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To be a waiter

Kemal M

 Hygiene is the
awareness that a
person has of being
physically and mentally
clean. In our situation it
involves our bodies
more than our mind.

 The Hotel-restaurant
cannot run without
waiters. The guests are
dealing with waiters all
the time and therefore
the waiter is an
advertisement for the

 If the people see a

clean, neat and smiling
waiter when they walk
in the front door it give
them a good idea of
how the restaurant is. It
will be a good start to
their meal.

 The waiter is there to do

everything in his power to
ensure that the guests enjoy
themselves. Being clean in
body and mind will help to
feel good and sure about
yourself, so there’s no need
to be shy or uncertain.

 Our hands are the tools of our trade. Without hands you
cannot be a waiter. It is therefore very important to look
after them. Just like a doctor looks after his instruments,
we need to look after our hands.
 Make sure that your finger nails are short and clean.
 Hands must be washed thoroughly at the following times:
 before work
 before service
 after going to the toilet
 after working with any unhygienic or dirty materials
 If you have an open wound, always put a band-aid on.

 It is very important that a person shower at least once a day. Our

bodies are made in such a way that when we get hot, we sweat. This
happens to cool our bodies down. If we do not wash our bodies this
transpiration begins to smell.

 Nothing could be worse for a guest in a restaurant to smell stale

sweat from a waiter. That guest wil be put off his meals and will
never come back.

 How do we guard against this smell?

 Wash once a day thoroughly.

 Use an underarm deodorant.


 A waiter is in constant
contact with the guests
and he is always
speaking to them.

 Causes of bad smelling


 Many people smoke and this leaves a bad smell

on your breath. To breath this smell onto a
person trying to enjoy a meal is asking for

 Keep a packet of peppermints or chewing gum

in your pocket and eat one after you have
smoked, to take away the smell.
2. Smoking

Never smoke when you are on duty!!!


 Especially rings, collect

dirt underneath them.
The only jewellery
which may be worn is:
 wedding and
engagement ring
 watch
 so no earings!
Failure to brush your teeth before work

 It is essential to brush your

teeth as often as possible –
3 times a day!
Bad teeth

 If you have problems –

see a dentist.

 It is one of the areas on the

body where we find most
germs. Make sure that your
hair is regularly washed and
neatly combed.

 Our uniform always

has to be clean and

 This is a reflection
of our bodily
What’s important

 It is important for every waiter bo be conscious

of these factors.

 You may not have a problem in any of these

areas but you might know of someone who
has. It is your duty to the Hotel-restaurant to
help these people and to inform the
management that a problem exists.

 Do not use bad

language or curse. This
again is a reflection of
the way you take of

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