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Ambo University Woliso Campus

AI and Expert Systems (MIT6124 )

Eyob N. (PhD)

Chapter One: Recap of basic Artificial Intelligence concepts

Chapter One: Recap of basic Artificial Intelligence
◦ Definitions of AI;
◦ Approaches of AI;
◦ History of AI; The state of the Art
◦ Challenges of AI

Chapter One: Recap of basic Artificial Intelligence

Goal of Artificial Intelligence
The main goal of Artificial intelligence is to make machine

Goal of AI can be accomplished by:

1. Studying how human brain thinks and how humans learn, decide, and
work while trying to solve a problem.
2. Understanding human intelligence better way.
3. Representing human intelligence in machine.
4. Creating useful program to do tasks that would normally require human

Chapter One: Recap of basic Artificial Intelligence concepts

AI Philosophies
The philosophy of artificial intelligence attempts
to answer such questions as:
◦ Can a machine act intelligently? Can it solve any problem
that a person would solve by thinking?---AI researchers
◦ Can a machine have a mind, mental states and
consciousness in the same sense humans do? Can it feel?
◦ Are human intelligence and machine intelligence the
same? Is the human brain essentially a computer? ---
Cognitive Science

Chapter One: Recap of basic Artificial Intelligence concepts

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) ?
 Artificial Intelligence is composed of two words Artificial and
Intelligence, where Artificial defines "man-made" and
intelligence defines "thinking power". Hence AI can be defined
as “a man-made thinking power".
 Artificial intelligence is the simulation of natural intelligence in
 Artificial intelligence is the science and engineering of creating
intelligent program.
 Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science which
aims at making machine intelligent.

Chapter One: Recap of basic Artificial Intelligence concepts

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) ?
 In 1956, the term artificial intelligence was defined by John McCarthy.
He defined AI as: ‘The science and engineering of making intelligent
 The development of computer systems that are capable of performing
tasks that require human intelligence, such as decision making, object
detection, solving complex problems, and so on.

Chapter One: Recap of basic Artificial Intelligence concepts

…What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) ?
 With AI no need to preprogram a machine to do some work, despite that
you can create a machine with programmed algorithms which can work
with own intelligence.
Intelligence is composed of:
 Reasoning
 Learning
 Problem Solving
 Perception
 Linguistic Intelligence
 Machine perception is the ability to use input from sensors (such as
cameras, microphones, sensors, etc.) to deduce aspects of the world. e.g.,
Computer Vision.
Chapter One: Recap of basic Artificial Intelligence concepts
Approaches of Artificial Intelligence
 Think humanly: defines AI as automation of activities
associated with human thinking such as problem solving,
decision making, planning, learning and the likes.
 Act humanly: defines AI as the study of making computer to do
tasks at which people are better.
 Think rationally: defines AI as the representation of right
thinking in computer.
◦ Problem 1: informal knowledge is difficult to represent
◦ Problem 2: there is difference between problem solving in
principle and in practice.
 Act rationally: defines AI as automation of intelligent behavior.

Chapter One: Recap of basic Artificial Intelligence concepts

Acting humanly: Turing Test
Turing (1950) "Computing machinery and intelligence":
"Can machines think?"  "Can machines behave
Operational test for intelligent behavior: the Imitation Game
Suggested major components of AI:
- knowledge representation
- reasoning,
- language/image understanding,
- learning
Total Turing test
◦ computer vision
◦ robotics

Chapter One: Recap of basic Artificial Intelligence concepts

Thinking Humanly: Cognitive Modelling
Method must not just exhibit behavior sufficient to fool a
human judge but must do it in a way demonstrably
analogous to human cognition.
Requires detailed matching of computer behavior and
timing to detailed measurements of human subjects
gathered in psychological experiments.
Cognitive Science: Interdisiplinary field (AI, psychology,
linguistics, philosophy, anthropology) that tries to form
computational theories of human cognition.
Chapter One: Recap of basic Artificial Intelligence concepts
Thinking Rationally: Laws of Thought
Formalize “correct” reasoning using a mathematical
model (e.g. of deductive reasoning).
Aristotil’s man mortal example
Logicist Program: Encode knowledge in formal logical
statements and use mathematical deduction to perform
◦ Formalizing common sense knowledge is difficult.
◦ General deductive inference is computationally intractable.
Chapter One: Recap of basic Artificial Intelligence concepts
Acting Rationally: Rational Agents
An agent is an entity that perceives its environment and is able
to execute actions to change it.
Agents have inherent goals that they want to achieve (e.g.
survive, reproduce).
A rational agent acts in a way to maximize the achievement of
its goals.
True maximization of goals requires omniscience and unlimited
computational abilities.
Limited rationality involves maximizing goals within the
computational and other resources available.
Chapter One: Recap of basic Artificial Intelligence concepts
Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
Development of Artificial intelligence is based on
consolidations of ideas from different disciplines.
◦ Philosophy:
 It provides the idea of knowledge acquisition, understanding and taking
action based on the knowledge in the human mind which manifest from
the physical brain.
 It gives the concept of “How some conclusion can be drawn by a machine
from the formal rules”.
◦ Mathematics:
 It involves computation, representation of logic, probability theory, and
decision making.
 It is used to determine computability, forming model for knowledge
representation and reasoning the knowledge.

