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Sophomore English

2022 - 2023
Mrs. Isaacs
Room 306

Welcome to Bullitt East High School and welcome to Sophomore English! I’m Mrs. Isaacs, and I am looking forward to
meeting each of you. We are about to embark on a journey that will subsequently challenge, delight, and frustrate
you, and that’s a good thing. Often times, our greatest growth happens when we learn to do hard things. In this class,
you will acquire and sharpen the skills needed for all of your other coursework and future endeavors, because in this
class you will learn to think. You will learn to read and think, and write and think,
and talk and think, and listen and think some more. It is one of the best gifts
I can give you, the power to recognize your righteous mind.

I am interested in helping you become the best possible version of yourself.

It will be your job to lean in and to take advantage of each of the moments
that will be created in our time together. The class will be better because
you decide to make it so. The class will benefit from your contributions and
what you bring to the table. Let’s get started class of 2025!
~Mrs. Isaacs

You will need the following items in class EVERYDAY!
1. Pen or Pencil
2. Writing Journal/ Spiral Notebook Follow along…
3. Folder to keep handouts in
4. Independent Reading Selection
5. Chromebook @BELivewire
Virtual: @slambehs
6. Chromebook/Electronic Device
7. Access to Google Classroom

1 Contact Info / Materials
Grading… The Breakdown…
Grades are broken up into 2 categories: Mastery: 60%
• Tests/Quizzes
Mastery: Do you know the material and can you • Proficiency Exams/Projects
demonstrate our core skills? Show me. • Finals
Progression: 40%
Progression: Are you working hard and doing
• Notebooks/ Responses
your best to master the skills? Show me.
• Classwork assignments
• Homework

What does my grade mean?… Grades may also be in numbers…

A - You have mastered the skill. Keep up the great work!! 4-Mastery
B - You are proficient in the skill. Nice Job! 3-Proficient
C - You are competent in the skill. Keep working hard. 2-Apprentice
D - You have met the minimum requirements of the skill. Keep
trying. 1-Novice
F - You have not met the minimum requirements necessary to pass
this course.

Electronics Policy… Tardy…(in person)

If you are arriving to class after the tardy bell, you must come
In Person Learning to class with a note or escort from:
● Electronic devices are to be put • Tardy sweep
away during class. • Administrator
• Previous teacher
● Phones are to be on silent so
If you arrive without a note, you will be sent back to get one.
they don’t ring and distract the
● Unapproved electronic devices Attendance…
Attendance to class is vital to your overall success. If you aren’t in the
(phones/airpods/etc.) seen out classroom (in person or online) when teaching and learning are
during instruction will be result happening, you will miss out on that opportunity.
in disciplinary action.
However, people get sick or have family emergencies. In the event you
are absent:
Virtual Learning 1. Check our google classroom page for any missing notes/
● Be present in the moment assignments.
● Find a quiet space before 2. If you need extra help with what you missed, please contact me via
logging on email, and we can go over the material in detail
● Keep a charger close
● Phones are to be on silent so What if I need help?…
they don’t ring and distract the There are two ways to get help outside
class. 1. Ask through email
2. Stay after school for additional tutoring

2 Grading/Class Policies
Writer’s Notebook… Notebook Grade…
Notebooks are graded every 10
pages/bell ringers.
We will be keeping a Writer’s Notebook
throughout the school year. A majority of our 1. Are all assignments
classes with start with a prompt that you will completed?
respond to in this notebook. IT IS CRUCIAL to 2. Have corrections been
made after receiving
how our class will function. This will be a feedback?
place that you share your thoughts, ideas,
and beliefs about a text or topic that we are
discussing in class. This will be a private
dialogue between us where you can discuss
texts and topics or ask questions.

First 5-10 minutes… First 5-10 minutes…

Students: Students:
• Follow the daily to do list on the board • Log-in to Google Meet and have our
• Everyone completes the opener google classroom page ready 1-2 minutes
• Answer prompt fully and be ready to share
In before class is to begin
• Mute microphone until you are instructed
Person otherwise
• Keep your video screen on and visible
• Everyone completes the opener

Middle… Middle…
Students: Students:
• Listen closely to instructions • Listen closely to instructions
• Safely and quietly arrange your desks
• Use your time wisely throughout the Virtual • Mute microphone until you are instructed
group activity or workshop • Use your time wisely
• Make sure to respect all items loaned to • Follow breakout room procedures
you for group work • Make sure to respect each other

Last 5 minutes… Last 5 minutes…

Students: Students:
• Everyone completes the wrap up. • Everyone completes the wrap up.
• Everyone cleans up their space and checks • Log out of Google Meet and prepare for
for garbage. your next class
• Return Chromebook to the cart

3 Class Notebook / Class Procedures & Expectations

Mrs. Isaacs’ Schedule:

1st Period- Honors

English 2
2nd Period- English 2
3rd Period-Honors
English 2
4th Period- AP Literature
5th Period- English 2
6th Period- Planning
7th Period- English 2

We, the Sophomore English Class and parents, agree to the policies, procedures, and
expectations listed in the class syllabus.


Student Sign

Parent/Guardian Sign

Parent/Guardian Email address

4 Schedule and Syllabus Signature

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