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Yoga is the science which deals with the health
of body and harmony of the mind. The Ultimate
aim of yoga is self identification and self
perfection which comes through self

purification and self realization.
According to Swami Digamber ji, ”Yoga is the
union of Atma and Parmatma”.
Of Yoga
Dictionary meaning of yoga is a set of physical
and mental exercises.
Reduces Improves
Tension Concenteration
Importance Organs

Of Controls Sense
Relaxes The
Cures Various
Reduces Keeps The Increase
Obesity Correct Posture Flexibility
 According to Brahamanapanishad, “Asana is to
sit in a comfortable position or posture for
everlasting period”.
 Asanas are various posture of yoga, typically
associated with the practice of Yoga.
Asanas  They help the person to remain healthy,
develop balance, agility, endurance and great
 They keep the body free from diseases and
help to discipline the mind.
Dhayanatmak Asanas

Types Of Relaxative Asana


Cultural or Corrective asana



Prevention of
 Procedure
 Sit with legs extended together, hands by the side of the body,
resting on the ground.
 Fold the left leg at the knee and place the foot under the left hip.
 Similarly, fold the right leg and place the foot under the right hip.
 Place both the heels so that the big toes overlap each other.
 Position the hips in the space between heels.
 Keeps the hands on the respective knees.
Vajrasana  Keep the spine erect, gaze in front or close the eyes. In the
beginning you can stay for 10-15 secs.
 While returning to the original position , bend a little towards the
right side , take out the left leg and extend it.
 Similarly, extend your right leg and keep arms on the sides of the
 Return to the original position.
It is a meditative It strengthens the
It improves our
posture and helps muscles of thighs
digestive system.
in concentration. and calf.

It decreases It improves It reduces mental

postural defects. memory power. stress.
Benefits of
It increases the
It provides relief It prevents from
strength of pelvic
from piles. hernia.

It helps in
reducing hip fat.
Precautions Precautions Contraindications
and In the final posture spine must be Those suffering from chronic knee pain
Contraindications straight. should not practice this asana.
Heels should be outside and hips should Those suffering from spinal column
be resting on the heels. problems should not perform this
Don’t bend forward or backward while asana.
sitting in this asana. Those having difficulty in movement
should perform the asana with care.
 Procedure
 Stand erect on the ground
with both feet together.
 Inhale slowly and raise both
arms over the head.
 With palms facing up,
interlock your fingers.
Hastottanasana  Exhale and bend from the
waist towards the right side.
Maintain this position
comfortably for 5-10
 Inhale and come to the
 Repeat it from the left side
as well.
It relaxes the whole body.

It relieves the muscle pain in neck, shoulders and

It helps in increasing the height of growing child.

It increases the flexibility of spine.

Precautions Contraindications And
One should bend from waist only. During hernia, abdominal Contraindications
Stretch the arms up as much as inflammation, this asana should be
possible. avoided.
One should not bend forward.
 Procedure
 Stand erect, keep your legs together and hands by the side of
 Now, open your legs 1-2 feet apart.
 Stretch the arms sideways and raise them to shoulder level. Your
arms should be parallel to the floor in one straight line.
 Bend to the left side from the waist towards the floor.
 Place the left hand on the left foot.
Trikonasana  Stretch the right arm up. Here, the two arms will be at the angle of
180. Maintain this position with normal breathing comfortably for 5-
10 seconds. Optimally the right arm can further bent toward left
side, keeping arms at the angle of 90.
 To come back, lift the left palm. Straighten your trunk and bring the
arms in line with shoulders parallel to the floor.
 Bring down your arms and keep hand by the side of thighs.
 Bring your feet together and relax.
 Repeat the same procedure on the other side.
Helps in stretching up the muscles of trunk, legs and hips.

Helps improving the flexibility of spine.

It helps to increase the height of growing children.

It helps in relieving the pain in the neck and back.

Helps in reducing excess fat around the waist.

Helps in improving digestion by stimulating the abdominal organs.

Increases blood circulation.

Strengthens muscles of legs, knees, chest & arms.

Precautions Contraindications
Bend from the waist only and as Avoid performing this asana in case
much as possible. of severe backache, diarrhoea, And
Maintain the final posture with
normal breathing. Avoid trikonasana of you have
Do not bend the knees while turning cervical spondylosis.
Avoid learning forward or backward
while performing this asana.
Do not bend beyond capacity.
 Obesity is defined as abnormal or excessive fat
accumulation that may impair health. Obesity is a
medical condition when the body of a person contains
20% or more fat as compared to ideal weight.
 BMI= weight(in kg)/{Height(in meter)}2
Classification BMI
Underweight <18.5
Normal Weight 18.5-24.9
Over Weight 25-29.9
Class I Obesity 30.0-34.9
Class II Obesity 35.0-39.9
Class III Obesity 40.0
Between calories Lack of physical
intake and calories activity.