Chapter One: Recap of basic Artificial Intelligence concepts

Foundations of Artificial Intelligence(cont’d..)
◦ Economics:
 It studies how agents attempt to maximize their own well-being,
even when given uncertain information and in the presence of
allies and adversaries.
◦ Neuroscience:
 It is the study of the nervous system, particularly the brain.
 It defines the working method in the brain for logical reasoning.
◦ Psychology:
 It gives the idea about how human mind thinks and takes action.

Chapter One: Recap of basic Artificial Intelligence concepts

Foundations of Artificial Intelligence(cont’d..)
◦ Computer Engineering:
 It defines mechanism to build system to function like AI
artifact as well as how to improve their capacity and
◦ Control Theory and Cybernetics:
 It define the technique to design simple optimal agents
receiving feedback from the environment.
 Modern control theory design systems that maximize
an objective function over time in dynamic environment.
◦ Linguistics: deals with language in a formal-enough way
that it can be processed by machine.
Chapter One: Recap of basic Artificial Intelligence concepts
History of AI

Chapter One: Recap of basic Artificial Intelligence concepts

Artificial Intelligence state of the Art
 State of the art of AI is used to show what AI can do today.
 A concise answer is difficult because there are so many activities in so
many subfields. Here we sample a few applications:
 Natural Language Processing: it is possible to interact with the
computer that understands natural language spoken by humans.
◦ Question answering systems: AI programs are applied to
retrieve correct responses to the questions asked by human in
natural language.
◦ Automatic text summarization: generating a shorter summary of
a long document while preserving its essence.
◦ Machine Translation: a computer program automatically
translates one language to another.

Chapter One: Recap of basic Artificial Intelligence concepts

Artificial Intelligence state of Art(cont’d…)
Natural language processing(cont’d…)

◦ Speech recognition: ability of AI system to hear and express sentences and
understand their meanings while a person talks to it. Examples: Siri and Google
◦ Spam fighting: uses learning algorithms to classify messages as spam or non-spam
to save the recipient from wasting his/her time on deleting it.
Handwriting Recognition: reads the text written on paper by a pen or on screen by
a stylus.
◦ It can recognize the shapes of the letters and convert it into editable text.
Vision Systems: AI systems which can understand, explain, and describe visual
input on the computer.
◦ It extracts information out of digital images and uses it like human visual system.
◦ It is widely used for object detection in robots, in self-deriving cars and in medical

Chapter One: Recap of basic Artificial Intelligence concepts

Artificial Intelligence stat of Art(cont’d…)
 Fraud detection: banks use artificial intelligence to determine
if there is abnormal activity on customers account.
◦ Unexpected activity, such as foreign transactions, could be
identified by the algorithm.
 Gaming: AI plays crucial role in strategic games such as
chess, poker, tic-tac-toe, etc., where machine can think of
large number of possible positions based on heuristic
 Recommendation systems: online services use artificial
intelligence to “learn” from customer’s previous purchases in
order to recommend relevant content for them.

Chapter One: Recap of basic Artificial Intelligence concepts

Artificial Intelligence state of the Art(cont’d…)
Medical diagnosis: AI programs are applied to practices such as diagnosis
processes, treatment protocol development, drug development,
personalized medicine, and patient monitoring and care.
◦ AI algorithms can also be used to analyze large amounts of data through
electronic health records for disease prevention and diagnosis.
Robotics: automated AI enabled machines which can perform the tasks
given by a human.
◦ they are capable of learning from their mistakes and they can adapt to the new
environment as well as they can work in an environment where survival of
humans can be at risk.
Autonomous cars: self driving cars are the most expected product in near
future. They need to detect the road condition and take real time decisions.
◦ Current state of self-driving cars is safely driving, obeying traffic rules and
avoiding pedestrians and other vehicles.

Chapter One: Recap of basic Artificial Intelligence concepts

Types of AI
• Based on capability and functionality AI can be
categorized in to two

Chapter One: Recap of basic Artificial Intelligence concepts

Challenges in AI Development
Accessibility and integrity: various attackers can disturb the
integrity or availability of machine learning-based systems
◦ Polluting training datasets with fake data
◦ Attacking machine learning algorithm.
Privacy and safety: improper usage of financial
transactions, healthcare records and biological behavior
can cause privacy issues.
Explainability and Transparency: deep learning is black box
and AI system based on this technique is difficult of
Chapter One: Recap of basic Artificial Intelligence concepts

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