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Why Your Customer
Loyalty Program Isn’t
By Michael Scharge
March 10, 2015
Nurturing customer loyalty requires a better understanding of
its nature, and the nature of loyalty depends on the economics
of the business. Loyalty to automobiles and mobile phones is NATURING
qualitatively and quantitatively different than loyalty to hotels
and airlines. CUSTOME

Walmart is loyal to its

customers by providing a
tool and technology that
allows it to honors its
“everyday low prices”
promise to shoppers. WALMA VALUAB
Shoppers are rewarded for
their loyalty to Walmart by RT LE
having Walmart do CUSTOM
comparison shopping for ER
them. Savings catcher
creates and cultivates a
How should loyalty from the best and/or most valuable
loyalty behavior that makes
customers be recognized and rewarded differently from that
the relationship more of typical or average customers depends on how businesses
valuable to both. and their customers define, perceive, and value loyalty.
Why Your Customer Loyalty Program Isn’t Working

True loyalty doesn’t just serve and
preserve valuable customer
relationships; it creates and inspires INNOVATIVE
more valuable customers. Loyalty is CONTRIBUTION
a mutual investment, not just an
When loyalty can be defined as
exchange. When loyalty involves
innovative contributions and
bribery, it’s bad for business,
influential word-of-mouth as
morale, and customer expectations.
opposed to repeat high-margin
business, traditional measures and
metrics for loyalty decay into
SOCIAL MEDIA anachronism.

The rise of social media platforms

such as Facebook, Twitter, and
TripAdvisor guarantee that
customers will get a global say on
what loyalty should mean and who
“loyal customers” really are
Loyalty is about ethics as it is
business. It is one of those rare
virtues that can be both a means
and an end for new value
creation in healthy relationships
between consumers and
companies. But that only
happens if companies commit to
offering loyalty as well as asking
for it.
Do Customer
Really Work?
• Loyalty programs that seek to bond
customers to a company or its
products and services by offering an
additional incentive pose an
interesting dilemma.
• Underlying the increasing interest in
loyalty programs are some marketing
managers' widely held beliefs about
customer loyalty
Marketing managers' widely held beliefs
about customer loyalty :
Many customers want an involving relationship with
1 the brands they buy

A proportion of these buyers are loyal to the core and

2 buy only one brand

The hard-core, loyal buyers are a profitable group

3 because there are many of them and they are heavy or
frequent buyers
It should be possible to reinforce these buyers' loyalty
4 and encourage them to be even more loyal

With database technology, marketers can establish

5 personalized dialogues with customers, resulting in
more loyalty.
Why Companies Introduce
Customer Loyalty Programs
A Research claimed that loyal customers are more profitable to a
firm. This profitability was thought to be generated by reduced
servicing costs, less price sensitivity, increased spending, and
favorable recommendations passed on to other potential
customers by loyal buyers.

● It is a lot easier for many B2B marketers than for most

consumer good marketers to know who their loyal
customers are.
● Do customers for these products want a relationship with
the supplying company? In a small business deal or for a
risky purchase, the answer may be yes. For low-
involvement products and the types of brands sold by, say,
Nesde, Procter & Gamble, Shell, or Unilever, it is unclear
whether customers really want a relationship.
● There is a belief is that a small percentage of customers
generate I most of a company's sales and that these
customers can be locked in forever (the 80/20 law). The
80/20 law states that about 80 percent of revenue
typically comes from only 20 percent of customers!
The Leaky Bucket Theory vs Polygamous Loyalty

"Leaky Bucket Theory" “Polygamous Loyalty"

Observes that many marketing strategies Better describes actual consumer behavior
seem to be designed to replace "disloyal" than either brand switching (a conscious once-
customers who leak away with new ones and-for-all change of allegiance to another
in order to keep the sales level steady. brand, as if propensities were 100 percent or
zero) or promiscuity (the butterfly tendency to
flit from brand to brand without any fixed
allegiance, when there are no long-run
propensities, only next-purchase
The Leaky Bucket Theory
VS Polygamous Loyalty
● Polygamous loyalty for instance, in
the soft: drink and breakfast cereal
markets but extends well beyond to
car rentals, fast-food outlets, and
business airline travel.
● Many reasons for the generalized
patterns of divided loyalty or
polygamy are straightforward (ex :
diffrent seasons or diffrent variety).
Linking Customer Rewards to Loyalty
Direct Or
Indirect Effect