Causes Of Genetics Poor Diet


Raised BMI is
a major factor • Cardiovascular diseases
for non- • Diabetes
communicabl • Musculoskeletal diseases
• Cancer
e diseases
such as:
Risk Factors Of
• Premature death
• Breathing Difficulties
It can also • Increased risk of fractures
lead to: • Hypertension
• Insulin resistance
• Psychological Effects
 Diabetes is a condition that prevents your body
from properly using the energy from the food
you eat. It is a condition in which blood glucose
or blood sugar level are too high. It occurs in 2
Diabetes situations:
 The pancreas produces little or no insulin at all.
 The pancreas produces insulin but is not used
as it should be.

Risk Factors


 Procedure:
 Sit on the ground and extend the legs in front.
 Bend the knee of the left leg, place left foot close to the right hip,
ArdhaMatsyen heel should touch the side of hip and left knee should touch the
draasana  Bend the right knee; and place right foot on the ground near
outside of the left knee. Toes of the right foot should face forward.
 Place left arm over right knee in such a way that it covers outside
the right knee. Hold the right foot or ankle with left hand. The right
knee should be close to the left armpit.
 Bend the right arm from the elbow and take it behind and encircle
the waist as much as possible if trying to touch the naval.
 Turn the head towards the right side and try to look behind over
the shoulder.
 Stay in this position for 5-10 seconds.
 To come back bring your head to the center. Bring the right arm in
the front. Repeat it from the other side.
It stimulates liver, spleen and pancreas and help regulate their
It is beneficial for intestines too.

It is beneficial for free movements of the shoulders.

It rejuvenates the nerves around the navel.

It is helpful for persons suffering from diabetes mellitus and lower back
It strengthens the spinal column and muscles of the back.

It is helpful in treating cervical spondylitis, bronchitis, constipation,

menstural disorders and urinary tract disorders.
Precautions Contraindications
Twist the spine with support of arm. Person suffering from peptic ulcer,
Precautions Toes of the foot kept near the hernia and severe arthritis should
not perform this asana.
outside of knee should be facing
and forward. Person with sciatica or slipped disk
Contraindications The outside edge of the foot which
is kept near the hip should touch the
should be cautious and seek expert
floor. Pregnant women should not
Sitting straight in this asana is perform this asana.
While twisting the spine,
simultaneously move the arm, trunk
and head.
Do not give the jerk to the spine.
 Procedure
 Lie on the floor on your stomach with forehead touching the floor;
legs together, hands by the side of thighs.
 Fold the arms at the elbows and place the palms by the side of the
shoulders, with tips of the fingers not crossing the shoulder line.
 Inhaling, slowly raise the head first, then neck and after that
shoulders. Shoulders should be shrugged backwards.
Bhujangasana  Raise the trunk up to the naval region.
 Eyes should gaze upward.
 Maintain this position for 5-10 seconds or as long as comfortable.
 To come back, bring down the upper part of the naval region, then
chest, then shoulders, then chin and head in the last.
 Place the forehead on the ground and arms along the body, hand by
the side of thigh.

 It helps to make spinal column flexible.

 It solves digestive problems.
 It increases intra-abdominal pressure benefitting the internal organs especially the
liver and kidneys.
 It relaxes both body and mind.
 It helps to decrease obesity.
 It is useful in treatment of constipation and indigestion.
 It strengthens abdominal and hand muscles.
Precautions Contraindications
Put minimum weight on hands. Those suffering from hernia, peptic Precautions
Distribute weight on the back. ulcer, intestinal tuberculosis and
acute abdominal pain should avoid and
The trunk should be raised up to the
navel only.
practicing this asana. Contraindications
Pregnant women should not perform
While rising, shoulders should be this asana.
shrugged backwards.
Lift your body slowly without any
Do not allow the elbows to spread
 Procedure
 Sit and extend the legs together.
 Bend the elbows. Make hooks with the index fingers.
Paschimottanasan  Bend the body forward and catch hold of the toes
with the hooks of the fingers.
a  Try placing the head between the arms.
 Keeping a little bend in the elbows and without
bending the knees, try and touch the forehead with
knees. Maintain the position for 5-10 seconds.
 Raise the head slowly.
 Release the hold of the toes. Now keeping the body
erect, bring the hooks of the fingers near the chest.
 Place the hands on the respective sides of the body.
 Sit with the legs extended together.
It helps in increasing It helps to improve the
It gives a good
the flexibility of the blood circulation in
posterior stretch to
spinal and abdominal organs of abdominal
the spinal column.
muscles. region.

