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Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara

College of Engineering and Technology


Solar Tree

Presented by, Guided By,

Channabasava Honkal Prof. B M Guddapanavar
Now a days with growing population & energy
demand we should take a renewable option of
energy source.
In this case solar tree could be the best one for us.
India is a tropical country , so we should take the
advantage of solar energy which requires a very less
space to produce energy efficiently.
Literature Review:
1 Mr A.P.R. Design and October, In this work, a new product called “Solar Tree”
Srinivas Development of 2016 has been designed to increase the power output
a Solar Tree by many folds by consuming solar energy. It can
be installed on the sides of heavy traffic roadways
and on roof top buildings.

2 Deepak.M.Pati Design and August,2016 Flat or roof top mountings of PV systems require
l, Development of large area or land. Scarcity of long is greatest
Santosh.R.Mad a Solar Tree for problem in cities and even in villages in India.
iwal Domestic Solar power tree provides better alternative to flat
Applications mounting of PV systems

3 Sushma Gupta The Benefits April, 2015 Solar tree proves to be most beneficial source of
, Monish and Application energy. Solar tree implementation as alternative
Gupta of Solar Tree source of energy in urban cities. A new idea of a
with Natural solar tree design us in nano wire solar cell is
Beauty of Tress presented.
What Is A Solar Tree?
A solar tree is a decorative means of producing solar
energy and also electricity. It uses multiple number of
solar panels which forms the shape of a tree. The panels
arranged in a tree fashion in a tall tower/pole.

 This is like a tree in structure and the panels are like

leaves of the tree which produces energy.
Components Of Solar Tree:

 Solar panels
 Long tower
 Batteries
 Stems for connecting the panels
The solar tree captures energy from sunlight
generates electricity for home.
Spiralling Phyllotaxy:
It is the unique technique used so as to make sure that
every cell gets equal amount of solar energy
This has been mainly implemented so as to increase the
efficiency of the plant.
Need Of Solar Tree:

• Due to less land requirement.

• Efficient energy generation.
Applications Of Technology:
 Street light.
 House supply.
 Industrial power supply.
 Continuous power supply
 Charging slots for cars.
No air pollution
We wouldn’t have to worry as much about future
energy sources
People in poor country would have access to electricity
People can save money
Land requirement is very less
Scope Of Technology:
India being a developing country and highly
populated requires a power plant where maximum
energy can be generated by using minimum land.

We must try to produce energy from sun by using

solar tree in our country to increase our per capita
land and fulfill the growing energy demand.
To fulfill the increasing energy, demanded by the
This can provide electricity without any power cut
The extra energy can be provided to the grid.
1. Mr A.P.R. Srinivas,Oct,2016 Design and Development of a Solar Tree Vol. 2, pg
no 15-21
2. Deepak.M.Patil, Santosh.R.Madiwal ,Aug, 2016, Design and Development of a
Solar Tree for Domestic Applications . Vol. 3, pg no 31-36
3. Projects. Solar Tree Foundation. N.p.Web. 20 Feb 2013. Solar Tree Foundation
Projects.Vol. 5, pg no 21-26
4. Solar Tree Foundation accessed: Feb 20, 2013 Solar Tree Foundation site pg no
5. Solar Tree. Artemide. N.p. Web. 20 Feb 2013. Artemide Brochure. Pg no 32-35
6. TR Tooke CC Nicholas AV James et al "Tree structure influences on rooftop-
received solar radiation" Land Urban Plan., Vol. 102, no. 2, pp. 73-81, Aug. 2011.

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