How Buyers

Linking Customer Rewards to Loyalty
TIMING Of Reward
immediate Delayed

1 2
Directly Supports Retailer/Brand Airline Frequent-Flyer
the Product’s
Manufacturer Promotions Clubs, Coupons, and
(PRICE Tokens
Value Proposition

Type of Reward
3 4
Competitions and Multiproduct Frequent-
Other Indirect Lotteries Buyer Clubs
Type of Rewards (INSTANT (FLY BUYS)
The Claimed Benefits of Loyalty Programs
Advocates of loyalty programs contend that they are
profitable because:

Loyal customers
Loyal pass on positive
The costs of Loyal
customers recommendatio
serving loyal customers are
spend more ns about their
customers are less price
with the favorite brands
less sensitive or suppliers

These alluring benefits go far to explain the interest in customer loyalty

programs. The only way that a loyalty program can give extra leverage
to a company's word-of-mouth marketing is if the loyal customers offer
substantially more, or more effective, positive comments
How to Design an Effective Loyalty Program
To maximize the program's chances of success, the following guidelines are

Design the loyalty program

to enhance the value
proposition of a product or Fully cost the
service loyalty program

Design a reward
scheme that
Consider specific market
maximizes the buyer's
simulations in planning
motivation to make
the next purchase
• There are three primary lessons from the research and examples we cite here

• First, a major reason for the launch of many customer loyalty schemes is

• Second, apart from purely defensive reasons, if a loyalty program does not
support the product or service value proposition, it might be justified in
enticing more distributors to handle the product, a demand pull effect.

• Third, the behavioral loyalty research we reviewed here suggests that brand
loyalty is more likely to come from the market in which a company operates
and the brand it has already than from an add-on customer loyalty program.
Loyalty Programs
Discounts Service

Loyalty programs are

offered to stimulate
Members allowances
based on their annual
Cash continued patronage
among consumers purchases
through :

Free Goods point
Types of Loyalty Programs
Members receive additional discount at register
Type 1 Example : Supermarket program

Members receive 1 free when they purchase n units

Type 2 Example : Local car wash, nail salon, SuperCuts, Airport
FastPark, PETCO

Members receive rebates or points based on cumulative

Type 3 Example : Airlines, hotels, credit card programs,
Staples, Office Depot

Members receive targeted offers and mailings

Example : Tesco, Dorothy Lane Markets, Wakefern’s
Type 4 ShopRite, Giant Eagle Supermarkets, Harris Teeter,
Winn-Dixie, Harrah’s, Hallmark
Potential Benefits of Effective Loyalty
Programs to Sponsors
Access to Important Information on
Consumers and Consumer Trends
While the overall findings
Higher Average Sales (Due to Cross-
on the successes of Selling and Up-Selling
loyalty programs may
suggest that many do not Greater Ability to Target Special
Consumer Segments
meet their objectives,
there are significant
Increased Success in Implementing
benefits to a well-run Product Recalls

program :
Potential Benefits by Program
Steps in Developing, Implementing, and
Controlling an Effective Loyalty Program

1 Outlining Loyalty
Program Objectives 2 Developing a
Budget 3 Determining Loyalty
Program Eligibility

Building an

5 4
Appropriate Selecting Loyalty
Partnerships with
Organization Program Rewards

7 8
Developing and Managing an Internal
Maintaining the Loyalty
Program Database
Data Warehouse and
Data Mining Capacity 9 Evaluating the Success
or Failure of the Loyalty

Taking Corrective
Taking Corrective
Taking Corrective Action
Increasing • Implement a tier system to provide additional points for purchases above a given level (Type 3 and 4
Purchases programs).
by • Develop a differential point structure to reward heavy users (Type 3 and 4 programs).
Members • Provide additional points for related-item purchases (Type 3 and 4 programs).
• Develop a differential point structure for closeouts, overstocks, and end-of-season merchandise (Type 3
and 4 programs).
• Cross-sell goods and services with partners (Type 3 and 4 programs).
• Tailor rewards and communication to a member’s purchase history (Type 3 and 4 programs).
• E-mail special offers to members (Type 3 and 4 programs)
Increasing • Limit enrollment to members with a large and profitable transaction history (Type 3 and 4 programs).
Member • Provide tiered memberships so that heavy users receive greater benefits (Type 3 and 4 programs).
Gross Profit • Charge a nominal fee to discourage inactive or small activity accounts (Type 3 and 4 programs).
• Enable members to easily track activity, points, and award shipment through the Web (Type 3 and 4
• Restrict membership to a firm’s most profitable customers (Type 3 and 4 programs).
• Drop out unprofitable members or members with low purchase activity over a given time period (Type 3
and 4 programs).
• Develop a differential point structure for closeouts, overstocks, and end-of-season merchandise.This
strategy can be used to reduce the markdown levels needed to clear this merchandise (Type 3 and 4
Taking Corrective
Taking Corrective Action
Increasing • Consider outsourcing loyalty member functions such as fulfillment or award
the Return selection where other firms can fulfill these functions more efficiently (Type 3 and
on Loyalty 4 programs).
Program • Evaluate the loyalty program on a continuous basis (Type 1, 2, 3, and 4
Investment programs).
• Sell aggregate data to suppliers (Type 4 programs).
• Sell points to partners (Type 3 and 4 programs).
• Sell points to customers (Type 2, 3, and 4 programs).
• Evaluate the alternative return on investment on other programs that build and
maintain customer loyalty (Type 1, 2, 3, and 4 programs).