It helps to correct
postural deformities.
It helps in treating
It provides relief from
sciatica & backache . Benefits

Helps to relieve
symptoms of Soothes headache and
Improves digestion.
menopause and reduces anxiety.
menstural discomfort.

• It causes pressure and contraction at the lower abdomen,

hence should be practiced carefully.
• Knees should be together while pressing against the chest.
• Don’t shake the body and avoid jerky movement.
Precautions • Avoid bending the head if suffering form spondylitis.
Contraindications Contraindications

• Avoid performing this asana if suffering from severe back

pain, migraine or abdominal injuries.
• Avoid this asana if you have had abdominal surgery
• Pregnant women should avoid this asana.
 Procedure
 Lie on the back with legs together and hands kept by
the sides of the body, palms resting on the floor.
 Inhale and fold both the legs at the knee over the belly.
Pavan  Hold the knees with the interlocked arms and press
Muktasana them on the belly.
 Exhaling, raise the head and let the chin touch the
 Inhaling, bring the head down slowly.
 Release the interlocked arms and bring them on the
 Exhaling, unfold the legs back on the floor.
 Bring the legs together, hands by the side of the body,
palms placed on floor and relax.
This asana helps in increasing digestive power.

It helps to deal constipation by stimulating the abdominal region.

It helps in releasing trapped gas from the stomach.

It dissolves extra fat deposited in the abdominal region. Benefits

It strengthens abdominal and back muscles.

It increases the tone of muscles of arms and legs.

It helps to stretch the lower back.

Precautions Contraindications Precautions
It causes pressure and contraction at Avoid performing this asana if
the lower abdomen, hence should be suffering from severe back pain, And
practiced carefully. migraine or abdominal injuries .
Knees should be together while Avoid this asana if you have had
pressing against the chest. abdominal surgery recently.
Don’t shake the body and avoid jerky Pregnant women should avoid this
movement. asana.
Avoid bending the head if suffering
from spondylitis.
 Asthma is a common lung
condition that causes occasional
breathing difficulties. It is caused
by swelling of the breathing tubes
that carry air in and out of the
 Common Asthma triggers
 Allergies
Asthma  Smoke, pollution and cold air
 Exercise
 Cold or Flu
 Its main symptoms are:-
 Wheezing
 Breathlessness
 A tight chest
 Coughing
Airborne substances, such as pollen, dust mites, etc.
Respiratory infections, such as common cold.
Cold air
Physical Activity

Causes Air pollutants and irritants

Certain Medications
Strong emotions and stress
Sulphites and preservatives added to food and beverages.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD)
Having a blood relative Having another allergic
Being overweight.
with asthma. condition

Exposure to exhaust
Being a smoker.
Exposure to second-
hand smoke.
fumes or other type of
Risk Factors

Exposure to
occupational triggers,
such as chemicals used
in farming, hairdressing
and manufacturing.
By using air Keep your
conditioners. surroundings clean.
Asthma Know your asthma
Take your asthma
triggers and
medicines as
minimize contact
with them.
o Procedure
o Sit on the mat with legs stretched out in front.
o Bend the right leg at the knee and place the foot under
the left thigh. Use the hands to do this.
o Now bend the left leg and place the left foot under the
right leg.
o Keep the body balanced and easily erect.
o Extend the arms so that the wrists rest on the knees,
palm turned upwards.
o The tips of the thumb should touch the tips of the index
fingers, with other fingers lying straight.
It stretches and lengthens your spine.

It calms your mind.

Enhance your condition of peacefulness and serenity.

Kick out anxiety, stress and mental tiredness.

Benefits It helps in improving body posture.

It helps in reducing fatigue.

It strengthens your back.

It stretchens your ankle and knees.

