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Coffe is the warehouse Antioxidants

Anti-oxidants help the body dispose of substances

harmful free radicals, destructive molecules that damage
cells and DNA (blue print of the smallest cells of living
creatures). An anti-free radical element is associated with
a number of advantages and benefits to health including
protecting a person from getting cancer or heart disease.
The results of these studies show coffee may reduce the
risk of liver and colon cancer, Alzheimer's, type II diabetes
and Parkinson's disease. But Vinson suggested that coffee
consumption remains at a moderate level that is one or
two cups a day.
Some benefits that can be enjoyed by fans of
• The caffeine contained in coffee is a chemical
derived from plants that can stimulate the
brain and nervous system. Caffeine is classified
alcaloid also known as trimetilsantin.

• Caffeine helps you to think more quickly. Try

to consume coffee 15 minutes or 30 minutes
before you go on a job interview or give a
presentation to the boss. The result will
probably be pretty good, because the caffeine
found in coffee or tea proven to provide a
'signal' in the brain to respond more quickly
and deftly memory processing in the brain.
• Caffeine prevent cavities. Try to drink a cup of warm
coffee shortly after you consume cookies, chocolate
cake was delicious, fruit-flavored candy or a piece of
sweet bread. Joe Vinson, PhD. from the University of
Scranton explained that the caffeine contained in
these drinks turned out to be very tough to eradicate
the bacteria that cause cavities.

• Caffeine is often also used as a complementary

ingredient in headache medicine. Because the
caffeine has the ability to narrow the blood vessels to
the brain (vasoconstriction) so that the dilation of
blood vessels in the brain that is the cause of
headaches can be addressed.

• Caffeine can relieve wheezing asthmatic to dilate the

bronchial tubes that connects the throat to the lungs
• Coffee can improve mental performance and memory
because coffee can stimulate many areas of the brain that can
manage to stay awake, arousal, mood and concentration.
Research at the University of Arizona found that adults who
drank coffee before the memory test showed a significant
improvement compared to those who drank decaffeinated

• Caffeine can counteract free radicals and destroys the

molecules that can damage cell DNA,because Antioxidants
stabilize free radicals to complete the lack of electron free
radicals and inhibiting the chain reaction of the formation of
free radicals that can cause oxidative stress.

• Caffeine also protect the heart and cancer. Because Caffeine

can increase blood pressure and gradually increase levels of
the amino acid homocysteine, allowing increases risk factors
for heart disease
• Caffeine can make the body do not get tired, can
perform physical activity for longer, the estimate for the
caffeine to make "fuel" used by older muscle.

• Caffeine can increase the sense of cheerful, making us

feel fresh and energetic

• To reduce the risk of the contraction of diabetes began

to drink coffee. A person who drank more than six cups a
day at low risk of developing diabetes ,because Coffee is
also a source of chlorogenic acid, that lowering blood
sugar levels.

According to medical analysis, the coffee there is a kind of chemical
compounds xanthine.
In fact, xanthine compounds in low doses can stimulate the nervous
system is depressed, for example as a result of drug abuse or
alcoholism. So the argument that caffeine can improve mental
function of patients poisoned alcohol

Parkinson's rarely found in people who drink coffee

regularly,because Anti-oxidants help the body dispose of substances
harmful free radicals, destructive molecules that damage cells and
DNA (blue print of the smallest cells of living creatures). A study
concluded the disease is actually found in men who did not drink
coffee three times more than men coffee lovers.

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