Increasing • Outsource database construction, maintenance, and data mining to firms that
the Quality specialize in these services (Type 4 programs).
of Market • Use market research and information systems personnel in loyalty program
Research design and implementation (Type 3 and 4 programs).
Data • Change from a Type 3 to a Type 4 program (Type 3 programs).
Market Saturation

Potential Low Levels of Consumer Commitment by

Consumers to Loyalty Programs

Pitfalls of Use of the Wrong Type of


Loyalty Focusing Only on Monetary

or Gift Rewards

Programs Use of Loyalty Programs as a

Cover-Up for Ineffective Marketing

Program Privacy Issues

Potential Pitfalls of Loyalty Programs
Market Low Levels of Consumer Use of the Wrong
Commitment by Consumers to
Saturation Loyalty Programs
Type of Program
Type 1 programs are best suited for firms with
In this competitive environment, Since rewards such as 1 airline mile per low levels of resources, a low level of
firms are unable to pull back from dollar purchase or a 3-cent discount off managerial commitment to loyalty
their loyalty program commitments future purchases per $1 purchase are so programs, and the desire for a defensive
due to the fear of lost sales, yet are common, a consumer may have little or no strategy
unable to secure a long-term commitment to any specific loyalty Type 2 programs enable a firm to shift the
database responsibility to consumers and
competitive advantage over other program. In this situation, customers join
are appropriate when a firm has a major
firms due to high costs or the multiple programs and switch loyalty product purchased by a large percentage
concern for being matched by among these programs. This pitfall can be of its customer
competitors. applicable to all program types Type 3 programs are appropriate for firms with
higher levels of resources and managerial
In instances where a firm is first to commitment and when there are
introduce a loyalty program, the strategic benefits to partner with other
gains may be short run since membership programs
competitors are typically able to Type 4 program firms have the highest level of
quickly introduce a similar or resources and commitment for a loyalty
perhaps even better program program, view loyalty programs as a
major offensive strategy, and are willing
and able to use the market research data
to fine-tune their market strategy
Potential Pitfalls of Loyalty Programs
Focusing Only on Use of Loyalty Programs as
Monetary or Gift a Cover-Up for Ineffective
Rewards Marketing Privacy Issues
Firms can utilize other benefits to No loyalty programs, regardless of type, Along with the management of computer
instill loyalty based on purchase should be used to cover up for ineffective databases (in Type 3 and 4 programs)
volumes. For example, a marketer marketing. Firms should not lose sight that comes the responsibility to control the
can offer its best or most loyal a loyalty program is designed to reward or distribution of sensitive data relating to
customers such additional reinforce a customer’s loyalty, not be the such things as income, social security
benefits as preferential access to reason that consumers shop at a particular
number, and purchase history.
retailer or purchase a given brand
trunk shows of major designers, These issues relate both to privacy as well
A study of Western U.S. residents found that
special parties, free alterations, of 28 loyalty factors examined, a food- as to the potential use of data for identity
early boarding privileges on based retailer’s offering a shopper loyalty theft
planes, availability of personal card was rated number 18 of 28 factors and
shoppers, and special customer was the lowest ranking factor among
support phone numbers. moderately important loyalty factors
These benefits may be perceived as In contrast, the six most important loyalty
more valuable to these customers factors were quick-moving checkout lines, a
than gifts or extra discounts. wide variety of fresh produce, convenient
location, a high-quality fresh meat
This pitfall is applicable to all
department, a fresh bakery, and a wide-
program types selection deli counter
• Term of loyalty
1995-1996 The Early program and market
Years 1999-2001 Recovery overall is the key
• Introduce point-based areas
• Confirmed that reward
Loyalty Program program is the key driver of • Affected the number
• Gift redemption to customer usage and loyalty of transaction
branded and luxury • New reward catalogue • Significant cost
goods also miles issued and have wider kind • Becoming every
number for selected of merchandise and voucher. standard feature of
airlines Good but not GREAT. credit card

