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The circulatory system

• Transports substances around the body

• Examples of these substances are……………….
• The heart pumps blood around the body
The heart
• Made of 2 sides separated by a muscle
• Right side receives deoxygenated blood from
body and sends to lungs
• Left side receives oxygenated blood from lungs
and sends it to the rest of the body.
• Bottom chambers are the ventricles
• Top chambers are the atria (atrium, singular)
• Valves ensure blood flows in one direction,
preventing back flow of blood.
• ..\..\..\Documents\Heart Anatomy.mp4
Blood vessels
• Carry blood around the body
• Carry blood away from the heart
• Have a thick elastic muscle to withstand high
pressure of blood.
• Have a pulse due to stretching and shrinking
of arteries as blood moves through them.
• Pulse measures how fast a heart is beating
• Carry blood to the heart
• Blood is at a lower pressure than in arteries
• Have thinner walls than arteries
• Have a wide lumen
• Have valves to prevent backflow of blood
• These are the smallest blood vessels
• They are one cell thick
• Formed when arteries split into smaller blood
• Capillaries join to form veins.
• Blood is a tissue
• It consists of cells and the liquid part called plasma
• Red blood cells contain haemoglobin and carry oxygen
• White blood cells fight diseases
• They attack bacteria and produce chemicals that stop
viral infections
• When WBC die they form pus
• Platelets are fragments of cells and they are
responsible for blood clotting.
• Plasma contains hormones, salts and digested foods,
urea and carbon dioxide.
Red blood cells
White blood cells
Moving oxygen and carbon dioxide in blood

• Red blood cells carry oxygen from lungs to the

heart and to the rest of the body.
• At the cells oxygen leaves RBC and enters cells
for respiration
• Carbon dioxide is produced by cells and enters
the plasma in blood which carries it to the lungs
• Blood also carries glucose to the cells of
different body organs.
A healthy heart
• The heart has coronary arteries and veins which
carry substances to and from the heart muscle.
• Fatty substances eg cholesterol can stick to walls
of these arteries causing a blockage.
• Platelets can also settle on this area
• This can result in a blood clot which can cause
complete blockage/ thrombosis.
• Blood pressure increases in blood vessels
Coronary thrombosis
Coronary thrombosis
• A thrombosis in the coronary arteries leads to a
heart attack while that in an artery of the brain
leads to a stroke.
Keeping the heart healthy....what to do
• Exercise the heart
• Cut down on fatty foods in the diet.
• Obesity puts extra strain on the heart.
• Exercising increases your endurance, your
strength, and make the body more flexible.
• Think of and decide on how one can measure
their pulse rate.
• ..\..\..\Documents\How coronary heart diseas
e (atherosclerosis) develops.mp4
• ..\..\..\Documents\How coronary heart diseas
e (atherosclerosis) develops[1].mp4
• ..\..\..\Documents\Heart attack in 3d animatio
• Lets answer question 10-15 pp 53
• Exercising and heart rate----graph paper
provided........answer que 1 pp 54

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