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Theory of Music

Grade 3 Lesson 15 - Transposition

Transposition means changing a melody from one key to another. Major keys can only be transposed to another major key. Minor keys can only be transposed to another minor key. You cannot transpose from a major to minor or minor to major.


In grade 3, transposition is exactly the same as in lower grades. The only tricky thing in Grade 3 Transposition is if you are given a with accidentals, then you must remember to add accidentals to the same notes in your melody. The accidentals are not always the same from one key to another.


Transposition Step-by-Step

Step 1: What is the key of the given melody?


Transposition Step-by-Step

Step 2: Write the scale degree numbers in! (Extremely Important)


Transposition Step-by-Step

Step 3: Now which key do we have to transpose to?


Transposition Step-by-Step

Step 4: Write the new key signature, then time signature, then draw bar lines exactly in line with the given melody.


Transposition Step-by-Step

Step 5: Now you are ready to begin. Check whether the question asks you to go up or down (this affects your starting note). Keep in line with the given melody and follow the shape.


Transposition Step-by-Step

Step 6: Add any accidentals to the same notes as the original melody.


Transposition Step-by-Step

Step 7: Copy any phrasing or other markings.


Transposition Tips
Check the original key, be careful with scale degrees. Add the new key signature. Add the time signature. Draw the bar lines exactly in line to keep your notes in line with the given melody. Check whether you should go UP or DOWN. Follow the scale degrees, check the shape as you go. Draw leger lines very neatly. Add accidentals to the same notes as the original melody. Copy any phrasing or other markings.

Transposition Exercises


What major/minor key is represented by this picture?


Answer: Bacon and Eggs (B flat major or G minor)


What major/minor key is represented by this picture?


Answer: BEAD (Bb, Eb, Ab and Db) Ab major or F minor


Time Signature
What is the time signature of this one bar rhythm?


Time Signature
What is the time signature of this one bar rhythm?


Time Signature
What is the time signature of this one bar rhythm?


Time Signature
What is the time signature of this one bar rhythm?


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