It gives a gentle massage to your knees, calf muscles and your thighs
Precautions Precautions Contraindications
And Do not perform on uneven place. People who have experienced knee
injury are advised not to sit in this
Contraindications Do the asana on a mat.
It should be done slowly and
position for long time.
smoothly. Avoid this in case of joint or knee
related problems.
Do not force the knee down.
Keep the spine, neck, and head in
balanced and erect position.
 Procedure
 Lie on your back
 Bend the knees, heels touching the hips. Keep both the feet 12
inches apart.
 Raise the arm up. Bending them at the elbows, take them behind
over the head. Place the palm on the floor beside the head, fingers
Chakrasana pointing toward the shoulders.
 Gradually, raise the body and arch the back.
 Straighten the arms and legs. Move the hand further towards the
feet as far as you feel comfortable. Maintain the position for 5-10
 Slowly lower your body in the manner so that the head rests on the
floor. Lower down rest of the body and lie at on your own back and
 It makes spine flexible.
 It helps to remove rigidity of
the bones and joints in the
middle back.
 It helps to improve digestion.

Benefits  It improves the functioning of

 It is helpful in backpain.
 It provides relief from stress
and reduces depression.
 It prevents hernia.
Precautions Contraindications

• Lift your body carefully. • Person suffering from weak

• Keep the arms and legs wrist, high blood pressure,
straight as much as possible hernia, vertigo, abdominal
in final position. problems, etc. should avoid Precautions
practicing this asana.
• Do not stretch too much
while bringing the hands • Persons suffering from
towards feet. cervical or lumbar spondylitis Contraindications
• Do not give jerk to the spine. should avoid this asana.
• Person having shoulder
impingement should not
perform this asana.
• Person having wrist tendonitis
should not perform this asana
 Procedure
 Sit and extend your legs forward.
 Bend the right leg and knee, bring the right foot to the left
side and place it close to the left hip.
 Fold the left leg at the knee. Bring the left foot to the right
side and place it close to the right buttock.
 Take the left arm over the left shoulder and right arm behind
the back . Hook the fingers of the both hand at the back.
 Sit in this position comfortably for 10-15 seconds.
 Release the fingers. Bring the arms on the side of the body.
 Release the left leg and extend it forward .
 Release the right leg, extend it and come to the starting
It increases concentration and induces inner peace.

It helps in correcting postural deformities like drooping shoulders.

It helps in improving lung capacities.

It is helpful in arthritis.
It relieves backache, sciatica and general stiffness in shoulders and neck.

It reduces stress and anxiety.

It strengthens the muscles of leg.

• Always keep the heels in touch with the hips.
• Keep the knees one over the other.
• Keep the head and neck erect without bending the joints.
• Look in front.
Precautions • Never sit on heels.
And • Don not raise the knees.
• Those who are suffering from bleeding piles should avoid this asana.
• Those who suffer from any hip or knee injury should avoid this asana.
• Those who suffer from shoulder, back or knee pain should avoid this
 Procedure
Parvatasana  Sit down on the floor in Sukhasana. You can also sit in
 Bring your hands in front of you and interlock the
fingers so that your palms are facing towards you.
 Exhale and move your hand over your head. Keep your
fingers interlocked and hands stretched upwards.
 Pull your trunk in upward direction and stretch as much
as you can.
 Hold this position for a little longer and breathe
 Bring down your hands as in original position. Unlock
your hands and keep them aside and stretch your legs
in front of you and relax.
 Repeat the steps for 8-10 rounds.
 It gives a full body stretch which improves the blood circulation around
the body.
 It reduces mental fatigue while improving the memory and
concentration by improving the blood circulation in the brain.
 It makes you alert and attentive if you are feeling bored, sleepy or
losing interest in doing work.
 It improves your mental efficiency and makes you more optimistic .
 It is good for athletes and other sportsman because it stretches every
Benefits muscle of the body from head to toe.
 It strengthens the weak muscles of the body and thus prevents any
 It reduces muscle pain, especially in back and neck regions.
 It helps in reducing the respiratory problems like asthma.
 It is helpful in weight loss by reducing extra fat deposited at the back
and waist.
 It tones the abdominal muscles.
Precautions Contraindications Precautions
Don’t lift the hip off the floor. Persons who are suffering from knee And
Don’t bend the elbow or overstrain
the knees.
problems and feeling sensations
should not perform these exercise. Contraindications
Keep a straight neck and avoid any Persons having shoulder, hip or back
forward movements. injury should avoid this asana.
Avoid hunching of the back during
sitting position.
 Procedure
 Sit in padmasana.
 Lie on the back with support of the elbows.
 Lift your neck and chest slightly up; your back should
Matsyasana be arched and raised from the ground.
 Bend your head backward and place the crown of
the head on the floor.
 Make hooks with the index fingers of both hands;
and clasp the big toes with hooks of opposite hands.
 Maintain this position for 10-15 seconds or as long as
 To come back, leave the toes; place hands on the
ground; lift the head up with the support of the
hands. Sit with the help of the elbows.
It improves blood supply to the brain.