1997-1998 The down turn 2002-2005 Best in Town

• Gift redemption out of • New program launched:
stock due to supply issue reward and cash
• Competitors began multiplier, special item
offering cash voucher redemption, point share,
and quarterly redemption
• Making policy to expiring
all the point in the same
time, there are a lot of • Online redemption service
complain launched, ability to pay
income taxes.
Global travel,
financial and
network services

incorporated Bank of
licensed bank, the China

channel is the king

Offered variety of


Strong regional
competitor, grown DBS

Subsidiary of HSBC
and direct

Global operations Chartered

HSBC offered a comprehensive range of
financial services, including personal
financial services; commercial banking;
corporate, investment banking and
markets and private banking.
HSBC menawarkan berbagai layanan
keuangan yang komprehensif, termasuk
layanan keuangan pribadi; perbankan
komersial; korporasi, perbankan investasi
Brand Communities

1865 1866 1888

The HSBC Group was named after The Hong In Japan, where a branch was
Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation established in 1866, the bank acted as In 1888, it was the first bank to be
Limited, which was established in 1865 to adviser to the government on banking established in Thailand, where it
finance the growing trade between Europe, India and currency printed the country’s first
and China HSBC membuka sebuah cabang Di banknotes
Jepang,yg didirikan pada tahun 1866, Pada tahun 1888, itu adalah bank
Grup HSBC dinamai setelah The Hong Kong and
bank tersebut bertindak sebagai pertama yang didirikan di Thailand,
Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, yang di mana ia mencetak uang kertas
didirikan pada tahun 1865 untuk membiayai penasihat pemerintah di bidang
perbankan dan mata uang pertama di negara itu
perdagangan yang berkembang antara Eropa, India
dan Cina.
Customer Profitability Analysis
 HSBC menggunakan informasi demografis tentang pendapatan dan tahap kehidupan nasabah untuk mensegmentasi
 Pelanggan dalam setiap segmen harus memenuhi syarat dalam hal peringkat kredit mereka, dan akan berbeda secara
signifikan dalam hal profitabilitas mereka, berdasarkan apakah mereka transaksi atau revolver.
 Untuk membidik setiap segmen dengan tepat, HSBC menawarkan berbagai jenis kartu kredit. Seperti kebanyakan emiten:
1. HSBC menawarkan kartu Classic, Gold dan Platinum untuk tingkat pendapatan yang berbeda

2. produk khusus, seperti kartu Renminbi Gold atau Classic Visa, dan kartu JCB Gold merek bersama yang memberikan manfaat bantuan pribadi
kepada pelanggan sebagai JCB Plaza dan JCB Desk di seluruh dunia

3. kartu iCAN, yang menawarkan poin reward ganda untuk pembelian online dan rabat tunai untuk poin reward. Ini juga menyediakan akun
kartu virtual yang aman untuk kontrol dan pengelolaan pengeluaran online yang lebih mudah.

 HSBC juga memiliki kemitraan dengan pedagang Hong Kong pada berbagai kartu pengecer. Tergantung pada jenis kartu
yang dimiliki, pelanggan dapat mengajukan dua atau lebih kartu ritel. Setiap kartu ritel akan menawarkan manfaat
khusus bagi pemegang kartu, seperti:
 Diskon toko

 Parkir gratis

 Pengiriman gratis

 Undangan pra-penjualan

 Layanan pembungkus kado gratis

The Rewards Program was the responsibility of the marketing department, which controlled aspects of the program such
 The Types Of Reward Partners
 The Number And Types Of Rewards
 Redemption Levels
Program Rewards merupakan tanggung jawab departemen pemasaran, yang mengendalikan aspek-aspek program
• Tipe Hadiah utk partner
• Jumlah Dan Jenis Hadiah
• Level Penukaran

The effective operation of the program required support from:

