How
 this suit Iago’s plans?
 Line 410 onwards: What are Iago’s
suggestions? How do Iago’s suggestions
affect Othello?
 Who is controlling who?
 How is Desdemona referred to by Othello?
Act 3 Scene 4
 Desdemona’s opinion of Othello at
the opening of the scene?
 How would you describe Othello’s
behavior towards Desdemona? How
has his character changed from
earlier scenes?
 Is Othello finding evidence for his
 Images of Desdemona’s sexuality?
 The handkerchief?

Act 4 Scene 1
 What images does Iago conjure up
for Othello’s mind?
 Iago continues to lie to Othello.
What is his next ‘porkie’ regarding
 How does Othello’s character react
to the strain of Iago’s lies?
 What rhetorical language does Iago
use on pages 92 – 93?
Act 4 Scene 1 Continued...
 How does Cassio refer to Bianca? Is
this a
different side to Cassio that we have
seen before?
 The handkerchief?
 Othello’s treatment of Desdemona?
Act 4 Scene 2
 Othello questions Emilia and then
Desdemona, how do they react to his
 How would you describe Othello’s mood
and character in comparison to the start of
the play?
 How does Iago react to Desdemona’s
situation with Othello?
 What does Desdemona think of Iago?
 How does Iago reassure Roderigo?
Act 4 Scene 3
 Has Desdemona changed her
feelings towards Othello?
 What is the significance of the willow
tree song?
 What are Desdemona’s and Emilia’s
opinions on adultery? What images
of women are created?
Act 5 Scene 1
 What has Iago to gain from Cassio or
Roderigo’s death?
 What does Othello mean on lines 31-
 What is the significance of the
references to light and dark?
 How does Iago ‘cover his tracks’ with

Act 5 Scene 2
 Discuss the images created in
Othello’s opening speech.
 How would you describe Othello’s
behaviour to Desdemona?
 Does Desdemona defend herself?
How does she appear?
 How does Othello behave after the
Act 5 Scene 2 continued…
 How does Othello’s imagery contrast
with Emilia’s imagery of Desdemona?
 How does Iago defend himself?
 What do you think of Emilia’s
behaviour towards her husband?
 What does Othello realise in the lines
 Pages 140 – 143, how does Othello
appear? Lines: 334 - 352?
Imagery in Othello?
A picture created in the mind’s eye through

 Poisoning
 Helland the Devil
 Animals and Insects
 The Sea and Military Heroism
 Black and White
 Cuckoldry
Themes in Othello
An idea/image that recurs throughout a story.
 Jealousy
 Honesty/ Appearance Vs Reality
 Men and Women: Gender roles/ Sexuality
 Race and Colour
 Ambition/ Machiavellian
 Heroism
 Power
 Religion
Language & Structure
 Blank Verse
 Specific Idioms for different characters (The usage
or vocabulary that is characteristic of a specific group of
 Poetic verse
 Shared speech Patterns
 Dramatic Structure
 Irony
 Rhetoric
 The Timescale of Othello

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