III Medio Modulo N1 Agosto ING

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English Classes ONLINE

11th grade STUDENTS

Unit III: Go for it! And the importance of

the evolution of languages.

Module 04:Learning by doing


Unit 03 Go for it! And the importance of the evolution of

Module 04:Learning by doing

Period of time: August 3rd to September 14th

1. To practice our English skills.
2. To work on the OA1-OA3-OA8-0A9-0A12- 0A14
first and second level contents through easy
3.To improve our vocabulary by reading short texts.
My goals

Expressing opinions, agreeing and disagreeing : goal = be able to use those expressions
in different contexts.
had to, didn’t have to, need to didn't have to and needn't have: goal = Using had to, didn’t
have to, need to didn't have to and needn't have in a correct form.

To improve the writing skills by using patterns to write examples : goal = Using key
phrases to express opinion and the correct linking words.

Using relative clauses in a correct form : goal = Using relative pronouns and adverbs in a
correct form.

Doing a fast review about conditional : goal = Using them to understand the context.

To participate in classes and be able to use the Survival English vocabulary: goal = be
able to have a clear conversation about the nowadays topics

1. I admire to………………….because………………………

2. I think I am unique because no one else can feel and think the way I do

3. I would say: I´m listening or I can see your point but I I’m afraid I disagree.

Choose the phrase you like and write en example.
Writing skills practice: opinion essay-exercises
Look at the essay and do the exercises to practice and improve your
reading and writing skills.

Are these points about Video games or Sports? Circle the correct subject.

1. You can play basketball, water-ski or dance in your own room.

Video games Sports
2. You can play them outside in the fresh air.
Video games Sports
3. It's the best way to stay physically fit and healthy.
Video games Sports
4. You can play them even when the weather is bad.
Video games Sports
5. You can compete with people all over the world via the internet.
Video games Sports
Check your understanding:
Multiple selection Tick the six points which are mentioned in the essay.

1. There are a lot of different types of games.

2. Video games are fun to play with your friends.
3. Video games allow you to play many different sports.
4. You can compete with people all over the world via the internet.
5. Playing video games is the best way to stay physically fit and healthy.
6. It's better to do exercise outside in the fresh air.
7. You can play video games even when the weather is bad.
8. Playing sport is more intense exercise than playing video games.
2. Check your writing: matching – useful words and phrases

Match the words and phrases that have the same meaning and write them below.

in addition, … First of all, … Nowadays, … In fact, … In conclusion, … I believe that … I

disagree that …

1. Today, … _______________
2. Firstly, … _______________
3. Also, … _______________
4. I think that … _______________
5. I don’t think that … _______________
6. Actually, … _______________
7. To sum up, … _______________
Discussion :Are video games really a good way to keep fit? What do you
twister time:

A tricky question:

How can you lift an elephant with one hand?

Learning by doing

TO STATE In my opinion, / In my view, / To my mind, / (Personally) I believe that / I feel

PERSONAL (very) strongly that / It seems to me that / I think that / as far as I’m concerned
OPINION people should be encouraged to use public transport in the city

TO LIST One advantage of / Another advantage of / One other advantage of / The main
ADVANTAGES AND advantage of / The greatest advantage of / The first advantage of having your own
DISADVANTAGES business is that you don’t have to take orders.

One disadvantage of / Another disadvantage of / one other disadvantage of / The

main disadvantage of / The greatest disadvantage of / The first disadvantage of
having your own business is that you have to work long hours.

TO LIST POINTS Firstly, / First of all, / in the first place, / To start with, / To begin with, / secondly, /
thirdly, / Finally, everyone knows that smoking is extremely bad for one’s health.

My own examples:
Useful phrases to express my opinion
TO SHOW BEGINNING: First, / to start with, / to begin with, / first of all, get everyone out of the
SECUENCE building.

CONTINUING: Secondly, / after this/that, / then, / next, call the fire brigade

CONCLUDING: Finally, / lastly, / last but not least keep a safe distance from the fire
TO ADD MORE What is more, / Furthermore, / Moreover, / Apart from this, / In addition (to this), / Besides
POINTS ON THE (this), / plus, / On top of that, dogs are very useful in police work.
Dogs are (also) very useful in police work (too/as well).

Not only do dogs help the blind, but (also) they are very useful in police work (too/as well).
TO SHOW CAUSE The BBC decided not to show the programme because / due to the fact that / since / as it
would upset too many people.

The programme would upset too many people; for this reason / therefore / hence the BBC
decided not to show it.
TO SHOW EFFECT/ She won a scholarships therefore,/ hence,/ thence,/ so,/ consequently, / as a consequence, /
RESULT / as a result, / for this reason, / thus,/ Thereby, she was able to continue her studies
TO CHANGE THE As for… / talking/speaking about… / when it comes to…/ in relation to / as regard… /
TOPIC regarding…/ concerning…/ further to the low number of women in management positions

My own examples:
TO SHOW He decided to learn Spanish so that he could read Don Quixote
He decided to learn Spanish to / so as to / in order to read Don Quixote

TO GIVE EXAMPLES For instance, / For example, by running swimming or jogging three times a week you feel
younger and live longer.

By taking regular exercises such as / like running, swimming or jogging you feel younger
and live longer.

If you want to feel younger and live longer, you should take regular exercise, particularly, /
in particular, / especially, running, swimming or jogging.

TO SHOW Seatbelts are known to save lives, yet, / however, / nevertheless, / but / nonetheless,
CONTRAST many people refuse to wear them.

