Form 01 Chapter 04 Answers q6 09

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Question 6:What are the advantages of

vegetative reproduction in certain types of


 Answer: a) Produces more offspring by using

parts of the plants compared to using seeds
(sexual reproduction)
 b) Produces offspring that has similar traits with
their parents
 c) Saves production cost (i.e tissue culture, mass
production of plantlets within a short time period)
Question 7: Name two examples of
microorganisms that reproduce

 Answer:
 a) Paramecium sp. (Binary fission)
 b) Hydra sp. (Budding)
Question 8: Why complex multicellular
organisms cannot reproduce

 Answer:
 a)Complex multicellular organisms consist of
different types of cells and tissues
 b)The number of cells is very huge compared
to unicellular or simple multicellular
Question 9: Explain the differences between
internal and external fertilization and the
advantages of each type of fertilisation.

Internal fertilisation External fertlisation

Nucleus of the male gamete fuses with the Nucleus of the male gamete fuses with the
nucleus of the female gamete inside the body nucleus of the female gamete outside the
of the female parent. body of the female parent.
The male parent releases sperm into the body The male parent releases sperm and the
of the female parent. female parent releases ovum. This
fertilisation occurs in the water.
The male gamete from the male reproductive The male gamete usually swims towards the
organ will be released into the female ovum and fuses with it.
reproductive organ which has the female
gamete and fuses to form a zygote.

 Question 1: What are the functions of the

following structures in a male
reproductive system?
 (a) Testis
 (b) Seminal vesicle
(c) Urethra
(d) Scrotum
Question 2

 What are the functions of the following

structures in a female reproductive
 (a) Fallopian tube
 (b) Ovary
(c) Uterus
(d) Cervix
Question 3

 (a) Where does fertilisation occurs?

 (b)Which part of the female reproductive
system releases the ovum and female sex
 Mucus is produced by the __________ to
make the sperm easily swim towards the
Question 4: Puberty in Males

 (a)At what age does a male reaches

 Thevoice boxes ____________ and voice
more ________________.
 Growth of _______________ on face and body.
 Testisstart to produce ____________________
and sperm.
Question 5: Puberty in Females

 Girls
will often have _____________ ___________ and
 _____________ and ____________ grow bigger.
 _____________ will grow in the armpits and pubic
 Ovaries start to produce _____________ and female
sex ______________.
 The ________ ______________ begins.

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