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Topic: Sun

Saikrishna. N
Aaryan Soni
Nikita Yoganand
Anika Vivek
Interesting Facts about The Sun
• The Sun probably formed about five billion years ago, just a little before the
Earth , which formed from the debris left over. The Sun will burn out in about
five billion years’ time.

• The Sun is 151.87 million kms away from Earth.

• Streaming out from the Sun every second are a million tons of electrically
charged particles. Earth is protected from this lethal stream by its magnetic
field. The lethal stream is called solar wind.

• Pressures in the Sun’s core are 2 trillion times the pressure of the Earth’s
atmosphere. These fuse so many hydrogen atoms together that it is as if
100 billion nuclear bombs were going off each second.

• The Sun is made up of Hydrogen and Helium

Layers of the Sun
The Sun is the only star in our Solar
The gravity of the Sun keeps the planets in their orbits. They
stay in their orbits because there is no other force in our Solar
System which can stop them.

You can type the answers in the chat box.
Time limit : 15 seconds to answer one question.(Timer is at the top
• Pressures in the Sun’s core are _________times
the pressure of the Earth’s atmosphere.

• What are the visible layers of the sun?

• What is the lethal stream coming from the Sun


• 2 Trillion

• Corona, Chromosphere, Photosphere

• Solar Wind

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