Although / Even though / In spite of the fact that / Despite the fact that seatbelts are
known to save lives, marry people refuse to wear them

My own examples:
TO SUMMARISE To sum up, / to summarize, / in short, / in a nutshell, / in brief, / in summary, / in a few
words, / All in all women still have a long way to go until they will be completely equal
to men in all senses

TO CONCLUDE Finally, / Lastly, /To conclude, / in conclusion, / all things considered, / on the whole, /
Altogether, / All in all, / to sum up, / talking everything into account, / Last but not least, no one
is likely to find a cure for the common cold in the near future

TO SAY THAT My trip to Paris was completely superb / brilliant / amazing / awesome / ridiculous /
SOMETHING IS VERY incredible / excellent / magnificent / stunning / extraordinary.

TO SAY THAT My date with Ann was absolutely terrible / awful / horrible / appalling / disastrous / dreadful /
SOMETHING IS VERY atrocious / lousy / poor.

My own examples:
He is a Spanish professional footballer who was a part of the teams that
won the 2010 FIFA World Cup and UEFA Euro 2012. He plays as a centre-
back for FC Barcelona and the Spain national team and is one of the four
players to have won the UEFA Champions League two years in a row with
different teams, the others being Marcel Desailly, Paulo Sousa and Samuel
Eto'o. He was interested in football from a young age and began his youth
career in 1997 when he entered the FC Barcelona academy as a ten year
old. Energetic, focused and talented, he soon matured into a young player
who displayed great potential to be a future football star. With time he
passed through the various youth levels and was especially skilled at
adapting to different positions on the field. He also gained a reputation for
scoring goals despite his defensive position, a trait that would help a lot in
his future professional career. He made his debut for Manchester United in
2004 as a replacement for John O'Shea. A few years later Gerard got an
offer from FC Barcelona and it became a turning point in his career. He has
also represented Spain, making his debut in 2009
He was named La Liga Breakthrough Player of the Year in 2009.
In 2011, he was decorated with the Gold Medal of
the Royal Order of Sporting Merit.
You can enjoy reading!

1) Why do onions make us cry?

(Suddenly/Firstly) an onion is a vegetable that grows in the ground
(also/and) it contains vitamins and minerals. We (usually/always) like
to slice it or dice it and add onion to our meals. (But/So) have you
ever sliced an onion? It makes your eyes water!
 (Although/However), it is not the strong smell of the onion that makes
us cry, (but/because) the gas that the onion releases when we cut this
member of the lily family. The onion itself contains oil, which contains
sulphur, (which/what) is an irritant to both our noses and to our eyes.
 (And/So), now we know what the chemical is! (Because/Although) I
am not sure that helps very much when we have to peel or chop
Why do mosquito bites cause so much trouble?
(Actually/probably), male mosquitoes are innocent,
(therefore/because) only the female mosquito feeds on blood. (As
soon as/since) she lands on you, she sticks her beak into your
skin and quickly starts sucking out blood. (Moreover/Although) we
(always/never) call them mosquito bites, it’s not really a bite at all!
The problem is that she injects some of her saliva into your skin
and this is an irritant. This (firstly/eventually) produces an allergic
reaction and then it itches and becomes red and swollen.
Why do cats’ eyes gleam at night?
Cats and many other creatures that are hunters at night appear to
have shiny eyes (because/although) the back of their eyeballs
has got a special layer (who/which) reflects light called the
tapetum lucidum. This helps animals to see better in low light
(so/as) it works like a mirror on the retina to reflect the light back
through the eyes. This gives them a second chance to absorb the
light. (Therefore/since) colours seem more visible at night
(but/because) the pupils are more widely opened than during the

What was
all that
then? Come
on, try and

What can you remember about the content?

Why do cats’ eyes gleam in the dark?

Practice time!
Let´s talk!

1. I would tell it to my mother

Fill in the gaps with the appropriate verb in brackets.

1.- Julio …….…….. (feel) very well in the morning if he slept eight hours .

2.- The man …….………. (not die) if the ambulance had come early.

3.- Elisa …………….… (leave) the office sooner if she worked harder.

4.- Kevin ……………. (not be) upset if his father gave him permission.

5.- I ………………..(not wear) glasses if I weren’t short-sighted.

6.-If you ………….. (enter) the competition, you may have won.

7.-They ………..…. (not get) lost if they had a map of that area.

8.- She …………………… (recognize) Mario if he hadn’t talked to her.

9.-Sonia wouldn’t have seen that film if he..………. (not recommend) it to her.

10.-Henry won’t enjoy himself if his girlfriend ………… (not come) with him.

11.-Victor would come immediately if you ……………….. (call) him.

12.-My aunt ………….. (take) me to the Museum next Saturday if I asked her.
What are my strengths?
What could I have done better this time?
What are my weaknesses and how can I improve on them?
Stay possitive, it is the key!

Expressing opinions, agreeing and disagreeing : goal = be able to use those expressions
in different contexts.
had to, didn’t have to, need to didn't have to and needn't have: goal = Using had to, didn’t
have to, need to didn't have to and needn't have in a correct form.
To improve the writing skills by using patterns to write examples : goal = Using key
phrases to express opinion and the correct linking words.
Using relative clauses in a correct form : goal = Using relative pronouns and adverbs in a
correct form.
Doing a fast review about conditional : goal = Using them to understand the context.
To participate in classes and be able to use the Survival English vocabulary: goal = be
able to have a clear conversation about the nowadays topics

Self-evaluation = I got ………………..%

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