It regulates the functioning of thyroid gland and helps in improving the

immune system.
It helps in reducing backache and cervical spondylitis.

It diverts the blood from the legs to the pelvic region and helps to tone
Benefits the abdominal muscles.
It is helpful in lungs and respiratory disorders.

It helps in improving posture.

It is helpful in diabetic indivisuals.

• Try to make the maximum arch of the spine.
• Keep the arms bent at the elbows.
• The crown of the head should touch the floor.
• The knees should touch the ground.
Precautions • Do not raise the knees from the ground while arching the back.
And • While leaning backward do not strain.
• Do not practice this asana in case of vertigo, cardiovascular
diseases, hernia, arthritis, knee, ankle and spinal problems.
• Do not practice this asana if you have neck injury or lower back
 When the blood pressure becomes
abnormally high it is called
 A reading of 120/80 is normal
blood pressure. 140/90 or higher is
Hypertension high blood pressure.
 High Blood pressure has no
symptoms, but it can cause serious
problems such as stroke, heart
failure, heart attack and kidney
Primary Hypertension Secondary Hypertension
Types Of High
For most adults, there’s no
identifiable cause of high blood
Some people have high blood
pressure caused by an underlying Blood Pressure
pressure. This type of high blood condition. This type of high blood
pressure, called primary (essential) pressure, called secondary
hypertension, tends to develop hypertension, tends to appear
gradually over many years. suddenly and cause higher blood
pressure than does primary
Family History
Being overweight or obese
Not being physically active
Using tobacco
Risk Factors Too much Salt (sodium) in your diet
Too little Potassium in your diet
Too little Vitamin D in your diet
Drinking too much alcohol
Certain chronic conditions
 Procedure
 Stand erect, feet together, hands by the side of the
thighs. Keep the back straight and look in front.
 Stretch the arms upward; keep them straight and
Tadasana parallel to each other in vertical position, with the
palms facing each other.
 Slowly, raise the heels as much as you can and
stand on the toes. Stretch body up as much as
possible. Maintain the position for 5-10 seconds
 To come back, bring the heels on the floor first.
Slowly bring down the hands by the side of thighs
and relax.
It gives stretch to whole body muscles.

It helps in strengthening thighs, knees and ankles.

By doing this asana regularly, children can increase their height.

It helps to remove laziness and lethargy.

It helps to treat digestion problems.

It is helpful to reduce sciatica.

It is helpful to treat hypertension.

It improves the posture of the body.

Precautions Precautions Contraindications
And The inner upper arms should touch Those having complaints of vertigo
the respective ears. should avoid practicing this asana.
Contraindications Stretch the arms and fingers in full Those having low blood pressure
capacity. should not perform this asana.
Keep the head, neck and the body in Those having insomnia or headache
one straight line. should not perform this asana.
Avoid bending forward or backward.
 Procedure
 Stand straight with feet together and arms
Ardha- alongside the body.
 Balance your weight equally on both feet.
 Inhaling, extend your arms overhead, palms
facing each other.
 Exhaling, gently bend backwards pushing the
pelvis forward, keeping the arms in line with
the ears, elbows and knees straight, head up,
and lifting your chest towards the ceiling.
 Hold. Inhaling, come back up.
 Exhaling, bring the arms down and relax.
Stretches the front upper torso.

Tones the arms and shoulder muscles.

It helps in regulating the high blood pressure.

It has clearing effect on nervous system.

It helps in improving digestion.

It helps to relieve stress and tension.

It is helpful in menstrual disorders.

It is helpful in treating leg and upper back pain.


• This asana should be performed gently bending deeply

only when mind is ready.
• Avoid bending sideways
• Keep the breathing slow and rhythmic.
And Contraindications
• Those with serious hip or spinal problem should avoid
this asana as well as those with brain ailments.
• Peptic ulcers and hernia patients should avoid this
• Pregnant women should avoid this pose.

 Procedure
 Lie on your back on the floor, keep legs
apart at a comfortable distance and hands
kept at a distance of about 6 inches from the
 Palms should face upwards, fingers naturally
flexed and eyes closed.
 Breathe slowly your head should remain
 It helps in reducing anxiety, fatigue and stress.
 It relaxes the body muscles.
 It induces feeling of freshness.
 Shavasana relaxes tensed nerves, boosts up
Benefits energy level and develops harmony, as well as
calmness in the body.
 It increases energy levels.
 It relieves mental tension.
 It increases blood circulation.
 It helps to improve memory and concentration.