 Regional Card Systems (RCS) - worked with marketing to implement enhancements and changes to the rewards
program, such as the introduction of a new redemption partner or rewards feature
 Group Purchasing Unit (GPU) - responsible for the procurement of the redemption items
 Customer Service Department (CSD) - responsible for many of the daily operational aspects of the program:
• Processing redemption orders received via fax, mail and branches. Orders received through Internet banking and
telephone (automated phone banking) were automated.
• Fulfillment of redeemed coupon/gift items and mailing of redemption letters/coupons to customers.
• Monitoring and managing inventories of redemption items and coupons.
• Providing reports on program results such as redemption orders and rates.
• Working with redemption center/hotline staff on special redemption cases handling.
• Monitoring call center and redemption center performance.
Managers from these departments met with marketing personnel to generate ideas, identify potential problems and
suggest solutions for current problems. The program was updated quarterly, and major changes occurred on a yearly
The effective operation of the program required support from:
 Regional Card Systems (RCS) - worked with marketing to implement enhancements and changes to the rewards program,
such as the introduction of a new redemption partner or rewards feature
 Group Purchasing Unit (GPU) - responsible for the procurement of the redemption items
 Customer Service Department (CSD) - responsible for many of the daily operational aspects of the program:
Managers from these departments met with marketing personnel to generate ideas, identify potential problems and suggest solutions
for current problems. The program was updated quarterly, and major changes occurred on a yearly basis.
Pengoperasian program yang efektif membutuhkan dukungan dari:
• Regional Card Systems (RCS) - bekerja sama dengan pemasaran untuk menerapkan peningkatan dan perubahan pada
program hadiah, seperti pengenalan mitra penukaran baru atau fitur hadiah
• Unit Pembelian Grup (GPU) - bertanggung jawab atas pengadaan item penebusan
• Departemen Layanan Pelanggan (CSD) - bertanggung jawab atas banyak aspek operasional program sehari-hari:
1. Memproses pesanan penebusan yang diterima melalui faks, surat, dan cabang. Pesanan yang diterima melalui
Internet banking dan telepon (automated phone banking) diotomatisasi.
2. Pemenuhan kupon/barang hadiah yang ditukarkan dan pengiriman surat/kupon penukaran kepada pelanggan.
3. Memantau dan mengelola inventaris item penebusan dan kupon.
4. Memberikan laporan hasil program seperti redemption order dan tarif.
5. Bekerja dengan staf redemption center/hotline dalam penanganan kasus redemption khusus.
6. Memantau kinerja call center dan redemption center.
Manajer dari departemen ini bertemu dengan personel pemasaran untuk menghasilkan ide, mengidentifikasi masalah
potensial dan menyarankan solusi untuk masalah saat ini. Program ini diperbarui setiap tiga bulan, dan perubahan besar
terjadi setiap tahun.
• Berdasarkan pandangan Grahame R. Dowling & Mark Uncles, permasalahan yang dialami HSBC pada tahun
2004 erat kaitannya dengan salah satu atribut yang digunakan konsumen untuk mengevaluasi Reward Program,
yaitu timing.
• Dalam konsep Timing, pengaruh Program Reward dalam membangun loyalitas konsumen dipengaruhi oleh
sebuah pemikiran yaitu “Kapan reward bisa diambil?”. Jadi, jika Rewards semakin sulit diakses atau terlambat
dalam proses pengambilannya, maka loyalitas konsumen terhadap program-program yang ditawarkan oleh
suatu perusahaan akan semakin rendah.
• Hal ini tergambar jelas pada kasus HSBC pada tahun 2004, dimana semakin banyaknya permintaan konsumen
terhadap produk Vacuum Cleaner yang diunggulkan oleh HSBC mengakibatkan terjadinya kelangkaan
(Shortage). Munculnya fenomena kelangkaan tersebut tentunya mengganggu upaya HSBC untuk menjawab ide
kunci Timing yaitu “Kapan reward bisa mulai dikumpulkan”.
• Pemikiran kunci lain dari konsep Timing adalah preferensi konsumen yang lebih memilih Gratifikasi Instan
dibandingkan dengan Gratifikasi Tertunda.
• Gambaran pemikiran kedua konsep Timing terartikulasikan dengan baik melalui kondisi HSBC yang segera
meminta pemasok lain agar mensubstitusikan peran Samsung sebagai produsen Vacuum Cleaner
• Adanya upaya HSBC untuk mensubstitusikan peran produsen karena fenomena kekurangan tentunya akan
memakan waktu. Hasil dari Gratifikasi Instan mengalami transisi secara perlahan menjadi Delayed Gratification.
mencarinya, beberapa konsumen segera mencari pesanan untuk Reward Programnya karena yang dirasakan
tidak langsung.
감사 해요

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