• Take a comfortable position which offers least resistance to the

• Keep focus on the natural breathing.
• Keep your eyes closed throughout the practice.
• Do not tense any part of the body, loosen entire frame of the
Precautions body.
And • Do not move the body parts during the practice.
• Avoid paying attention to the thoughts and feelings.
Contraindications • Do not move the head to the left or right.
• Keep patience during the practice.


• Do not practice if having low blood pressure or depression.

Back pain is a pain felt in the back that usually
originates from the muscles, nerves, bones, joints or
other structures in the spine.

Back pain includes lower backpain, middle backpain,

upper backpain or lower backpain with sciatica.

General reasons for backpain are sitting or standing for

long hours, sitting or standing in an incorrect posture,
lack of exercises, obesity and weak back muscles.
Muscle ache.

Shooting or stabbing pain.

Signs and
symptom of
Pain that radiates down your leg.

Limited flexibility or range of motion of the back.



Lack of exercises

Excess weight

Diseases Risk Factors

Improper lifting

Psychological conditions

 Procedure
 Sit on the carpet, stretch the legs straight.
 Fold the right leg at knee and touch right leg’s heel to the left leg
knee, keeping right foot at the floor itself.
 Take the right hand to back of the waist twisting your trunk, spread
in palms and place it on the carpet.
 Bring the left hand close to the right knee and hold the right leg’s
Vakrasana ankle or big toe with the left hand.
 Twist the head and shoulder to the right side and look straight to the
right shoulder’s side.
 Stay in this pose for 5-10 seconds breathing normally.
 Turn the head to the front, release hands holding the right leg’s
ankle or big toe , stretch the legs, keep the palm on the carpet in a
relaxed manner and take rest for 10 seconds.
 Now follow the same procedure to the left side.
It helps to reduce belly fat.

It improves the function of both spinal cord and nervous system.

Enlargement of liver and spleen are arrested.

It helps to prevent and control diabetes.


It helps adrenaline gland to function properly.

Shoulder and back pain are reduced.

It strengthens kidney.
Precautions Contraindications
After folding right leg only the right Those people with big belly may feel Precautions
hand has to be taken back, not the
left hand.
it difficult to place the hand to the
other side of the knee. They are
Do not practice more than 2 rounds. suggested to place the hand on the
knee, if not possible to place it on the
Breathing properly is very important. ground.
Those who suffer from ulcer and
enlargement of liver should not
practice it.
Those who suffer from back injury
should not practice this asana.
 Procedure
 Lie flat on the stomach, legs together, hands by the side
of the thighs, palms facing downwards and heels
together. Chest and forehead should be placed on the
Shalabhasana ground .
 Place both the palms under the thighs.
 Stretch the chin slightly forward and keep it on the floor.
 Inhaling and pressing the palms on the ground, raise both
the legs upward as high as possible .
 Maintain the position with normal breathing for few
 To come back, slowly bring down the legs to the floor.
Take out the hands from the thighs. Lie flat on the
stomach, legs together, hands by the side of the thigh and
palms facing downward.
Shalabhasana stimulates the automatic nervous system.

It strengthens the lower back and pelvic organs.

It gives relief in the conditions of mild sciatica, backache and non serious slip disk.

It is a good exercise for the legs , thighs, hips, the lower abdomen, diaphragm and wrists.

It improves blood circulation in the pelvic region.

Benefits It helps to reduce excessive fat formed around the knees , the thighs, the waist, and the abdomen and
thereby improve physical appearance and positive body image .
It helps to regulate the functioning of liver.

It is beneficial to increase elasticity and flexibility of spine.

It is helpful in relieving stress.

It is helpful to decrease backpain.

Precautions Contraindications
Precautions Use the hand to balance and also to
control the body weight.
People suffering from high blood
pressure, asthma and cardiac diseases,
And While lifting the leg, contract the lower
dorsal muscles and press the abdomen
weak lungs, hernia, peptic ulcers and
intestinal tuberculosis should avoid
Contraindications on the floor.
Legs should be outstretched and
practicing this asana.
Persons with weak spine should not
straight. perform this asana.
Jerks and unbearable strains should be
Do not rush through the exercise and so
not push yourself too much.
So not put too much pressure on the

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